
Tag: Videos

  • So, This Cookie Monster “Call Me Maybe” Parody Now Exists

    The “summer of Call Me Maybe” has reached its logical conclusion, as Sesame Street has decided to jump on the bandwagon and release their own parody of the megahit.

    Since first appearing on Youtube back in March, Carly Rae Jespen’s infectious tribute to the casual summer fling has amassed nearly 150 million views. The track’s popularity has spawned dozens of parodies and covers from the likes of Jimmy Fallon, the Miami Dolphins cheerleading squad, the Harvard baseball team, and it even appeared on this year’s Miss America pageant.

    And now, Cookie Monster gets his turn. Not much for romantic engagements, his one-track mind has him thinking about only one thing.

    “Hey, me just met you – and this is crazy. But you got COOKIE! So share it maybe.”

    So, how does Cookie Monster’s version compare to the original?

  • This Guy’s Game of Thrones Impressions Must Be Great at Parties

    It’s been several weeks since we’ve said goodbye to the cast of Game of Thrones, and soon the long winter of waiting for season three will begin.

    If you have HBO Go and a cable provider that doesn’t suck, or a cache of episodes somewhere on your computer – then you can relive the magic of seasons 1 & 2 over the next few months. If you don’t, you can settle for this guy.

    Check out these spot on impressions of characters from Game of Thrones, courtesy of Steve Love.

    Which one was your favorite? I think you have to go with Ser Jorah Mormont. His Lord Varys is a close second, however.

    Still need another Game of Thrones fix? How bout we add some lightsabers to the mix.

    [via reddit]

  • Would Game Of Thrones Be Better With Lightsabers? Watch This Video To Find Out

    The answer is no, but this video does exist, so enjoy.

    I’m not going to bother with a lot of explanation on this one. It’s Game of Thrones and it’s lightsabers. What else do you want from me? I will say that effects-wise, it looks pretty good.

    The video was made as its creator’s first attempt at rotoscoping in Adobe After Effects. Not bad.

  • Take A Journey Through Four Years Of The Browser Wars

    Oh how things have changed since 2008, when most of the world was browsing the web via Internet Explorer. It’s no secret that IE has been leaking market share over the past few years, but now we have a pretty visualization that shows exactly how the globe became a little less reliant on Microsoft’s revolutionary web browser.

    Ok, “a little less reliant” is putting it a bit mildly. In July of 2008, IE held over two-thirds of the browser landscape (66.87%). Nearly four years later, in June of 2012, IE owned just 32.49% of the share – a figure that puts it in a dead heat with Google’s Chrome browser.

    All of these figures come from independent web analytics company StatCounter, who today released their “Evolution of the Worldwide Browser Landscape.” It’s a pretty fascinating look at how the world diversified in terms of how they browse the interwebs.

    Check it out below:

    And for the lazy, here are the two graphs from July 2008 and June 2012 back-to-back:

    statcounter web browser usage 2008

    statcounter web browser usage 2012

    Of course, it’s hard to look at this and see anything other than a story of how Internet Explorer lost its mojo – but StatCounter makes a point to say that IE is not giving up browser supremacy without a fight:

    IE is not taking Chrome’s challenge lying down. From May to June, IE increased its usage share by two-tenths of one percentage point, the first monthly increase since October/November 2011. On a weekly basis, while Chrome overtook IE in week 20 (14 – 20 May 2012), by week 24 (11 – 17 June 2012) IE had staged a fight-back and was exactly equal with Chrome in terms of browser usage for that seven-day period.

    Still, we have to declare that the last four years have been won by Chrome, and it’s not even close. While Firefox, Safari, and Opera barely made any gains (and lost a bit of share in Firefox’s case), Chrome was basically the sole browser stealing all of IE’s pie.

  • What is the Higgs Boson? These Hipsters Are Clueless

    With the scientific community still buzzing about this week’s announcement concerning the Higgs boson, we think it’s important to educate the internet community about its significance and delve into the reason why people are making such a fuss about something that sounds like a villain in a Western.

    And by “educate,” I of course mean “let the grownups educate.” That’s why we gave you this wonderful video of a particle physicist (and epic beard owner) explaining the Higgs boson to us like we were five years old. His beautiful analogy revolving around snow allowed me to understand the true importance of the Higgs boson. I now know exactly how everything works.

    Just kidding, it’s still confusing as hell. The Higgs boson is the theorized particle that gives everything in the universe mass. There. That’s enough to keep myself from being embarrassed as parties, and that’s really all we can ask for, right?

    You can find plenty of videos of people explaining (or attempting to explain) the Higgs boson on YouTube. But it’s rarer to see someone out on the street, Jaywalking-style, asking people if they know anything about the famous particle.

    And according to this “Hipster Pop Quiz” from the folks at Motherboard, they don’t. know. anything.

    We should probably cut the good people of Williamsburg some slack. Until earlier this week, when everyone one of Facebook became a particle physicist, it’s doubtful that most of the country would have been able to give an accurate on-the-spot description of science’s biggest discovery as of late.

  • Hit That Bully In The Mouth: 7 Instances Of People Taking Their Momma’s Advice

    There are some that would never condone fighting – under any circumstances. And for the most part, I’d say that the “turn the other cheek” philosophy is the best course of action in most situations.

    But I’m sure that some of your mothers (or fathers) told you once that the only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to them.

    And if YouTube has given us anything better than cat videos, it has to be the “bully gets what they deserve” video. They’re everywhere, and here are seven of the best.

    [NSFW, for violence and language]

    Just a few days old, this one may turn out to be one of the more controversial bully videos on the web. That’s because the bully happens to be a girl:

    This old guy obviously has enough of this young bugger:

    We’ve got to take the uploader’s word on this one, as the video starts after the alleged bullying. But according to him, the little guy took crap for about 30 minutes before deciding it was enough:

    Those two punks probably shouldn’t have messed with this guy, who clearly has some experience in the ring:

    This one is more sad than anything. It appears that the younger guy just won’t leave the Vietnam vet alone, and he pays for it in blood:

    Although this bully didn’t choose it, someone his own size decided to mess with him:

    Finally, the king of all bullying videos on the internet. Casey decides he’s not going to take it anymore:

  • Confirmed: Chatting With Yourself At Age 12 Would Be Fairly Annoying

    In what must be the coolest version of a time capsule to hit the interwebs in quite some time, one actor and filmmaker has completed an interview with himself that he begun back in 1992, when he was 12 years old.

    Twenty years ago, Jeremiah McDonald, aka weepingprophet on YouTube, recorded himself talking to his future self. Now, he has popped in the old VHS and made this awesome video that pits man against boy for a pretty trippy conversation.

    McDonald is facing a little bit of skepticism on YouTube, as more than one person has asked about the child actor that portrays him in the video. McDonald stands by the fact that the kid is in fact a naive, 12-year-old version of himself.

    Check it out below:

    This gives me and idea. I’m not exactly sure what I would say to myself at age 50, though. I’m pretty sure that me in twenty-four years would hate the current me. Maybe that’s how we all should strive to live our lives. Strive to make sure future you won’t hate current you and vice versa. It may help to simply imagine the conversation the two of you would have, if it ever came to that.

  • Pissed Off Guy Vandalizes T-Mobile Store With A Fire Extinguisher

    I’m sure that we’ve all experienced the blood-boiling anger that can arise from dealings with mobile carriers. Whether it’s AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile, some bad news about your data plan or your upgrade or your warranty has probably pushed you pretty close to the deep end.

    While most of us are able to control these unavoidable emotions for the most part, I guess it’s no surprise to find that someone just snapped.

    It’s unknown exactly what set off this guy in Machester. Poor customer service? Bath Salts? Whatever it was, the end result was a smashed up T-Mobile store, handcuffs, and a viral vid.

    The man’s level of calm is kind of amazing, considering the destructive powers of his actions. After methodically tearing down signs, ripping display models from the wall, and coating the store with extinguishing agent, he just sits down and accepts his fate. I guess when you’re mad an hell and just can’t take it anymore, you simply accept what has to be done – regardless of the consequences.

    Judging by the end of the video, at least the guy put on a hell of a show for a pretty big audience.

    [via reddit]

  • Skyrim IRL: You’d Still Put A Bucket On That Shopkeeper’s Head

    Are you getting tired of the “Skyrim in real life” adaptations? No? Well, in that case, proceed.

    I’ll admit, it’s not an original idea. So many people became so embroiled in the fictional world of Skyrim, that it’s only logical that people would start to imagine how Skyrim’s little quirks would play out in real life. We’ve seen the world of Skyrim ported to a modern day convenient store, a lesson on how all of your item hoarding would be pretty bad in reality, and many more attempts to bring fantasy to the real world.

    Althought the Skyrim IRL concept is ubiquitous, quality production values and actual comedic value isn’t. That’s why Skyrim: The Real Dragonborn is worth your time.

    Courtesy YouTube user rizenvisual, check out the awesome video full of Skyrim inside jokes below:

    Recent Skyrim updates have brought Kinect support to the game, so you can FUS RO DAH to your heart’s content – and it will actually do something. Also, the 1.6 update recently brought mounted combat to Skyrim, which includes both melee and ranged combat.

    Oh, and there’s also that little thing known as Dawnguard, which is now available to download on your Xbox 360.

    Let’s just hope that Dawnguard provides enough new quirks to fuel a whole new round of Skyrim-based YouTube viral hits.

  • Thanks, Internet! Naked Guy Slaps A Cop While Getting Tazed

    You know that feeling you get when you watch something that you know you never would have been able to witness without the advent of the internet – that feeling of gratitude for YouTube, iPhones and the willingness of citizens to record anything and everything for the sheer enjoyment of others?

    Well, I got a wave of it after watching this naked dude bitchslap a cop after powering through what looks to be a taser to the family jewels.

    Not that we condone slapping an officer of the law – or even streaking through metropolitan areas. But man is this funny. It’s also pretty amazing that this guy was able to ninja his way out of the grasp of three or four police officers while undergoing the disruption of his voluntary muscle control.

    The guy who caught this on camera says, “Dave appears to be a nice guy. I’m sorry the streak went bad! My apologies to his family for the unwanted attention.” Unfortunately for anyone related to “Dave” who may feel embarrassed, this thing is already in the hands of the viral gods.

    Check it out below:

    And of course, there’s already a gif of the new slap heard round the interwebs:


    [via reddit]

  • Jack Black Knows That If You Don’t Break Your Microphone, You Haven’t Properly Rocked Bohemian Rhapsody

    You could make the argument that Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” is the zenith of sing-a-long rock anthems. And if you made that argument, it’s highly unlikely that you would find too many dissenters. Simply put, if you’re a band and you want to learn one cover song to pump up your crowd, you probably won’t go wrong with Freddie Mercury’s crowning achievement.

    It appears The Protomen understand this, as they proceeded to put on a stellar performance of the song at a CD release party at the Exit/In club in Nashville, Tennessee. If you’ve never heard of The Protomen, they’re an American band that has gained a bit of a cult/internet following based on their concept albums and rock operas centered around video games (notably Mega Man).

    This particular performance is special because, as the story goes, Tenacious D frontman Jack Black happened to be hanging out at the show. And about three minutes into their impressive Bohemian Rhapsody rendition, The Protomen called Black on stage to help sing back-up vocals.

    As you can see, he gets pretty into it – enough so to destroy his microphone stand:

    From the looks of some of the fans, the surprise appearance was quite the treat.

    Impressive performance, all around. But I’m still not sure that it matches the intensity of my favorite Queen cover artist:

  • Here’s How You Train A Nine-Year-Old To Be A Future Beer Pong Champion

    All I can say is that this kid is going to be the life of many parties in about ten years.

    Trick shot videos are pretty commonplace on YouTube. In the past, we’ve seen people perform unbelievable shots with basketballs, footballs, and even beer cans. One of the most popular forms of trick shot videos are the ones involving ping pong ball shots using found locations – a dorm room or someone’s apartment, for instance.

    Despite the saturation of trick shot vids, it’s always impressive to see a little kid take on the challenge. Cue this video from one of the best parents in the world – one that’s teaching their child that in order to succeed at a collegiate level, you really only have to be good at one thing: tossing a ping pong ball into a plastic cup.

    That of course, and all-nighters.

    Check out the nine-year-old future beer pong champ below:

    This isn’t this kid’s first showcase of trick shots. A few months ago, he was featured in another, similar video. Except in this video, the kid’s eight.

    You gotta love the enthusiasm. Only a few more years until you can teach him how to properly chug a Natty Light, dad.

    [via reddit]

  • Here’s The Star Wars-Themed Gotye Parody You’re Looking For

    Because f*ck George Lucas, apparently.

    Many Star Wars fans can relate to the notion that the Star Wars of old has been dumped on, tainted, over-modified, and generally fouled up by a little too much hands-on action in the decades following the series’ debut. To these maligned fans, they may often sit back and wonder just what happend to the Star Wars they used to know.

    Oh, someone has now done a song specifically about this? It’s actually called “The Star Wars That I Used To Know?” It’s a parody of that ridiculously popular Gotye song? Good, I was hoping for that.

    Courtesy of Teddie Films, check out the back and forth between Darth and George, complete with wonderful stanzas like:

    Now and then I think of when I was in power
    Like choking people with the Force until they died
    But then you told them all my history
    And took away my masculinity
    And had my character portrayed by subpar actors.

    You are now addicted to an overuse of graphics
    And making Greedo shoot first? Han shot first.
    So when you tried to have the Force make sense
    You introduced the midichlorians
    And what’s the deal with having me be dubbed over (Noooooooooo!)

    “It’s a story of heartbreak to which Star Wars fans everywhere can relate. And even with all that heart ache, it’s still a better love story than Twilight,” says Teddie Films.

    Now, get that unstuck from your head sometime within the next year. Good luck with that.

    [via Geekologie]

  • The Facebook Police Call 187 On Your Crappy Status

    With all of the stupid, banal, borderline maddening stuff that people post on Facebook, don’t you wish that the “report story” option carried a bit more weight? What if clicking it triggered a swift response from a unit dedicated to finding and beating the absolute crap out of the idiot who posted the offensive content?

    If you’ve ever wished bodily harm on one of your “friends” for vaguebooking, fishing for compliments, or posting about their amazing salad they had for lunch – you’ll probably get a kick out of the Facebook Police.

    Courtesy of AndrewMfilms, this awesome little short imagines what would happen if people were held accountable for their daily Facebook stupidity – held accountable with pain and destruction of property.

    In a world with real Facebook Police, you may want to think twice about that status you post about missing your “snuggums” who’s on vacation. If it pisses off the wrong person, you may find your laptop smashed and your body broken and mangled around a swingset.

    Check it out below:

    Believe it or not, the concept of the Facebook Police isn’t brand new. Jimmy Kimmel once imagined a similar force whose job it was to enforce the laws of Facebook. Kimmel’s Facebook Police busted down your door and made sure you accepted your mom’s friend request, or responded to that long-ignored poke – but they never went all Terminator and threw your ass halfway across a playground.

    And for that reason, we opt for these Facebook Police.

  • This A-hole Robot Wins Every Game Of Rock, Paper, Scissors

    Does anyone else recall that childhood friend that used to cheat in rock, paper, scissors? Let’s say that the next turn in Super Mario 64 was on the line and you decided to settle a score with a quick best of three series. But of course, that little jerk hesitated when you threw rock and quickly changed his scissors into paper.

    Well, the Ishikawa Lab in Tokyo has developed a “Janken” robot that mimics this on the millisecond level. And it wins every single time.

    Here’s how it works:

    In this research we develop a janken (rock-paper-scissors) robot with 100% winning rate as one example of human-machine cooperation systems. Human being plays one of rock, paper and scissors at the timing of one, two, three. According to the timing, the robot hand plays one of three kinds so as to beat the human being.

    Recognition of human hand can be performed at 1ms with a high-speed vision, and the position and the shape of the human hand are recognized. The wrist joint angle of the robot hand is controlled based on the position of the human hand. The vision recognizes one of rock, paper and scissors based on the shape of the human hand. After that, the robot hand plays one of rock, paper and scissors so as to beat the human being in 1ms.

    So, it’s a big fat cheater.

    Check it out in action below:

    On a side note, let me indulge my robot paranoia for a second. As a society, we’ve already gone too far and developed robots that can do push-ups and even sweat, ones that can morph in order to fit into tiny spaces, and ones that can learn based on historical actions.

    Now they are going to be able to recognize our attack before we barely move a muscle? We’re screwed.

    [Via Ubergizmo]

  • If You Ever Wanted To See An MRI Of Childbirth, Here’s Your Chance

    Back in December, 2010, German scientists captured the first-ever MRI of live childbirth. It went down exactly how you think – a woman delivered a baby whilst encapsulated by an MRI machine. She was 24-years-old and was admitted to the hospital at about 37 and a half weeks.

    So next time your mother tells you how difficult you made her life while coming out of the womb, just point her to this story. Or don’t, you know, if you want to keep your head.

    At the time, we were only treated with still images of the MRI birth – which were amazing enough. But now, a video clip has germinated, and it’s absolutely incredible.

    Check it out below:

    Here’s what we’re looking at, according to the study:

    Accelerated real-time cinematic MRI seriesAccelerated real-time cinematic MRI series in an open high-field scanner during the active second stage of labor, when the mother starts performing expulsive efforts with the valsalva maneuver. The midsagittal plane is shown and the amniotic membranes are intact.

    The reason the images stop right as the baby’s head begins its exit is because that’s the moment researchers stopped the MRI in order to protect the baby’s ears from that notoriously deafening MRI noise.

    According to New Scientist, the whole reason for the MRI was to look at the relationship between fetal movement and its position as it make its way down the birth canal. All I know is that I much prefer this view to the one we’re all familiar with from health class.

  • That Looks Hard: Amazing Super Mario 3D Art Broken Down In Time Lapse Video

    The only thing better than some amazing video game-themed art is being able to watch the process of constructing said art from start to finish. Square the fun factor of that with the fact that it’s 3D chalk art, and you’ve got yourself one cool ass video.

    This time lapse video comes to you from artist Chris Carlson and photographer Mike Larremore. According to Larremore’s blog, the shoot took 11 hours and the video contains 2000 frames.

    Oh, and I forgot to tell you – Mario is the subject. Check it out below:

    They’ve also provided some behind-the-scenes images that show just how amazing this 3D street art really is – in terms of tricking the audience.

    Now, try to get that amazing Boston Pops version of the Super Mario theme out of your head. Good luck.

  • Taken 2 Trailer: Why In God’s Name Do People Keep Screwing With Liam Neeson?

    It’s unclear to me why people continue to think it’s a solid idea to take things from Liam Neeson. If the last five years have given us anything, it’s the undeniable fact that any role inhabited by the Irish actor is going to come equipped with a “particular set of skills” – and we’re not just talking about the movie where he actually says that.

    Fresh off bare-knuckle boxing wolves in the Alaskan tundra, Liam Neeson is back to mow down some European kidnappers in Taken 2, the sequel to the highly successful action thriller Taken.

    In that film, as you remember, kidnappers “took” his daughter are sold her into sexual slavery. Bad idea. This time, the crazy sons of bitches are apparently dumb enough to try and take him and his wife.

    In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his daughter.

    That’s all we have so far in terms of plot, and it’s really all we need. Whatever Taken 2 lacks in creative titling, it makes up for in badassery. If you don’t believe me, check out the international trailer that just hit the interwebs:

    Excited? The film is set to open on October 5th and as you can see returns much of the same cast as before. We’re just happy to see Liam Neeson take on the most interesting man in the world.

  • If You Only Watch One Morgan Freeman Impression Today, Make Sure He’s Talking About Titty Sprinkles

    If you spend any time on reddit, Facebook, or any other site where memes and funny pictures are the backbone of the content, you’ve probably run across the image above.

    It’s a simple play on the celebrity quote meme that, when created earnestly, imposes an image of the person alongside a famous quote attributed to them. You are likely to see these memes created with the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson, Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, and various other people (living or deceased) that have been known to provide nuggets of wisdom throughout the years.

    Or, in the case of this Morgan Freeman rendition, something completely different. Titty Sprinkles.

    The image confirms that if placed next to a photo of someone you know, any text will most likely be translated inside your head using the voice or vocal stylings of said person. Think William Shatner or Christopher Walken – famous people with remarkably distinctive voices. Of course, there are few people around with a more recognizable way of speaking than Morgan Freeman.

    And now, someone has brought this well-circulated image to life.

    That someone is Josh Robert Thompson, actor and impressionist who has appeared in episodes of Family Guy, American Dad, various films, and numerous video games. He’s known for his spot-on impressions of celebs like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sly Stallone – but his Morgan Freeman impression is unmatched.

    So, without further ado, close your eyes and listen to Morgan Freeman talk about Titty Sprinkles.

    [via reddit]

  • Where The Hell Is Matt? Well, He’s Back And Still Dancing

    Matt Harding, a self-described “35-year-old deadbeat from Connecticut,” made quite the impact on the viral culture with his series of YouTube videos entitled “Where the Hell is Matt?”

    In 2003, he traveled around the world, danced with the locals, and compiled that footage into a popular YouTube video. A few years later, he did it again (with the help of a sponsorship from Stride gum), and the second video entitled “Where the Hell is Matt 2008” catapulted him into internet superstardom. That video has received nearly 43 million views.

    In short, it’s hard to have lived in the recent viral culture and not be familiar with Matt Harding.

    His previous videos are so endearing partly because of his particularly goofy dance moves. He explains how that became part of the videos on his site:

    A few months into his trip, a travel buddy gave Matt an idea. They were standing around taking pictures in Hanoi, and his friend said “Hey, why don’t you stand over there and do that dance. I’ll record it.” He was referring to a particular dance Matt does. It’s actually the only dance Matt does. He does it badly. Anyway, this turned out to be a very good idea.

    But now, he’s back with an entirely different approach. Gone are awkward moves, having been replaced by a variety of new dances, all conforming with those of the locals.

    Check out Where the Hell is Matt: the 2012 edition below:

  • This Pulp Fiction Remix Asks You To Say What Again

    You know when you hear something and just immediately know that it’s not only going to blow up on a viral scale, but wind up in rotation on some sort of user-supported radio as well as at some club that’s cool enough to play it?

    Well, that’s how I feel about Lead Breakfast, a remix of famous clips from the classic film Pulp Fiction.

    This amazing work of art comes to us from Pogo, aka Nick Bertke from Perth, Australia. This is definitely not his first attempt at turning film clips into music, as some of his recent offerings include Boo Bass (a Monsters, Inc. remix), Sugarella (from Disney’s Cinderella), and Murmurs of Middle Earth (obviously, from Lord of the Rings). You can check all of them out on his YouTube channel.

    As a bonus, here’s Pogo’s reasoning for sticking with YouTube despite a few technical issues:



    I have a feeling that this will give him all the views he wants.

    [Via Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Twitter]