
Tag: weight loss tips

  • Weight Loss: How To Get Through The Holidays

    Losing weight can be difficult any time of year, but especially during the holidays. If you have been trying to get in shape and are nervous about how you will do at big family dinners and holiday parties, don’t stress. Here are a few tips to help you with your weight loss goals and get you through the holidays.

    Start With The Healthy Foods
    If you are eating at a buffet or potluck dinner during the holidays, you will likely have a variety of food items to choose from. To stick to your diet and avoid overeating and indulging in bad foods, start with the healthy foods on the table. Look for anything green and if available, always start with a salad. Soups with clear broths are also usually low in calories. It’s okay to eat a little of the unhealthy things you like, just don’t over do it. Eating the healthy things first will keep you from eating too much of the bad ones.

    Bring A Healthy Dish
    You will probably be doing a lot of cooking and baking around the holidays and most people like to bring a covered dish to family celebrations and meals. If you are planning on bringing a food item anyway, why not make it a healthy one?

    Have A Snack
    Since most people are busy around the holidays, it’s not uncommon for many people to go more than a couple of hours without eating or to skip meals. If you are starving when dinner time comes around, you are much more likely to overeat. Have a snack a couple of hours before dinner time and you won’t be so likely to pig out on all of those rich holiday foods.

    Don’t stress out over the upcoming holidays and don’t let them ruin your diet and weight loss progress. Make smart choices and you will make it through the holidays without putting on any unwanted pounds.

  • Top Three Healthy Weight Loss Tips

    Top Three Healthy Weight Loss Tips

    Everyone wants to lose weight, but it is important to do it the healthy way. Crash diets may seem like a great way to lose weight fast, but they can actually damage your body and cause you to gain more weight in the long run. If you are serious about losing weight the healthy way, you have to realize it won’t happen overnight and could take a while.

    While there is no way to lose weight quickly in a healthy manner, there are a few ways you can speed up weight loss and trigger your body to burn fat faster. Here are the top three healthy weight loss tips.

    Soup And Salad
    Eating something healthy before a big meal can help make you full sooner and prevent you from overeating foods that are unhealthy or higher in calories. Soups and salads are the best options, but you can also start with a piece or fruit or a few vegetables. The appetizers will also get your metabolism going and ensure that your body is converting all of the calories consumed during the meal into energy.

    Eat When You Are Hungry
    Most people think you have to eat less food less often to lose weight. While this might work, it could also make you feel hungry throughout the day and is more likely to cause you to cheat and snack on unhealthy foods. If you want to lose weight quickly and stay healthy, you need to eat small meals and snacks whenever you are hungry. Not only will this keep you from overeating during lunch or dinner, it will also keep you metabolism working and help your body burn more calories throughout the day.

    Slow Down
    The faster you eat, the more you eat. No matter what you are eating, slow down and make sure you chew your food thoroughly. Food that has been chewed properly will be easier to digest and will not linger in your body and make you feel bloated. By slowing down, your body has a chance to recognize it is full faster so you stop eating sooner and as a result each less at each meal.

    Let these tips help you boost your metabolism and lose weight in a safe and healthy way.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Weight-Loss Tips: Use Common Sense

    Weight-Loss Tips: Use Common Sense

    Weight-loss tips abound on the internet. Anywhere you turn there are plenty of pills, crazy diets, and a plethera of cardboard-tasting frozen and prepared meals to make for a million years of trial-and-error testing. All for the sake of losing those extra pounds that have been holding you back.

    There are some that go gluten-free for health reasons and some that do Paleo because it makes sense. I get that.

    However, after decades of fad diets, dangerous pills, and gag-inducing shakes, many are turning back to a simple plan of eating better and getting more exercise. In other words, for real weight-loss, just burn more calories than you take in and try to make most of those calories count.

    You know the drill. Eat whole grains, lots of vegetables and fruit, and go for lean meats and fish. These classic methods will work for natural weight-loss!

    If you burn 500 more calories than you take in, that will result in a healthy weight-loss of 1-2 pounds per week. These are changes that will become habit and actually last, unlike a crash or fad diet. Of course you don’t want to severely limit the calories you take in. That can be very dangerous and won’t even give you the energy you need to implement the exercise part of the plan!

    Reducing sodium and starchy foods is also a good way to boost weight-loss.

    “When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started.” says Michael Dansinger, MD, of NBC’s The Biggest Loser.


    He also tells clients looking to boost weight-loss to eat a diet that minimizes added sugars and animal fat from meat and dairy.

    Keeping a weight-loss or diet journal could also be a great way to keep track of what you’re eating, says Bonnie Taub Dix, MA, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It.

    “Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for weight loss.”

    So forget the weird fads and the harmful crash diets. For real lasting weight-loss, use your common sense.

    Image via YouTube

  • Weight Loss: 3 Easy Tricks That Work

    Weight Loss: 3 Easy Tricks That Work

    When it comes to weight loss, many people struggle to diet and exercise enough to be successful in reaching their goals. While weight loss can be difficult for many, there are several simple tricks that can make it a little easier. Sometimes, simple changes make a big difference and by adding the changes a little at a time, you might not even notice them. If you want to lose weight in a safe and easy way, try these easy and simple tricks that really work.

    Drink More Water
    Water does wonder for weight loss and your overall health. Not only does water jump start your metabolism and keep you from overeating, it also helps flush toxins from your body as well as fat. Drinking water will also help tone your skin as you lose weight, improve your complexion and give you more energy. The organs in your body need plenty of water to operate properly. Try taking a bottle of water with you in the car, keeping at your desk at home or work and trading other drinks for water throughout the day. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, add a squeeze of lemon juice to it.

    Count Your Steps
    While walking may not seem much like exercise, it can help you burn calories and stay in shape. By counting your steps you will have an idea of how far you walk during a typical day and how many calories you burn with regular activity. You can then set goals for yourself and try to add more steps to your daily activity and burn more calories. There are many smartphone apps, smart watches and pedometers that will help you keep track of your steps easily.

    Get Plenty Of Sleep
    Studies show that people who get more sleep are less likely to suffer from obesity or be overweight. Your body needs to sleep to recover from the previous day and reset. If you are not getting enough sleep your body may not be functioning properly and your metabolism may not be working as it should. This can prevent you from burning fat or losing weight. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each nap and if you can, take a short nap during the day.

    These simple weight loss tips are easy to add to your daily life and can lead to big changes in terms of weight loss. Do you have any other simple weight loss tips that work?

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work

    Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work

    We’re six weeks into 2014 – or, better known as when most people abandon their new years resolutions and give into a gluttonous lifestyle. However, this year can be different; the internet is full of tips and helpful advice to keep you on track! Here are some of the best weight lost tips from around the web, all in one handy guide.

    First: While yes, while weight loss is basically calories put out over calories taken in, it’s not as simple as that, as the complex nature of the calories matter, too. The calories from proteins and fats are not nearly as harmful as those from carbohydrates. Carbs require insulin to break down and digest; insulin is also a fat-burning killer. So basically, carbs = a dead stop to weigh loss.

    Also: our bodies are meant to take in all-natural foods, such as lean meats, leafy greens, and nuts and berries. Anything processed from the grocery store is a huge no-no, and interferes with our natural balance. And interfering with the natural balance = weight gain.

    So, eat less carbs and eat all natural when possible. What else? Well, researchers at New York’s Cornell University have found that most weight loss occurs during week days. Almost everyone loses weight on weekdays and gains it during the weekend. According to the research, “we all tend to be a little more disciplined with our eating during the week with our routines of work. Then when it comes to Friday night, we feel like we deserve a treat for being so good for the past 5 days and congratulate ourselves with a huge take-away and a bottle of wine.” Getting in an extra gym session during the weekend will ensure that all your hard work during the week stays off.

    Another helpful tip: go slow. Starving yourself only guarantees that the weight will come right back on and encourages binge eating. Losing 1 to 2 pounds a week can slowly develop into a lifestyle that will lead to natural, consistent weight loss.

    Naturally, with a slow and steady weight loss comes tracking your progress, which can be a huge motivator in the process. Seeing your daily successes marked down is a great source of inspiration to keep moving forward. After a week, seeing the small percentages add up to a few pounds difference will help make that trip to the gym less dreadful. Keep a journal. Write down every success; you’re doing better than you think!

    Have any other weight loss tips to share? Respond and let us know!

    Image via Thinkstock