
Tag: virgin mary

  • Pregnant Nun Surprises Roman Catholic Church

    A 31-year-old El Salvadoran nun has caught the Roman Catholic Church off guard by giving birth to a baby boy.

    Roxana Rodriguez was rushed to a hospital in Rieti, Italy on Wednesday for severe stomach pains. She eventually had the baby several hours later and decided to name him Francesco in honor of the Pope.

    Rodriguez apparently told doctors that her pregnancy was impossible being that she is a nun, and of course nuns are forbidden from having sex, as they are required to be chaste.

    This phenomena sounds pretty familiar, right? This may or may not be yet another “virgin Mary” situation, but hey, that’s up for one’s own interpretation.

    A number of sisters at the Italian convent claimed that they were oblivious of her pregnancy. One even mentioned that Rodriguez appeared to be a little heavier in size, but she was completely unaware because she kept to herself.

    The head nun made a statement that Rodriguez may have just not been able to resist temptation.

    As for the church, they assume that the nun was well aware of her pregnancy and believes that she intentionally kept it a secret.

    Due to humiliation, a spokesman for the bishop has reported that Rodriguez, which also manages an elderly home near the convent, is forbidden from the nunnery.

    “It would be preferable that she now lead a secular life with her baby, away from religious institutions,” he said.

    According to BBC News, people at the hospital made donations to the mother and baby Francesco.

    Sources say that she will be keeping and raising her baby.

    After the news broke out worldwide, of course people had something to say about the “miracle birth.”


    The baby’s father is unknown, OR is it?

    Maybe the Pope and Rodriguez have some explaining to do? Well, hopefully not.

    View her official picture here.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Virgin Mary Tree Trunk Sends People on a Pilgrimage to New Jersey

    Virgin Mary tree trunk? Yes, you read that correctly. A Virgin Mary tree trunk. Unless you’re a perverted soul who sees something strangely — and disturbingly — vaginal in the image embedded above, then, chances are, you’re looking directly at the Virgin Mary. Sure, it may seem like a knot in a tree to all you non-believers out there — it is, after all, a knot in a tree — but a lot of folks seem to think it’s a sign sent straight from the heavens above, and it’s causing people to flock to West New York, New Jersey to get a good look at the trunk.

    “We want to build a monument,” explained Maria Baez, one of the first people to spot the image in the tree. “When I got here I saw her: she said ‘I’m the Virgin.’ I was speechless.”

    When another woman, Carmen Lopez, attempted to alert the police and the town’s mayor about the mystical tree trunk and its supposed imagery, she was essentially told to hit the road. However, in order to protect the tree from nefarious evil-doers who would love nothing more than to chop it down, a protective metal barricade has been placed around the trunk. Additionally, a police cruiser sits nearby should anyone start acting a fool in front of Jesus’ mom.

    Others, however, were not so quick to believe in the tree. “I’m a Catholic and I believe very much in the Virgin, but the picture in this knot is just a coincidence,” said Ed Venicio. “However, I believe that whether or not it’s real, the important thing is that it motivates people’s faith. It gets them to go back to church and remember that God exists.”

    Now there’s an explanation I can get behind. Well said, Venicio.