
80 Year-Old Woman Falls Out of Tandem Harness While Skydiving

Skydiving has always seemed like a silly way to achieve an adrenaline rush. There’s just too much that could go wrong between the jump and the ground, and that’s not a risk I’m willing to take at this point in my life. And while I have nothing but the utmost respect for those who do this sort of thing on a regular basis, there’s a part of me that wants to boldly declare them to be legally insane. Of course, you’re talking to someone who pounds Red Bulls on a regular basis, so who am I to criticize those who do stupid things to their poor little bodies.

To illustrate why I’m terrified of skydiving, have a look at this YouTube video featuring an 80 year-old woman who is celebrating her birthday. Surrounded by friends, she prepares to embark on an adventure she won’t soon forget. You can tell she’s clearly having second thoughts about the jump moments before it’s time to sail through the air, but she takes the plunge away. What follows is nothing short of horrifying. The very thought almost makes me vomit.

According to the individual who posted this video online, this accident could have been avoided had the instructor properly adjusted the harness before exit. I’m sure he’ll do that the next time around. Assuming, of course, that his employers are willing to give him a second chance.

Icing on the cake: The video is set to the music of The Offspring. Nice.