
2 Million Sites Have Added Facebook’s Social Plugins Since f8

Today at the Web 2.0 Expo, Facebook announced that in the five months since f8, the company’s developer conference where it unleashed its Open Graph initiative and social plugins, nearly 2 million websites have added social plugins. Facebook tells WebProNews, major sites in the media, sports, entertainment and commerce industries that have added social plugins, include:

– Media: WSJ.com, WashingtonPost.com, Gawker blogs, CNN, Bloomberg, FORTUNE, Fox News Channel, and Daily Beast

– Sports: ESPN.com, NHL.com, NBA.com, FIFA, Bleacher Report, SportingNews.com

– Entertainment: ABC.com, CBS.com, IGN.com, Dailymotion, IMDb, Univision

– Commerce: Levis.com, Urban Outfitters, Sephora, Amazon, Borders.com, TheFind.com, GroupOn, eBay, Zappos, and Gilt Groupe 

Facebook's Open Graph

Facebook has made a couple of additional instant personalization partnership announcements recently, including integrations with Scribd and Rotten Tomatoes

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg says that in the future, all media will be personalized. This seems a little more likely than her claim that email is on its way out. 

On site, Facebook has increased the number of ads displayed in various areas of the site from three to four, according to Josh Constine at InsideFacebook.