
Twitter Now Shows You Exactly How Many Retweets You Receive

Are you incredibly popular on Twitter – so popular that it’s commonplace for you to receive over 50 retweets of one of your 140-character brain farts? If not, are you curious to see just how popular the Twitter elite really are? If so, it’s your lucky day.

And really, it’s great news for all the narcissists out there. Twitter has finally dumped that annoying 50+ retweets indicator and is now showing the exact number of retweets – whether it be 4 or 4,000.

Previously, the retweet counter was capped at 50. It didn’t matter whether your witty tweet garnered 51 retweets or 551 – it would still simply say “50+.” Of course, users that wanted to know the true retweet tally on some of their top-performing tweets could do so using a variety of third-party services.

Check it out below:

Twitter didn’t make a big announcement about this, as it’s a pretty minor change. But it does make sense – I mean, there’s a big difference in 51 retweets and 5,000. And there’s no real reason not to share the exact figures. Well, except now those terrible “1,000 retweets and I’ll do this” tweets might see a bit of a surge.

The move appears to be retroactive, so you can go see how well one of your tweets from a few months ago actually performed.

Last week, Twitter unveiled personalized Twitter trends based on users’ location as well as expanded tweets that include more content from a broader range of sites.

[h/t The Verge]