
Tag: YouTube Analytics

  • YouTube Analytics Gets New Playlists Stats

    Google announced the addition of some new reports to YouTube Analytics, to help channel owners see how their playlists are helping with their overall channel performance.

    YouTube Analytics will now show the total number of video views from the channel’s playlists, how many times the viewers started watching a playlist, the average time they watched, and other data.

    The data will go back as far as February 1st.

    “Recently, we tweaked YouTube to give playlists more love, with new features like the ability for viewers to collect their favorite playlists and access them straight from the Guide,” says YouTube product manager Ted Hamilton. “Whether you create videos with different themes or you curate videos from other creators, keeping your videos organized with playlists helps viewers easily find what they went to your channel for, and can also encourage them to watch more of your videos.

    You can access the new stats by search for a playlist directly, or by selecting the “Playlists” view.

    More here.

    Image via YouTube

  • YouTube Has New Analytics Features

    YouTube Has New Analytics Features

    YouTube is talking about some new analytics features it has rolled out recently, including “time watched” and “annotation” reporting.

    The “Views” report has been enhanced to show more time watched data .”Estimated minutes watched” can be seen from the Views report. Users can also choose other data options from the “Compare metric” drop-down.

    YouTube Analytics Views

    The beta version of the Annotations report lets you view data on the performance of video annotations, with additional insights on viewer click and close rates.

    Annotations Report

    YouTube has also brought back Date Slider, which lets you adjust the date range and see how videos performed for various time periods.

    “You can average data across time with rolling totals for 7- and 30-day totals. Instead of seeing changes in weekend traffic and other cyclical data, rolling totals will smooth the trends to help you see overall growth without the distracting spikes and dips,” says YouTube product manager Ted Hamilton.

    Additionally, the metadata section for videos and channels now instantly provides data like lifetime views and video duration, the video hovercard shows a thumbnail of a video and basic info when hovering over a video link, and Compare Metrics gives users more ways to compare trends and patterns across different metrics.

  • YouTube Analytics Replaces YouTube Insight

    YouTube announced the launch of YouTube Analytics, which replaces YouTube Insight. The company says it aims to make it easier for users to learn about their audiences.

    Features include:

    • A Quick Overview: A new overview provides all of the information that you care about quickly, while also enabling you to easily access more detailed information.
    • More Detailed Reports: Analytics now includes more detailed statistics so that you can have a more precise understanding of your content and audiences.
    • Audience Builders: Discover which videos are driving the most views and subscriptions.
    • Audience Retention: See how far viewers are watching through your video in the new audience retention report.

    YouTube’s Creator Playbook has been updated showing how to use the new Analytics:

    YouTube is also sharing this related infographic:

    youtube infographic

    YouTube Analytics will be released to everyone using a modern browser throughout today.