
Tag: weather news

  • Megyn Kelly, Meteorologist Janice Dean Slept Together? It’s a Long Story!

    Some candid moments are priceless! However, Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly has made one moment absolutely unforgettable, and its all because of an awkward joke. Although she actually tried to clear up the awkward connotation, the statement quickly took on a more comedic façade.

    Last night, Kelly and meteorologist Janice Dean were discussing the severe conditions of Winter Storm Hercules on The Kelly File, reports UPI. Dean was addressing the chilling sub-zero temperatures plaguing the Midwest and Northeast regions of the United States.

    She went on to explain how the city of New York would be prepping for the hazardous weather with business and school closures.  The segment was just like any other until Kelly asked a question that definitely caught spectators off guard.

    “Does that mean you and I are having another night in bed together?,” Kelly asked due to the forthcoming weather.

    Once Kelly made the statement, she too, was aware of how it actually came across. Then, she immediately added that it was a ‘long story’.

    However, Dean was the one who was rendered utterly speechless by Kelly’s quip. All she could mutter was that she had absolutely, “no words” in response to Kelly’s statement. However, when she did find her voice, all she could say was, “We’re gonna be on YouTube in a few minutes.”

    Dean was absolutely right, as the comedic moment landed directly on YouTube!


    But luckily, Kelly clarified how the incident actually happened. She and Dean were covering Hurricane Sandy, and as a means of economizing, the two roomed together one night at a hotel to offer up more space for evacuees since the hotel was limited on rooms. They decided it would be more effective just to reserve one room as opposed to two.

    Dean also jokingly weighed in on the incident, but her response was also an evasive way of clearing up the statement as well. “I’m happy to say you’re the only female I’ve ever shared a bed with,” Dean said.

    However, the initial candid reaction to the statement was definitely a good laugh!

    Image via Wikimedia Commons | Megyn Kelly