
1 Million Facebook Likes Can Get You More Than a Puppy, If You Know What I’m Sayin

Apparently, 1 million Facebook likes is the new measurement for something you don’t think is possible but is totally possible, and really not that hard.

Yesterday, we told you about the cute kids who won a new puppy, after their parents told them they could get one if they could generate 1 million Facebook likes. The kids posted a cute picture, and 13 hours later had a million likes. Now, the stubborn parents have to get their kids a puppy. Kids: 1. Facebook: 1. Social media-underestimating parents: 0.

Now, it looks like some dude might just get to hook up with a girl because Facebook users are the ultimate bros.

Petter Kverneng posted this photo to his Facebook Timeline 22 hours ago:


As of right now, the photo has nearly 1.3 million likes. It looks like Petter may be getting some action.

Or, not, you know. Facebook likes aren’t a binding agreement. Norwegian site verdalingen.no reports that the two posted the photo as a joke with friends, and that Petter and the girl, Catherine (both 20), have never been romantically linked. BUT, they say they’re going to go through with it.

Mashable says that the photo was posted to 4chan’s /b random board, which would explain its meteoric rise.

Good for you, Petter. I guess. Or not. It’s kind of weird I guess. But then again, you could’ve just done it without involving Facebook. Freakin’ kids.