
Tag: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

  • Vince McMahon: What Does He Have Against New Talent?

    Maybe Vince McMahon is simply old school? Maybe he’s just really hard to impress?

    The man known to have the last word when it comes to all things WWE is reportedly not especially impressed with Adam Rose and Paige. If you want to read the whole in-depth analysis, you have to have a subscription to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. However, the publication is reporting that McMahon is not convinced that the new talent is made of star material.

    Here’s Dave Meltzer’s take on McMahon’s view of Rose and Paige:

    Adam Rose being off Raw this week is an indication already that they are cooling off on the character. Vince McMahon, who makes all the key choices, isn’t the easiest one to get to accept new people as main players. He’s said not to be completely sold on any of the recent characters. Bo Dallas’ push is still continuing on almost every show. Kevin Dunn apparently buried Rose and Vince isn’t sold on him either. That’s why Paige has the title but little character developmental has been done her (sic). Dunn right now is a huge proponent of Fox, so her gimmick will continue to be featured.

    Now, we all know that McMahon is difficult to impress, especially if you’re a newbie. McMahon reportedly is not buying the party time character behind Rose. Additionally, Paige is not getting a push from management because McMahon is just not into developing new characters.

    Geno Mrosko, a writer for Cageside Seats, is disappointed that Paige is not getting the proper endorsement from McMahon. He wrote in his column, “The current Divas champion debuted with a bang on the Monday Night Raw after WrestleMania 30 and was given a strong early push, winning the title from AJ Lee. She was also featured heavily in video packages and even did a sit-down interview with Michael Cole in place of Triple H. Her matches featured odd booking, but the wait and see approach was worth taking. The idea of decreasing her television time and not featuring her as much reeks of the impatience and short-sighted writing McMahon has become famous for.”

    So despite the fact that Paige is the WWE Divas champion, she’s actually teetering on the edge of anonymity. Simply put, she is not making a solid connection with wrestling fans. Is it Paige’s fault for not being a dynamic enough presence in the ring? Or is it McMahon’s fault for not spending enough time to fully develop her character?

    Tell us what you think.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons