
Tag: YouTube Creator

  • YouTube Is Expanding Partner Eligibility

    The YouTube Partner Program is expanding its capabilities and its reach. In an effort to support and enhance user experience they are working on adding more tools and features and have expanded to several other countries with more on the way. As of today these countries are included in the program; Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States.

    That’s a pretty extensive list of affiliates. Essentially the partner program seeks to help original content YouTube creators monetize, or begin to make money off the exclusive rights to their content. If you hope to gain celebrity or get compensated for an educational goal you have undertaken, this is exciting news. Google and YouTube are hoping to facilitate this goal through providing the medium and the tools you need to achieve success.

    To qualify for this type of program there are some considerations you should make regarding content. Here are some tips on how to be successful at making money on YouTube:

    * Create yourself: YouTube is a place where everyone has a voice and where everyone, whether a newbie videographer or a professional, can be successful. We encourage you to use your imagination to create something completely original. Examples of videos that have been successful on YouTube include daily vlogs and home videos, Do- it-Yourself videos and tutorials, original music videos and short films.

    * Commercial Use rights: Before opting such content into monetization, ensure that you have all the necessary rights to commercially use the content. It’s not uncommon for content creators to clear rights to use third party content on YouTube. Often, this clearance takes the form of explicit written permission from the rights holders.

    * Follow YouTube guidelines: To support your growth and success on YouTube, we expect you to follow YouTube’s Community Guidelines when you create content for YouTube. Following them is a requirement on the site, and will increase the visibility of your content on YouTube which could mean more views, more user engagement and ultimately more revenue.

    YouTube has a great wealth of information available to get you started or help refine what you are already doing. To help you unlock your creativity and further develop your skills, there’s:

    * Next Vlogger: A few weeks ago, we asked you which category we should choose for our NextUp program. You overwhelmingly selected YouTube Next Vlogger. Participants will receive one on one training from YouTube stars and industry leaders like iJustine, video equipment valued at $5,000, and global promotion on and off the YouTube. Apply by April 18.

    * Creator Clubs: Sign up for a Creator Club to network and collaborate with other creators in your area. And stay tuned for Partner Meetups to learn new skills directly from YouTube staff and experts.

    * YouTube Features: Whether you’re looking to improve your production quality or trying to create fun videos, you can use YouTube’s growing toolset to make videos the world will love.

    To help you grow larger and more engaged audiences, there’s:

    * Partner Promotion: Certain creators who were partners prior to April 10th may be eligible to receive free advertising on the Google Display Network—websites that cover more than 92 percent of the Internet. Learn more in the Creator Hub. We hope to extend this feature to additional partners over time.

    * Creator Playbook 2: The YouTube Creator Playbook 2 is the latest version of the definitive YouTube audience development guide. Find it at youtube.com/playbook.

    * Creators On the Rise: The On the Rise Program offers high potential up-and-coming partners with homepage, editorial and social media promotion. Look out for opportunities to participate every month.

    So this is a great opportunity to enhance what you already do with YouTube or get started on a path to success using the service. They are attempting to reach a larger audience everyday, and have really delivered in that area. There’s a lot of information here and even more out there once you get started. It’s a learning process, but it can be incremental and fun if you want it to be. Read through the guidelines first to make sure it suits your needs, it sounds awesome to me.