
Tag: zero-day attacks

  • 5 Tips for Guarding Against Zero-Day Attacks

    5 Tips for Guarding Against Zero-Day Attacks

    Zero-day attacks are severe malware threats whose consequences can severely impact your business. Hackers can steal your data, intellectual property, and money, compromising your operations. You can be a zero-day attack victim if your company has poor cybersecurity, handles personal data, stores confidential information, creates hardware or software for customers, is in the defense field, or is a government agency.

    Preventing these attacks can help secure your business. To identify zero-day attacks, do vulnerability testing, gather and monitor reports from system users, track your website’s performance, leverage retro hunting, look out for reduced network speed, and track your software’s performance. Here are five tips for guarding against zero-day attacks.

    Deploy a complete endpoint security solution

    For your company to effectively identify and mitigate zero-day vulnerabilities, you’ll need a coordinated defense mechanism, including prevention technology and a comprehensive response plan for when a zero day exploit occurs. To prepare for the damaging effects of these attacks, your business should deploy a complete endpoint security solution combining technologies such as threat intelligence, endpoint detection and response (EDR), and next-gen antivirus (NGAV).

    Implementing the best prevention technology at the attack point while maintaining a plan for the worst-case scenarios can help you optimize defense. As a result, if attackers successfully get into your network, the security team will be ready with the technology, processes, and tools to mitigate the attack before any damage is done.

    Utilize security software

    Security software safeguards your system against internet-based intrusions, viruses, and other security threats. Each software provides slightly different protection types. However, most solutions can encrypt your data, block unauthorized users, and scan downloads for malware. You may also consider a security company that creates specialized software for sites like WordPress, which protects your website using File Integrity Monitoring, plugins that safeguard your website against brute force attacks, and a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

    Implement patch management

    Patch management involves identifying and positioning software patches or updates to various endpoints, such as mobile devices, servers, and computers. Note that patches are a short-term solution meant to be utilized until the release of the next full software. Effective patch management processes should review security patch releases, prioritize patching efforts depending on vulnerability severity, test patch compatibility, and install patches in all the affected endpoints. An effective and timely patch management plan is vital to network security as patch releases depend on known vulnerabilities.

    Install new software updates regularly

    Since attackers find vulnerabilities in outdated codes, updating your site, software, and web applications is crucial to ensure your system remains safe. New software updates safeguard your system because they have patches for familiar cybersecurity vulnerabilities, remove old or unused program parts that hackers can exploit, introduce new cybersecurity measures to ensure users’ safety, and fix minor bugs prone to fuzzing.

    Use a firewall

    A firewall is a digital wall between the outside world and your system. It’s an extra protection layer to your system because hackers must breach it before attacking you. There are various firewall types, including packet filtering, personal, web application, and next-gen firewalls. Make your choice based on your cybersecurity needs and goals.


    Zero-day attacks are common and a danger to most businesses around the globe. However, using these tips, you can guard your organization against these attacks.