
Tag: YouTube

  • Google Home Page Gets The Share Box

    A couple weeks ago, Google announced an update to its new Google Bar (the navigation bar that spans across Google products), and showed the Google+ share box appearing on Google’s home page.

    We’re not sure if this is 100% rolled out yet, but many users are now seeing that share box:

    Google Homepage share box

    Even if you’re not seeing it on the home page, you’ve likely seen it before, particularly if you’re a Google+ user. You’ll see it across numerous products, such as Google Docs, Gmail and Google Reader. It’s still curiously missing from YouTube.

    It’s been very interesting to see how carefully Google has been implementing Google+ functionality into YouTube. YouTube has such a tremendous reach, the company certainly doesn’t want to alienate those who aren’t into Google+. Still, we’ve seen some subtle things creep in here and there. If you ask me, heavy Google+ integration into YouTube could be one of the biggest things the company could do for its young social network.

    This new home page integration certainly can’t hurt either. I wonder how long until we see a search box built into Chrome.

  • YouTube Ad Blitz Winners Announced

    YouTube Ad Blitz Winners Announced

    You may remember that YouTube was running the Ad Blitz again this year that allowed users to vote on the best Super Bowl ads from this year’s big game. YouTube compiled the results and released them on Friday letting us all know which videos America thought were the best.

    We reported previously on what other groups and agencies had to say about the ads. The YouTube Ad Blitz results seem to confirm what other ad agencies saw as being the best ads.

    Before we get to who you voted as the best ads, YouTube shared some stats about this year’s Ad Blitz campaign. This year’s Ad Blitz saw 133 million views across all the videos, which is up 43 percent from last year. During the game, nearly six percent of all YouTube traffic came from those watching the ads.

    Unsurprisingly, 82 percent of all 133 million views came from Sunday, Monday and Tuesday as people still talk about the ads even after the game is over. What may be surprising, however, is that 18 percent of all views came from outside the United States.

    Some other random facts include: the most popular ads drove the most traffic with 65 percent of views coming from the top 10 ads; Google searches for super bowl commercials peaked on Monday; and more than 32 percent of all mobile votes were cast on tablets.

    Without further ado, here are the top five videos as voted by you:

    1. M&M’s: Just My Shell

    2. Chrysler “Halftime in America

    3. Bud Light “Rescue Dog”

    4.Chevy Silverado “2012”

    5. Dorito’s “Man’s Best Friend”

  • John Cleese Answers YouTube Comments via YouTube Video

    One of the best aspects of social media is its world-shrinking capabilities. It, in many ways, allows regular folks to reach out and touch the people/entertainers they admire. Granted, you won’t always get a response to these contact attempts, but there’s a sense of satisfaction knowing the tweet you’re getting ready to post is aimed directly at the source, be it a professional athlete or a famous actor.

    It should be noted that while Twitter is the most obvious place to connect with the upper crust of the entertainment industry, it’s not the only outlet. Facebook fan pages are another outlet. One social media hub where you might not expect to find this potential level of correspondence is on YouTube, particularly the comments section. It’s rare a noted celebrity will take the time to respond to YouTube comments, and when you consider what this kind of interaction normally entails — U SUK NOOB — it’s understandable.

    That’s why, when you see a YouTube video titled “John Cleese Carefully Considers Your Futile Comments,” and it concerns some of the comments made at the Monty Python YouTube Channel, it’s hard not to get excited with thoughts of the brilliant Cleese reacting to the average YouTube denizen. While the “U SUCK NOOB” comments have been left out, Cleese isn’t just responding to “Monty Python Rules!!!11!1!” posts, either.

    See for yourself. Be sure to keep an eye out for Cleese’s responses at the 1:50 mark and at the 2:39 timestamp. To give you an example, at the 2:39 mark, Cleese responds to the following comment: “Easy to masturbate to.” Cleese’s reaction is classic:

    With that in mind, I’d love to see someone like President Obama do something like this. Just a no-hold barred reaction to some of the YouTube comments made in his name. It would be primetime viewing-worthy. In case you haven’t been indoctrinated, the Monty Python YouTube Channel is full of great stuff, including numerous clips of the show that made Monty Python so endearing.

    And it has John Cleese responding to YouTube comments. What else could you ask for?

    The Rabbit Of Caerbannong screenshot is courtesy of the Monty Python wiki.

  • YouTube Aims To Help Nonprofit Orgs

    YouTube announced a big initiative on their blog today, structured to help nonprofits. Next Cause is aimed at using online video to help organizations involved in charitable projects around the world.

    From Youtube:

    We’re excited to share the latest addition to the Next Creator family of programs: YouTube Next Cause for nonprofits.

    YouTube Next Cause is designed to help organizations that are already changing the world better use online video to drive action. At a one-day summit in San Francisco on April 2, selected participants will get access to everything from training in YouTube fundamentals, to promotion and community engagement tips, to one-on-one consulting sessions to grow their YouTube presence.

    We’ve always sought to make YouTube a platform for nonprofits to broadcast their messages. And we’ve seen amazing things happen when the YouTube community comes together in support of great causes [see video below]. With 4 billion views a day, we want to make sure nonprofits have the tools they need to reach the global audience on YouTube and turn video views into donations, volunteerism and awareness.

    Applications for YouTube Next Cause are due on February 27, 2012 at 11:59PM PT, and the selected nonprofits will be announced on March 5. This program is open to organizations that are part of the YouTube Nonprofit Program (full eligibility requirements). You can apply online at: http://goo.gl/ODbI6.

    Check out what nonprofits are doing on YouTube at youtube.com/nonprofits. And tune in around March 5 to learn more about some of the great nonprofit organizations chosen and what they’re doing to change the world!

    In this video, Justine Ezarik talks about one of the projects promoted on YouTube last year, Charity Water.

  • YouTube Announces New Features Including Google+ Integration

    YouTube is marching forward in its insistence to change the site – admittedly in ways that make everything work and look better.

    The company took to its official blog today to announce four new features ranging from social media integration to making video tools better.

    The first change that we all saw coming was more Google+ integration on your personal YouTube account page. This is so creators can share their channel over Google+ instead of just separate videos. They will be adding more Google+ features in the coming months. It’s worth noting that my Google+ and YouTube accounts were already linked when I went to check out the feature.

    There are now more ways to share videos in your Channel feed. There’s now a dialog box in which you can post comments and links to videos that will show up in your feed. It will also alert your subscribers whenever you post a new video.

    The way videos are displayed in your feed has also been changed. They have made the video title text bigger and bolder and added a “+more” button to aggregated events to bring more attention to the event in question. They have also added a cleaner style when adding videos to a playlist.


    The Annotations Editor has received some changes as well. There is a new annotation type that lets you box in an area of the video to point out a specific area. There’s also a full color palette that should help make your video annotations that everybody turns off immediately anyway more aesthetically pleasing.

    A final bit of annotation news is that they’ve added annotation styles that lets you apply templated designs to your videos.

    As with all good YouTube blog posts, they end with what they’re currently watching. Today’s video is an extreme ping pong match that pushes it to the limit.

  • Viral Video: Santorum Paid Ad Shows Brown Froth

    Viral Video: Santorum Paid Ad Shows Brown Froth

    File this in the Unbelievable category. Even given Rick Santorum’s “Google problem” (you know the one we mean), some PR firm produced a video for him featuring the candidate being shot with brown goop.

    The video has a Mitt Romney look-alike shooting mud at a cardboard cut-out of Rick Santorum. In the end, the “Romney” guy gets shot with the brown stuff himself.

    Anyone who has seen the Spreading Santorum site is familiar with the “brown frothy” image on the front page of the ad. The wisdom of using this in an ad is… suspect. Is Santorum being trolled by his own ad men? Or, is this crazy like a fox stuff?

  • YouTube Adds New Sports Channels

    In their continuing push to make the site a more channel-driven experience for users, YouTube is Google+Reader”>announcing more new channels to their growing lineup. Today’s emphasis: The wide world of sports.

    The first new channel is Bleacher Report, which will showcase the offbeat sports news show BR5 as well as NFL Draft 365, Full Ride, and more.

    With in-depth opinion and analysis, top athlete and celeb appearances and much more, Bleacher Report will get you a front row seat for the latest in sports.

    Next up is KickTV which is all about soccer.

    Every day, Kick’s roster of international stars and pundits debate the hot-button topics on The Mixer. On The Whip, Kick’s experts highlight the good, the bad, and the ugly from around YouTube’s football world. History buffs can dip into the past to catch full matches on the Kick Classics channel, while aspiring stars can learn the game in the Academy channel.

    Last in this round of new content is The NOC, who says they “are where athletes can express themselves and connect with fans in a whole new way. The Network of Champions shows athletes doing the unexpected every week, and we talk about athletes every day.” Basically, The NOC is devoted to the lighter side of athletes, for example, a ping pong battle featuring NY Yankee Nick Swisher.

    This new round of content comes on the heels of new action sports content (featuring a Tony Hawk channel), new entertainment channels, and new automotive content with the Motor Trend and Drive channels.

  • Google: Valentine’s Day Searches On The Rise

    Google: Valentine’s Day Searches On The Rise

    What are you going to do for Valentine’s Day? If you don’t know yet, Google has a few tips for you.

    On the Google blog today, Jim Lecinski, VP of U.S. Sales for Google, posted some interesting facts about Valentine’s Day that only the search giant that is Google can provide.

    The company reveals that searches for “valentine’s day dinner,” “valentine’s day recipes,” “romantic dinner,” and “romantic recipes” have been increasing in volume since the start of February and eventually hit their peak on February 14.

    For those who just want to make some cookies, Google suggests you use the Google Recipe view that provides thousands of recipes to the aspiring love chef. It will even let you custom-tailor the ingredients down to the right calorie count.

    For those who want to naturally suggest their way into love, Google points to the Next Chefs channel on YouTube and their video on the best aphrodisiacs to use.

    They also point out that searches for “vegan valentines” has more than tripled since 2006. Practicing vegans must have the healthiest holidays. I do envy them.

    For those people who prefer to eat out on Valentine’s Day, “valentine’s day reservations” searches peak on February 9 and continue strong throughout the holiday. It just means that there’s more competition in getting that spot a the local Waffle House on the holiday.

    Lecinski does caution men who may try to propose on Valentine’s Day. Don’t pop the question at a restaurant as a survey said 69 percent of respondents found a restaurant proposal to be “cheesy.”

    The search giant finds that women start much earlier than men on Valentine’s Day shopping with 160 percent more women searching for gifts than men in January.

    Over the past year, searches for “jewelry gifts” has grown over 10 percent, searches for “flower delivery” have grown nearly 20 percent and searches for “couples massage” has grown nearly 50 percent.

    The couples looking for something a little different have also increased with searches for “valentine’s scavenger hunt” increasing by 20 percent from last year. Searches for “personalized valentines gifts” are up over 20 percent and “homemade valentines gift” searches are up over 60 percent from last year.

    It’s like Google is speaking to me at the end as they go over stats for those celebrating Singles Awareness Day. They suggest that the lonely ones among us go catch a movie, but make it a horror film as searches for horror films are 230 percent higher than searches for “romantic movie” over the past 30 days.

    As a final note, you should check out Google’s sweet Valentine’s Day themed YouTube slam and their Google Doodle that celebrates love among all people (and pets).

  • Young Hollywood Network Talks New YouTube Channel

    YouTube’s move to back original programming on its site is beginning to get carried out as many new channels are launching. Last year, the video portal announced that it would be adding more than 100 channels of professionally produced content from various media and production companies.

    The Young Hollywood Network (YHN) is one of the new partners, and it launched its channel last month. The channel, of course, focuses on the entertainment industry and produces a new show 6 days a week.

    RJ Williams, CEO of Young Hollywood Network “We wanna really create appointment-viewing television,” said RJ Williams, the CEO and Founder of YHN.

    Williams told us that YHN had been a partner with YouTube for 3 years, but, prior to its recent launch, it had not produced content exclusive to YouTube. However, when talk of YouTube’s efforts began to spread, YHN began to talk to the video giant and explain what type of network they could create.

    Since the channel’s launch last month, Williams said subscribers have greatly increased and that their engagement level is much higher as well. As he explained, viewers would typically stop watching after a minute or so, but now they’re watching for longer periods of time. He believes YouTube is quickly becoming a place for “destination viewing.”

    “YouTube’s changed… because it’s exclusive content you can’t find anywhere else,” said Williams.

    “If you want to see a specific show or a specific celebrity, you’re gonna go to YouTube,” he added.

    Jim Louderback, the CEO of Revision3, spoke with us not long after YouTube made its announcement and told us that he believed the new channels would raise the bar of professionalism on the video platform. In spite of this benefit, he did point out that these channels could have some challenges with promoting themselves since there are so many veteran channels to compete against.

    Williams admitted that it would be challenging but said that all the partners involved with YouTube’s initiative would need to help each other succeed.

    “For this to work, everybody in the ecosystem needs to feed off one another, and they need to promote each other,” he said.

    He went on to say that the players that come up with innovative ways to promote the others would be the ones who would survive.

    Can the new channels compete with tried and true ones? What do you think?

  • A Valentine’s Day Rube Goldberg Device For Your Wining, Dining, And Sexy-Timing

    A Valentine’s Day Rube Goldberg Device For Your Wining, Dining, And Sexy-Timing

    Tuesday, February 14th is Valentine’s Day and let’s face it: all of your posturing about “corporate holiday” this and “let’s be untraditional this year” that is probably not going to fly with your significant other. You’re going to have to do something – so why not make a quick little Rube Goldberg device? Nothing says “I love you” like intricate planning.

    This video, courtesy of 2D Photography, shows what a successful date night Rube Goldberg device would look like. Not only does it pour the wine and set both the mood music and the mood lighting – but it does something particularly spectacular at the end. Let’s just say that it helps guys with a certain mechanical problem that many of us seem to have.

    Check it out below:

    The folks behind the video have made other Rube Goldberg devices that have gone viral. Apparently, this one didn’t take too long at all:

    Here’s our latest Rube Goldberg video. We had this idea really last minute and wanted to pump it out before V-day. This was a completely in house project and by far our fastest Rube. They’re usually quite time consuming and so getting this done in a few days was a nice treat for us.

    Impressive, I’d say.

    If you’re like me (and most of the YouTube commenters), one of the first things you noticed (other than the device) was the borderline creepy laughtrack. 2D Photography says that they added all of that awkward giggling after the fact just for the hell of it.

    Today, YouTube unveiled their Valentine’s Day Slam where users can vote on the best proposal videos across the site. Part of me thinks the bra-magic was the best way to end this, and the slightly more romantic part of me thinks a ring would have been even better. Now that would have been a proposal.

  • Valentine’s Day Slam: Vote For Your Favorite YouTube Proposal Videos

    Valentine’s Day Slam: Vote For Your Favorite YouTube Proposal Videos

    Anyone who’s been the proposer in a mariage proposal situation knows it’s anything but a game. Sure, the proposee can be put in an awkward position by the whole thing, and that sucks. But for the proposer, the marriage proposal is the culmination of weeks and weeks of night sweat-inducing anxiety and oftentimes months of elaborate planning. No, my friends, it’s no game.

    But this Valentine’s season, you can make the marriage proposals of strangers a game on YouTube.

    Check out Valentine’s Day Slam to watch tons of proposal videos from YouTube. There, you can pit two proposals side-by-side and vote on which one is better at tugging on the ol’ heartstrings.

    The Valentine’s Day Slam is the latest episode of YouTube Slam, launched back in December of 2011. Slam was launched as a way for Youtube users to find the next big viral hit. The premise is simple: two videos are viewed side-by-side and users vote. The videos are scored based on those votes and the best videos are then featured on the “slam leaderboard.” Past slams have included “Bizarre Slam,” “Cute Slam,” and “Dance Slam.”

    But now you’re voting on proposals. If you vote for the video that’s the more popular of the two with other YouTube Slam voters, you’ll receive points. With every correct pick in a row, you’ll rack up a multiplier bonus.

    As of right now, these are your top three proposal videos (in order):

    The top player has 276 points, so you better get to the shooting down of random strangers’ big moments!

  • YouTube For Google TV Gets Some Improvements

    Google is launching updates to YouTube for Google TV with the goal of making it faster and easier to find good content.

    “First you’ll notice the app works faster with smoother navigation for a better experience,” says product manager Jurek Foryciarz. “Next, we’ve added a new feature called Discover, which lets you browse YouTube channels by categories. Whether you’re looking for hilarious comedy, delectable cooking content, or the latest news, you can find great channels for any of your interests.”

    “We’ve also updated the YouTube app with new channel pages. You can navigate through playlists and videos in your favorite channels, and you can subscribe to channels from the YouTube app with just a click,” adds Foryciarz. “We’ve made improvements to allow even more interaction with your favorite channels. You can now see related videos and more videos from the same user by pressing the up or down arrows on your remote.”

    YoUTube on Google TV

    YouTube on Google TV

    YouTube on Google TV

    Users can use the up and down arrows on their remote controls to find the Info screen, where they give the video a thumb up, add it to a playlist or leave a comment.

    Google TV users will be able to update the YouTube app via Android Market.

    Google will be running a workshop at its TV App Hub at the IP&TV World Forum in March.

    Ossama Alami, Global Manager, Developer Relations and Developer Advocate at Google, will open the actual event, and the workshop will be 2 hours long. He will use the event to “explore how the developer communities can embrace” Google TV as the next stage of Android development,” according to an official announcement from the event.

    In other words, it sounds like Google will use the event to find partnerships that can make Google TV better, particularly in terms of its Android integration.

  • Iran May Have Shut Off All Internet Access Now

    Iran May Have Shut Off All Internet Access Now

    Confirming what was reported on Friday, Google said today that Gmail and YouTube have been blocked in Iran since February 10. Reports began circulating at the end of last week leading into this the weekend’s anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. The degree to which Gmail and Google access has been revoked is unclear, but people have been updating about the Internet’s status in Iran throughout the day (it’s uncertain whether any of the tweeters below are actually in Iran). And yes, oddly enough, Twitter seems to have been left mostly intact as users continue to post updates to their accounts. For now.

    access to Gmail blocked RT @yasget
    No more Internet in Iran http://t.co/LY8t5sdr 1 hour ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Individual in Iran reports that, last night, only Gmail was available from his location. Different regions of Iran having different issues. 3 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Internet outage in #Iran: 30+ million users can’t access gmail & hotmail, per Mehr news. A Tehrani tells me it feels like ‘Internet-itis’ 7 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Even those @#Iran IT ministry can’t check their Gmail/Yahoo. #Iran media are looking those responsible for blocking mail of 30 million users 1 day ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    According to RT, which also includes Facebook as part of the banned Internet services, people in Iran are met with this message when they try to access a banned site: “According to computer crime regulations, access to this website is denied.”

    It’s presumed that the Internet gag was a pre-emptive action ahead of the month-long anniversary of the Iranian Revolution that commenced this past Saturday. Adding to the uncertainty of Internet access in Iran, Anonymous tweeted this out about three hours ago indicating a much wider swath of censorship happening in Iran:

    #Iran cuts off #Internet access 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Given that there are now varying accounts on what is happening in Iran in regard to the Internet being on or off, who knows what’s going on there. Most news this morning on Twitter about Iran concerns Israel’s accusation that Iran is involved with attacks on Israeli Embassy personel in India and Georgia, so additional news about a wholesale cut-off of the Internet in Iran weren’t apparent. Then again, no news about an Internet shutdown in Iran might actually be news.

  • The Great Battle of Skyrim: When Video Games, Mods And YouTube Come Together

    There’s no denying the absolute runaway popularity of Bethesda’s Skyrim. A quick Google search of “Game of the Year, 2011” reveals as much, but make no mistake, the popularity of the game is well-earned.

    What makes a great thing even better, however, is when fans offer their take on an already-great intellectual property, much like YouTube user Tyrannicon has provided us. Uploaded on February 7th, the video has already amassed over 700,000 views, thanks in large part to its promotion on sites like Joystiq and to a lesser extent, Reddit.

    As you can see, the video absolutely takes an awesome thing and adds just a touch more “awesome” to it:

    According to the video’s description , the video was made with the following characters:

    Epic machinima battle of 500 Draugr, 200 skeletons, 500 Dwarven Warriors and a dragon using mods and console commands.

    And for all you SOPA/ACTA watchers out there, Tyrannicon even added something of a copyright disclaimer, one that extols the virtues of fair use:

    Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

    Would that be enough, under a SOPA-controlled Internet, to satiate the copyright enforcers?

  • Viral Video: A Parody of a Cover of a Hit

    Viral Video: A Parody of a Cover of a Hit

    Viral videos are a funny thing.

    First, there was the song “Somebody That I Used To Know” by Gotye (pronounced Go-Tee-Yay) The video for that has been viewed 67 million times.

    Then came the cover by Walk On the Earth. 50 million views in its own right.

    Now, the parody of the cover, this one by Key of Awesome. Almost half a million views in a day and a half.

  • As The Walking Dead Nears, The Promotions Hit

    With no Super Bowl in its way, nor any other entertainment conflicts of note, AMC’s smash hit, The Walking Dead is back for the second half of its second season. Naturally, the social media promotional push is in full swing as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook all brace for the return of the undead, AMC-style.

    eecards is getting in on the action as well, something the lead image indicates quite nicely. Currently, there are four versions of the digital love notes, however, if you haven’t sent one by Sunday (2-12), there’s really no point in it. Granted, Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, but considering the card features a “The Walking Dead returns 2-12-12…” disclaimer, the meaning will be lost by then.

    YouTube is also burning with Walking Dead love, or, at least the official AMC YouTube page is, and the latest promotional video is naturally the featured video:

    On Twitter, The Walking Dead is the leading trend, courtesy of its Promoted status. A quick glance around the world of Twitter reveals anticipation is high:

    Introducing the first prompted # I agree with! #TheWalkingDead returns Sunday! If you don’t watch, your life is highly invalid. 1 hour ago via Twitter for Android ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    #TheWalkingDead this Sunday, can’t wait! 3 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    RT @streetforce1: RT @walkingdead_amc: #TheWalkingDead premieres this Sunday at 9pm/8c on AMC. Retweet if you can’t wait! < YESSSS!!!!!!!!! 2 hours ago via UberSocial for BlackBerry ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Some of the show’s talent gets in on the Twitter fun:

    #thewalkingdead bulletin: Hershel becomes a pot farmer. Things are gonna get real… slow… 3 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    I may hate interviews but I love talking w #thewalkingdead fans. You really are the best. 2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Facebook is ready too as the zombie fans all over are Liking just about everything the gets posted to the account. All in all, just another day in The New Marketing Age, a place where word of mouth is monitored by the amount of retweets and likes content receives.

    It’s interesting watching an industry embrace one side of Internet technology — the side where people praise their product — but absolutely freak the hell out about the side of the Internet that revolutionizes the way in which content is delivered. Digression aside, get your zombie survival kits ready, because The Walking Dead are coming.

  • SWTOR: The Cold Republic Is The Ultimate Old Republic Mixtape

    Rap music and Star Wars, some could say they go together like peanut butter and Metamucil. As a fan of both (rap and Star Wars), I never once thought the two entities could co-exist. Richie Branson has proven me wrong. He’s a rap artist who just so happens to have a love for The Old Republic; sounds like we’d get along.

    He announced today the release of his mixtape, titled: ‘The Cold Republic: Episode 1 – The Empire Likes Rap‘. You can download it for free here.

    Here’s a track list for the mixtape:

    The Cold Republic

    Here are some samples of Branson’s work.

    This song has to be my favorite, as it is definitely a hassle to look for a group when you’re DPS (Scoundrel user here). For Branson, he’s a Sith Assassin…

    Here’s ‘Jedi Nights’, with in-game recordings….

    and, the album titled song ‘The Cold Republic’…

    He doesn’t have a video up for the song, but when you download the mixtape I highly recommend Emmitt Sith. The legendary frog-dog Huttball player. Love it.

  • Facebook Video: Dad Shoots Daughter’s Laptop

    Facebook Video: Dad Shoots Daughter’s Laptop

    Tommy Jordan of North Carolina had had enough. After finding (yet another) an expletive-filled Facebook post his daughter had made about her “unfair” parents, Jordan took to Facebook himself.

    In a video he posted to Youtube and Facebook, he set a camera up in the yard, and read his daughter’s post aloud to the camera. He then announced her grounding and loss of her laptop. Then, he shot the laptop.

    Shot the laptop. With hollow-point exploding bullets.

    As of this writing, the video has been viewed 1.4 million times. The Facebook entry from which it came has 13,500 likes, 6,200 shares and 7,000 comments. Phrases like “father of the year” are being tossed around. Sure, there are some who do not approve of his techniques, his use of a firearm, his destroying a laptop, etc. But, he seems to have far more thumbs up than down.

  • YouTube Announces Course Of The Force

    YouTube has announced some new original programming that may rival the Olympics.

    Chris Hardwick, actor and comedian, has taken to the YouTube blog to announce Course of the Force. Nerdist Industries is partnering with Lucasfilm and Machinima to host the event which will see a five-day Olympic-torch-style lightsaber relay run that will begin on Santa Monica pier on July 7 and end in San Diego on July 11 – just in time for the San Diego Comic Con.

    About 500 people are going to line up along the California coastline as runners pass off a lightsaber one person at a time. Segments can be purchased in quarter-mile increments and all proceeds will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

    Hardwick details the inspiration behind the event:

    Here’s some backstory you didn’t ask for! In 2012, I will be attending my 9th San Diego Comic-Con. While I always look forward to that extended weekend of Nerdvana, I sometimes feel a bit like the commercial shininess of it slightly eclipses its intended spirit. To me, going to Cons as a kid was all about having a safe haven—a place where like-minded folks could come together to celebrate nerdly passions and accept each other for the oddball (by the larger and more boring sector of society’s standards) stuff we were all into. Ultimately, it should be the most fun thing of the year. For poop sake, most of you save up your whole year of cash and vacation time to go to SDCC sowhy not run at it screaming?? This is a rare opportunity to dress like a Sith (or ANYTHING of your choosing, Star Wars-y or not) and run down the beach while power chanting with a glowing sword made of light in your hand. On ANY OTHER DAY that would easily get you arrested or at the very least, detained. Don’t feel like running but want to support someone who is? FINE! Join us for parties, live music and comedy each night along the way.

    For those interested in taking part in Course of the Force, you can claim a running spot at the official Web site. Those who buy a part on the course will receive a limited edition lightsaber and a swag bag that would apparently “make a scavenging Jawa jealous.”

    The entire relay is going to be streamed on the Nerdist channel for those who can’t make it out.

    It’s a good cause that should provide plenty of awesome content for Star Wars and general nerdy fans everywhere.

  • Hipsters In the Future: [Viral Video]

    Hipsters In the Future: [Viral Video]

    This video is climbing the charts fast at Youtube. It was put together to promote Social Media Week.

    We always think of the Internet, social media, and memes as the domain of the young. But, everybody gets old.

    What kind of conversations will we have when we are old about cat videos, Anonymous, ragefaces, and general lulz? And, what will replace all that? Remember Digg? Myspace? Prodigy?

    Each generation is so cutting edge. But, eventually, the next media format comes along. Boundaries get pushed. Previous ways to measure popularity pale in comparison to current ways.

    But, for now, we can laugh at the concept of aging hipsters.

  • YouTube Adds New Automotive Channels, Ups Original Content Offerings

    YouTube has always been a good place for automotive fanatics, and today YouTube is announcing the addition of a couple new car channels, one of which sports a brand you may recognize.

    The first new channel comes to you from Motor Trend. Here’s what the Motor Trend Channel will offer users:

    Get your automotive adrenaline charge right here on the Motor Trend channel. From first drives and tests of the hottest new supercars, muscle cars and motorcycles, to the latest automotive news from around the world, to the incredible machinery and personalities from beyond the automotive mainstream, the Motor Trend channel has it all, delivered daily. The Motor Trend channel. We drive it. We ride it. We live it.

    You can expect the channel to have original programming from the folks that brought you Hot Rod, Motorcyclist, Lowrider, and Car Craft.

    The other new channel is the Drive Channel.

    Drive celebrates the culture of cars. On the road, to the races, to the factories, to the studios — to the places you can’t go. Cars may be something you need, but drive with us and you’ll never look at them the same way again.

    YouTube says that on the Drive channel, we can expect to find news, reviews, and commentary from people like Mike Spinelli, Leo Parente, and Chris Harris.

    Ever since YouTube launched their new homepage, they’ve made a point to focus on channels. YouTube wants to beef up their offerings of original content, and promote those channels so that users can easily subscribe to their interests.

    Last month, YouTube added new entertainment channels as well as new action sports channels, one of which features Tony Hawk.