
Tag: Vlogging

  • YouTube Launches Next Vlogger: 16 Vloggers, $15,000 Each In Equipment And Promotion

    In March, 2011, YouTube’s Next Creator series kicked off with NextUp, a program set up to help aspiring YouTube stars break free from the slog of content that is uploaded to the site daily. The Next Creator program later opened up Next Chef and Next Trainer, and most recently Next Causes to help nonprofits maximize their reach on the site.

    In February, YouTube asked what people wanted to be the next Next program, and it looks like vlogging won out.

    From the YouTube blog:

    Vlogging, or video blogging, videos are some of the most popular on YouTube. And rightfully so–they’re one of the few types of videos that literally anyone can create: all you have to do is sit in front of camera, share words of wisdom (okay, wisdom not always required), and upload the video. From accounts of political struggle in the Middle East to fan reactions of newly-released music videos to testaments of personal discovery, the intimate act of vlogging can take many shapes and resonate with audiences around the world.

    A few weeks ago, we asked YouTube creators what form of content we should tackle as part of our Next Creator program, a development initiative to help promising creators find their voices, improve their skills, and build their audiences. You resoundingly responded with calls for YouTube Next Vlogger.

    Starting today, applications open here. They will run through April 18th.

    YouTube says that they will pick 16 “promising vloggers” who will spend three months workshopping via Google+ Hangouts. The winning vloggers will also get a monetary bonus – $5,000 worth of video equipment and well as $10,000 worth of promotion courtesy of YouTube itself.

    If you’re serious about vlogging, be sure to apply in the next few weeks. As of right now, the link isn’t live yet, but should work later in the day (March 28th)