
Tag: Videos

  • People Are Dumb, the Columbus Day Edition [VIDEO]

    Jimmy Kimmel’s out on Hollywood Blvd making people look stupid again – and to be honest, it’s not very hard. Sure, there’s a lot of argument when it comes to Christopher Columbus, what he actually did in 1842 1492, and why the hell we’re still celebrating Columbus Day. But the basics? I mean, come on guys.

    Via Jimmy Kimmel Live
    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Bruce Willis Hosts SNL, Has a Hit with “Boy Dance Party” [VIDEO]

    For anyone who thinks Bruce Willis’s talents are limited to saving the world from asteroids, taking out terrorists or delivering classic lines such as “Yippee-ki-yay…” (you know the rest), think again.

    Willis hosted SNL last night and really showed off his funny side. Many of us already knew it was there, but seeing Willis parodying himself as a Navy SEALs officer and participating in a wildly hilarious dance video served as a nice reminder.

    “The last time I hosted the show was back in 1989 and if you had told me back then that were going to be six Die Hards I would have said ‘that seems a little too many,’” Willis joked. Is that even possible?

    One of Willis’s funniest moments on SNL was during the “Boy Dance Party” video. The music video shows how guys really act while watching football when the wives are away.

    “In the older days, the ladies stayed at home and went to work. Now it’s time for the ladies to get out so the boys can stay home and twerk,” Bobby Moynihan sang. Maybe Miley Cyrus, who hosted SNL last Saturday, could learn a thing or two from “Boy Dance Party.”

    Bruce Willis played a tough-as-nails Navy SEAL officer in another sketch:

    What were your favorite moments during the Willis-hosted SNL? Respond below.

    More funny SNL sketches, including one that takes a jab at the government shutdown:

    Image via YouTube

  • Woman Has an Absolute Meltdown on Flight [VIDEO]

    Here’s what we know about this epic airplane meltdown that a passenger caught on film:

    – The flight is supposedly traveling to Tampa
    – The women had just lost her mother (or at least that’s what she told the flight)
    – The passenger adjacent to her had been trying to calm her down for a while
    – Flight staff instructed our uploader to prevent the women from trying to open any cabin doors

    I mean, what in the world do you do in this kind of situation?

    And of course, a redditor has already made his own “God you’re my savior” techno remix.

    Image via Reed Stanley, YouTube

  • Musicians Read Mean Tweets About Themselves [VIDEO]

    Last night, Jimmy Kimmel had Kanye West on the show to clear the air following their recent Twitter battle. It proved to be one of the most compelling half-hours of late night television in recent memory. Seriously, check it out.

    In honor of the rapper’s appearance, Kimmel decided to alter one of his best bits and turn it into an all-music edition. Please enjoy these famous musicians reading mean tweets about themselves.

    Image via YouTube

  • ‘Carrie’ Prank: Viral Marketing Done Right Terrifies Coffee Shop Patrons

    A great viral ad is one that you have no idea is a viral ad until the people behind the viral ad are forced to make it clear exactly what the ad is hawking.

    A new viral campaign for the Julianne Moore and Chloë Grace Moretz-helmed remake of the horror classic Carrie does just that. Check it out:

    The agency behind the video is Thinkmodo, who you may know as the firm behind such viral hits as the iPad Head Girl, the Shaving Helmet, and the Times Square TV Hack. A couple of years ago, we talked to the company’s co-founder about what makes a video go viral.

    “For us, it’s key to have fascinating, entertaining content, and that’s what makes something go viral,” he said. “We end our videos with a question mark so we can engage the viewer and make them…connect more with the brand.”

    Basically, your video is only going to go viral is it’s awesome enough that thousands or even millions of people want to share it. It’s that simple. You have to put just as much (if not more) effort into making your video interesting as you do placing your product at the forefront.

    As of the writing of this article, “Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise” has well over 4 million views on YouTube in just one day. The Carrie remake hits theaters on October 18th.

    Image via YouTube

  • iOS 7 Making You Nauseous? Jimmy Kimmel Can Help

    Soon after Apple released iOS 7, some users complained of dizziness, nausea, and headaches. And it wasn’t just from the inability to download the damn thing. People claimed that the new operating system was making them feel sick – literally.

    With iOS 7 came new app animations that feature a hyper-zoom and a new “Parallax” motion that allows the background screen to move when users shift their devices. These turned out to be the culprits for users’ motion sickness.

    If you suffer from these symptoms, Jimmy Kimmel has a solution. Kind of…

    Although Kimmel has a point, the motion sickness felt by many iOS 7 users is very real. I mean, this forum thread on the issues has over 35,000 views. Unfortunately, there’s not much to be done about the zoom animations that permeate the new OS. Those are probably here to stay.

    But that Parallax background motion? Well, you can do something about that. Just go to your settings > general > accessibility and turn on the “reduce motion” option. That should make things a little more manageable.

    Image via Jimmy Kimmel Live, YouTube

  • Google Gives Advice On Making Your Site Available In More Languages

    Google has released a new video aimed at helping webmasters make their sites available in more languages. The latest Webmaster Help video comes from Developer Programs Tech Lead Maile Ohye.

    Specifically, the video discusses details about rel=”alternate” and its implementation on multilingual/multinational sites.

    It’s seventeen minutes long, so if you don’t want to sit through the whole thing, there’s a transcript on the video page that you can skim through.

    Google provides a list of resources on the topic here.

    If this is something that you’re interested in, you may also want to check out this video from Matt Cutts from a couple years ago, when he discussed duplicate content and languages, and cautioned against using Google Translate to auto-translate your site.

    Image: Google

  • John Daly Hits a Golf Ball out of Some Dude’s Mouth in a Nashville Pizza Joint’s Crowded Parking Lot

    What you’re about to see is an Instagram video of PGA Tour champion and on-course chain-smoker John Daly hitting a golf ball off a tee, which happens to be located in some guy’s mouth.

    According to the video, the trick took place in the parking lot of Soulshine Pizza in Nashville – and as you can see, it’s a pretty crowded parking lot with a ton of cars around. We don’t really have much more context – although it’s unlikely that you really need any more. It’s John Daly hitting a gold ball out of some dude’s mouth – let’s be honest, you wanna watch this.

    I’m hoping John Daly was sober for this exchange – and I’m assuming he was. After years of battling with alcohol, Daly says he’s been sober for the past few years. I’m really hoping the guy with the tee in his mouth was drunk. Professional golfer or not – that’s some scary shit.

    Final thought: John Daly is always prepared. Check out the golf back sitting on the ground behind him. Never know when you’ll get an opportunity to bomb a 350-yard drive out of some guy’s mouth, right?

    [h/t Bleacher Report]

    Image via pdawgthedrummer, Instagram

  • Google: Don’t Use Nofollow On Internal Links

    In the latest Webmaster Help video, Google’s Matt Cutts discusses the use of rel=”nofollow” on internal links, addressing the following user-submitted question:

    Does it make sense to use rel=”nofollow” for internal links? Like, for example, to link to your login page/ Does it really make a difference?

    “Okay, so let me give you the rules of thumb,’ he begins. “I’ve talked about this a little bit in the past, but it’s worth mentioning again. rel=’nofollow’ means the PageRank won’t flow through that link as far as discovering the link, PageRank computation [and] all that sort of stuff. So, for internal links – links within your site – I would try to leave the nofllow off, so if it’s a link from one page on your site to another page on your site, you want that PageRank to flow. You want Googlebot to be able to find that page. So almost every link within your site – that is a link going from one page on your site to another page on your site – I would make sure that the PageRank does flow, which means leaving off the nofollow link.”

    “Now, this question goes a little bit deeper, and it’s a little more nuanced,” Cutts continues. “It’s talking about login pages. It doesn’t hurt if you want to put a nofollow pointing to a login page or to a page that you think is really useless like a terms and conditions page or something like that, but in general, it doesn’t hurt for Googlebot to crawl that page because it’s not like we’re gonna submit a credit card to make an order or try to log in or something like that.”

    He goes on to note that you would probably want a nofollow on pages pointing to other sites, like in cases where people abuse comment systems. The general rule for internal linking, however, is to go ahead and let the PageRank flow, and let Googlebot learn all about your site. Even in cases where you don’t want Google to crawl the page, you might as well just use noindex, he says.

    He also suggests that login pages can still be useful for some searchers.

    Image: Google

  • NMA Employee Quits in Amazing, Viral Fashion (with an Interpretive Dance Set to Kanye)

    Well, this is one way to quit your job.

    “I work for an awesome company that makes news videos. I have put my entire life into this job, but my boss only cares about quantity, how fast we write and how many views each video gets,” said Marina Shifrin on her now-viral YouTube resignation. “I believe it’s more important to focus on the quality of the content. When you learn to improve this, the views will come. Here is a little video I made explaining my feelings.”

    And with that, she’s gone. She’s gone to the tune of Kayne West’s “Gone,” and a nice bit of interpretive dancing. If this isn’t the most meta way to quit a job where you produce viral videos, I don’t know what is.

    Shifrin works worked for Next Media Animation – the popular Taiwanese animation company that has become internet famous for their short, bizarre animated renderings of the day’s hottest news items.

    You can read her brief interview with Gizmodo from last year, where she talks about the hectic process of speed animation. I guess it all became too much to handle.

    And if you’re going to go out, there’s nothing like going out with hundreds of thousands of YouTube views.

    Image via YouTube

  • Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake’s Hashtag Conversation Is the Only One That Will Ever Be Funny

    If you think it’s funny to speak in hashtags, like in real life, well it’s not.

    Also, if you think that it’s proper to use hashtags to simply say things that you would have normally said without the use of a hashtag – it’s not.

    Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake demonstrate these two rules for the social media-obsessed world in one, pretty funny video. Hat tip to Questlove for providing the only real hashtag that matters:

    Image courtesy Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, YouTube

  • Matt Cutts Talks Duplicate Content Once Again

    Google’s Matt Cutts has a new video out about duplicate content, a subject he has discussed many times in the past. If you have a site that you use to sell a product that other sites also sell, and are concerned that pages listing the “ingredients” of said product will be seen as duplicate content, this one’s for you.

    Cutts takes on the following submitted question:

    What can e-commerce sites do that sell products which have an ingredients list exactly like other e-commerce sites selling the same product to avoid Google as seeing it as duplicate content?

    Cutts begins, “Let’s consider an ingredients list, which is like food, and you’re listing the ingredients in that food and ingredients like, okay, it’s a product that a lot of affiliates have an affiliate feed for, and you’re just going to display that. If you’re listing something that’s vital, so you’ve got ingredients in food or something like that – specifications that are 18 pages long, but are short specifications, that probably wouldn’t get you into too much of an issue. However, if you just have an affiliate feed, and you have the exact same paragraph or two or three of text that everybody else on the web has, that probably would be more problematic.”

    He continues, “So what’s the difference between them? Well, hopefully an ingredients list, as you’re describing it as far as the number of components or something probably relatively small – hopefully you’ve got a different page from all the other affiliates in the world, and hopefully you have some original content – something that distinguishes you from the fly-by-night sites that just say, ‘Okay, here’s a product. I got the feed and I’m gonna put these two paragraphs of text that everybody else has.’ If that’s the only value add you have then you should ask yourself, ‘Why should my site rank higher than all these hundreds of other sites when they have the exact same content as well?’”

    “So if some small sub-component of your pages have some essential information that then appears in multiple places, that’s not nearly so bad,” Cutts adds. “If the vast majority or all of your content is the same content that appears everywhere else, and there’s nothing else to really distinguish it or to add value, that’s something I would try to avoid if you can.”

    So, pretty much the same thing you’ve heard before. Got it yet?

    Find other things Cutts has said about duplicate content in the past here.

  • Watch Apple’s iPhone Event in Its Entirety

    Watch Apple’s iPhone Event in Its Entirety

    Yo, iFans – if you missed Apple’s big iPhone 5S & 5C press event yesterday, you’re probably not alone. Apple chose not to stream it in the U.S.

    Lucky for you, it’s now available for your streaming pleasure on Apple.com.

    Or, you can just watch it below:

    For more coverage of yesterday’s event, check here.

    [YouTube via Apple]

    Image via Apple

  • Apple Shares A Closer Look At The iPhone 5S Fingerprint Sensor

    Apple, as I’m sure you know, revealed two new iPhone models on Tuesday – the cheaper iPhone 5C and the latest of update of its flagship mobile device, the iPhone 5S.

    The most talked about feature of the 5S is the new fingerprint sensor Touch ID, which allows users to replace their passwords by using their fingerprints. Naturally, the privacy and security implications of this have been a constant topic of discussion in the media since the announcement, but Apple has put out a video discussing the feature in hopes that people will get a better idea of how it works.

    You can read about more of the device’s features here.

    More Apple coverage here.

  • iPhone 5C: Here’s Apple’s Jony Ive And Craig Federighi Explaining Why It’s So Great (And So Plastic)

    How many times have you heard the words “unapologetically plastic” in the past 24 hours? Well, get ready to hear it one more time.

    Apple has released a five-minute video looking at the new, more inexpensive iPhone model, which comes in a variety of colors (hence the “For the colorful” tagline).

    Now, watch the parody version.

    The device appears to be aimed at markets in the developing world, but while it’s certainly less expensive than other models, some don’t think it’s cheap enough, and based on Apple’s stock, investors appear to agree.

    More Apple coverage here.

    Image: Apple (YouTube)

  • AMC Takes You Inside Breaking Bad’s ‘To’hajiilee’

    So, as Vince Gilligan continues to defecate directly onto your heart and stick your brain with a cattle prod, at least AMC is nice enough to at least try to sate your appetite for more Breaking Bad with some weekly featurettes every Monday following the premiere of the latest episode.

    Last night’s episode, To’hajiilee, was…yeah. It sure was. There are cliffhangers and then there are cliffhangers. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Vince Gilligan, you’re slowly killing me. Every week you’re taking a few weeks off my life – I’m sure of it.

    If you’re looking for more Breaking Bad on your post-Breaking Bad hangover day, here’s AMC’s version of a stiff Bloody Mary and a few pieces of bacon.

    Here’s a look inside the episode:

    And here’s the “Making Of”:

    And for good measure, here’s AMC’s sneak peek at next week’s episode, which literally tells you nothing. Seriously, it seems like they took a cue from their Mad Men trailers on this one. It’s so unsatisfying, I warned you.

    Image via AMC, YouTube

  • ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Cast Members Natasha Lyonne And Taryn Manning Reunite For ‘Funny Or Die’ Video

    As the buzz surrounding Netflix’s Orange is the New Black continues, fans might be happy to know that cast members Natasha Lyonne and Taryn Manning (Nicky and Pennsatucky, respectively) have reunited for a new video from comedy site Funny or Die.

    The clip is called Book Club Mafia, and warns, “Books clubs are no longer a safe place to be.”


    Lyonne and Manning will be reunited again for Orange is the New Black: Season 2, of course. Production of the season began in late July, and filming continues. Check out some of the latest pics from the set, courtesy of the show’s Instagram account.

    Season 2 is due out in 2014. No release date has been announced yet, but we hear the writing is spectacular.

    Image: Funny or Die

  • Guinness’ New Ad Will Hit You Right in the Feels

    In what amounts to one of the best ads you’re likely to see this month, Guinness makes a beer commercial with a heart.

    “Dedication, loyalty, friendship,” says the ad’s voiceover. “The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character.”

    I won’t ruin it. Check it out below:

    We’ve come a long way from bitter beer face.

    Image via Guinness, Facebook

  • Your Wedding Isn’t Cool Now Unless You Get a Slow Motion Booth [VIDEO]

    Dude, photo booths at weddings are so…five minutes ago. In the near future, you’re going to be able to discern the cool weddings from the really cool weddings by whether or not you can find a slow motion booth.

    Just look at how much fun these people are having. Just look.

    Quang + Ellie: Slow Motion Booth from Super Frog Saves Tokyo on Vimeo.

    Seattle-based video production company Super Frog Saves Tokyo set up this slow motion booth at a wedding reception and captured it all – dancing, kissing, sexually suggestive confetti shooting…

    “You’ll definitely see more. We’ve been asked to set up slow motion booths at different event,” says the company in a response on Vimeo.

    It’s begun. This should be fun.

    Image via Super Frog Saves Tokyo, Vimeo

  • Important Info for Internet Users: What Would Happen If You Never Went Outside…Ever Again?

    Important Info for Internet Users: What Would Happen If You Never Went Outside…Ever Again?

    Redditors, WoW players, and agoraphobics – listen up. As tempting as it may be to just stay inside for the rest of your life, well, don’t do that. Your body needs that precious sunlight, and AsapSCIENCE is here to explain why.

    Basically, not going outside ever again would probably make you a cancerous, heart diseased ball of depression. So, before you watch this video, take a step outside dude.


    Image via Thinkstock

  • Netflix Just Posted Nearly 8 Minutes Of Vince Gilligan Answering Questions About ‘Breaking Bad’

    Netflix has posted a nearly 8-minute video of Vince Gilligan, creator of Breaking Bad, answering questions from fans about the show. While not a Netflix original, Netflix has been credited with greatly helping the show expand its audience.

    Netflix is streaming the new episodes right after they air in the UK. It recently added the first part of the last season here in the U.S.

    Among topics addressed: Why the name “Breaking Bad,” how the idea of the show has changed, the show’s UK reception, Bryan Cranston, using the name Heisenberg, ideas that were scrapped for being too dark and Badger’s Star Trek episode.


    Image: Netflix (YouTube)