
Tag: Videos

  • Why in the Hell is Jerry Jones Rapping about Papa John’s?

    You didn’t need to do this, Jerry. Nobody needed to do this.

    There’s a new ad for Papa John’s pizza featuring Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, and it’s really really bad. Not so bad that it’s good, just really really bad.

    Something something about Jerry Jones shooting off like a Roman Candle. something else about a double threat. It’s Jerry Jones rapping – that’s all you really need to know. The YouTube description says that “there are three things Texans enjoy: pizza, football and Jerry Jones rapping.” Can any Texans attest to this?

    Courtesy of the Loomis Agency, who fashion themselves as “an ad agency that lives to help underdogs find their voice and fight the big dogs.”

    Apparently, this isn’t the first time that this agency has put Jerry Jones in a Papa John’s commercial. Let’s just hope that Jerry is a better hands-on team manager this year than he is at whatever the hell this is.

    [via Mashable]

  • Learn How to Troll the Police with an Air Duster [VIDEO]

    Messing with the cops for no apparent reason is generally something one should advise against. There are a lot of things that make this statement true – tazers, guns, and ultimate control of your freedom, just to name a few. These guys decided to screw with the police by making them get out their cars for absolutely no reason.

    I’m not sure if this is funny, an exercise in civil disobedience, a protest against all of the recent examples of police brutality, a demonstration of having pretty big balls, or just douchey. Whatever it is, I’m shocked that the officers were all so cool about this. You’d have to think that one would at least feel the need to smack one of these punks across the back of the head.

    Then again, it is pretty clever. Warning: Do not try this at home, as you have no idea how accommodating the police in your town may be.

    [h/t Fark]

  • The Curiosity Rover Descent Video Gets a 25 FPS Makeover

    Last week, NASA finally released the full-res video of the Curiosity rover descent – and it was incredible. Watching the nearly one-ton machine parachute down to the Martian surface is awe-inspiring at 4 frames per second, albeit a bit choppy. This guy decided that it needed to be improved to around 25 frames per second.

    So he did, and he was right. The video needed this, and the final product is beautiful.

    Using a process called interpolation, YouTube user hahahaspam filled in the gaps to create the most amazing descent video yet. Check it out below:

    And if you want to see the difference between the interpolated video and the original video, check this out:

    Here’s his explanation of the process, from reddit.

    I downloaded the 1648x1200px pictures from here and imported them into After Effects as an image sequence. Then I stretched the image sequence to run at 25 fps which resulted in a legit frame being copied 4 times until the next real frame came. At this point, I went to the original image sequence and started oding manual motion tracking, watching a crater here or there. I made sure I always had at least two data points at any given time so that I could reposition and rotate for fluid motion.

    Then I copied that motion tracking data to some null objects, and told after effects to interpolate the data in between using bezier curves (Wikipedia Link). Here is a picture of that progress.

    Well, this wasn’t quite enough because I needed the difference in movement between frames, not motion overall, so I coded for position and rotation with After Effect Expressions…

    …This gave me a pretty good approximation for the main duration of the descent. Near the end I had to start accounting for changes in scale, and I went in a manually had fun with the heat shield for the first couple seconds of its descent. That’s why it looks extra smooth for the first bit.

    Awesome. Just awesome.

  • Like Google’s Doodles? Meet The Team That Makes Them. [Video]

    Google’s Doodle team recently went to the Computer History museum, and participated in a lengthy discussion about the art and technology behind the beloved takes on Google’s logo.

    The museum has posted the full length session on YouTube, so if you have about an hour and a half to kill, check out what they have to say:

  • Those Aren’t Real Houses, Silly! Guy Throws Party in IKEA Demo Room

    I’d be lying if I said I never thought about what it would be like to actually live in an IKEA. I think everyone has at some point. Dozens of different rooms decorated with stylish Scandinavian furniture, TVs, kitchens, and bathrooms – it’s all there!

    This guy decided to make one of the demo rooms his own by staging an impromptu house party, complete with music, dancing, booze, and plenty of willing participants.

    Of course, security had to break it up eventually. But what’s a good house party without the man trying to ruin all the fun?

    Check it out, courtesy @teefonline:

    [via reddit]

  • 13 iPhone 5 Rumor Videos You May Have Missed

    As you may be aware, there have been a lot of rumors about Apple’s next iPhone. It looks like you’re only a few short weeks away from finally seeing the device, and just a bit longer from being able to actually own one, but the rumors have been non-stop for as long as I can remember at this point.

    Many of the rumors come with videos, whether showing off alleged parts, putting together concept designs, or simply poking fun. Following is a collection of the videos that have surfaced over the course of 2012. You may have seen some of them. You may have seen all of them, or maybe you’ve not seen any of them. Either way, here’s 13 videos that iPhone enthusiasts have put together. Enjoy them now, because soon they will all be irrelevant.

    More iPhone 5 rumor coverage here.

  • Regular Guy Tricks NYC into Thinking He’s a Huge Celebrity [VIDEO]

    It’s undeniable that Americans are a celebrity-obsessed bunch. Take a look at what’s trending on Twitter or Yahoo, or any other online service that tracks buzz and you’l notice a trend; Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Katie Holmes, Snooki, Snooki’s baby, Kim Kardashian again. Reality TV remains popular because it gives everyone the hope that someday, they too could be a star. People Magainze flies off the shelves. Girls trample each other for the chance to touch Justin Bieber’s shirt.

    It’s a giant fame circlejerk, no doubt.

    But are we more attracted to the famous people themselves or simply the idea of fame?

    Brett Cohen decided to answer that question by becoming a celebrity for one night. If you haven’t heard of Brett Cohen, don’t feel bad. He’s just a dude. But he though that by dressing up like a celeb, hiring a couple of bodyguards as an entourage, and having a half dozen “papparazzi” snap some photos, he could trick New Yorkers into thinking that he was somebody. Anybody.

    And it worked – like a charm.

    As the crew walked over to Times Square, the crowds around Brett grew on each consecutive block. Very few people even questioned who he was, where he was from, or what he does. Brett took pictures with nearly 300 people before the stunt ended. The video even includes interviews with people who had just taken a picture with Brett, and puts them in an awkward position when they’re asked questions such as, “Where do you know Brett from?” and “What’s your favorite movie he was in?” Many of them were overwhelmingly excited over Brett’s walk through Times Square, and it showed.

    Check out the social experiment below:

    Why the hell does everyone seem to think he was in Spiderman?

    [via reddit]

  • Hulu Launches New Design That’s All About Discovery

    Hulu Launches New Design That’s All About Discovery

    Hulu has just unveiled a big redesign to their site that changes up the look, but also adds features and sections that aim to help users find the shows they want to watch, when they want to watch them. Hulu wants you to find those “hidden gems,” and that what this UI update is all about.

    “As we worked on the new layout for the site, we kept two things in the backs of our minds: How can we make it easier for you to find and enjoy the best TV moments on your computer? And how can we surround those moments with the most beautiful, elegant and innovative video experience on the web?” said VP of Product Rob Wong.

    First off, they’ve replaced the traditional format with a new one featuring larger images. This includes shots from last night’s episodes of shows featured on the service as well as within a new “tray-style” format below the featured program. As you go down the homepage, you’ll see recommended picks (based on your previous viewing habits), as well as popular content (based on others’ viewing habits).

    You’ll also find new Staff Picks on the homepage. Today, those start out with hand-picked collections of clips like “SNL for President.”

    Since this update is all about discovery, Hulu has updated their search bar at the top of pages. They’ve also tweaked how users navigate the site with the “Browse” feature. “Use the “Browse” menu to easily jump to popular content, content recently added to the site, specific networks, recommendations and more from any page on Hulu,” says Wong.

    Check out the video welcome to the all new Hulu below:

  • Arya the Cat Sings the Game of Thrones Theme

    Doing strange things with the Game of Thrones theme intro is pretty popular these days. It’s been remade with squeaky dog toys, a half dozen floppy drives, and even mashed up with the intro to Friends. Now, it’s been recreated with the meows of a Siamese cat.

    YouTube user herbertcosta used the various utterances from his cat Arya to create this masterpiece of mixing. Why do we need a remix of the Game of Thrones theme song sung by a single cat?

    Because internet. That’s why. Check it out below:

    [h/t Buzzfeed]

  • Mashup Pays Tribute to Bill Ghostbustin’-ass Murray

    This isn’t the first Bill Murray mashup to hit the internet, and it won’t be the last. Why is it important, then? Because Bill Murray needs as many tributes as the internet will allow, that’s why.

    This tribute to the man, the myth, the legend come courtesy of Eclectic Method. Its shining moment comes in the mashup of Jim Jarmusch’s Coffee and Cigarettes with Zombieland; because what’s better than a Bill Murray remix? A Bill Murray remix featuring Woody Harrelson and RZA & GZA.

    “Here is how to tell if you are at the best party currently happening in America at any given moment: You turn around and there he is, mixing cocktails, cracking jokes, and making everything more awesome! Yeah he crashes normal people parties, yeah he assimilates naturally and perfectly, yeah he is the shit! Bill is a walking, talking memecon -an iconic meme. From SNL to Ghostbusters to Wes Anderson flicks, Murray has, more than just about anyone, had several ages of awesome”

    Indeed. Check it out below:

  • I AM THE FRESHMAKER: A Breaking Bad Mentos Ad

    Sometimes, things are just funnier than they should be. I’m not saying that a great scene from this season of Breaking Bad turned into a classic Mentos commercial shouldn’t be funny, but I probably shouldn’t have laughed for five minutes straight after watching it.

    I don’t know if you’ll find it as perfect as I do, but something about the way Flynn nods his head and Walter’s creepy smile at the end just screams mid-90s ads for the Freshmaker. Maybe it’s just the goofy take on a scene from arguably the most tense season of the most tense show ever made that gives me a rare Monday morning smile.

    Check it out below:

    Classic YouTube comments:

    “They’re not breath mints, they’re MENTOS. JESUS CHRIST MARIE!”
    “YO, *throws pack of mentos in the air* FRESHEN IT UP, BITCHES”

    Thank you once again, internets.

    [via UPROXX]

  • 5 Doors That Sound Like Other Things

    5 Doors That Sound Like Other Things

    Because it’s Friday and because why not, below are some YouTube clips of doors (of all kinds) that sound like other things. Each artistic door below perfectly (debatable) impersonates something or someone from the world of pop culture. We’ve got a famous jazz artist, a video game character, a popular film character, and more.

    Everyone loves impressions, right?

    Check them out below:

    This cabinet door sounds exactly like Chewbacca:

    This door does it’s best to sample Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew:

    This door sounds just like a Reaper (or a Tripod from War of the Worlds, depending on who you ask):

    This door sounds like a whining puppy…at least to this guy’s dog:

    Here’s another door that sounds exactly like Chewbacca:

    [h/t reddit]

  • Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Mess with Someone’s Facebook Profile

    I’d be willing to bet that the majority of young Facebook users will be able to relate to the overwhelming need for revenge exhibited by the creators of this video. Most of us can remember the last time a “friend” decided to prank us by altering some aspect of our Facebook page.

    Whether it’s changing someone’s favorite music to Justin Bieber, childishly switching their “interested in” information, or just posting an embarrassing status – there are plenty of ways to prank someone on Facebook once you’ve gotten access to their account. It’s a trick as old as Facebook itself, and although most of us would lament its immaturity, it’s hard to pass up a chance to mess with your buddies.

    Just don’t cross this guy.

    Instead of getting his little brother back on the interwebs, this guy decided to go nuclear and transform the offender’s room into a space fit for any Bieber-loving teen. Watch for the priceless reaction when the victim realizes he’s just too lazy to change it all back.

    Plus, it’s nice to see that even the Dutch have the same terminology when it comes to screwing with someone’s Facebook profile (fraped).

    Check it out below:

    [via reddit]

  • The Five Guys Review Guy Gets Songified [VIDEO]

    Remember the Five Guys Burgers and Fries review guy? He’s a guy who stole our hearts from the front seat of his car and set the bar pretty high for all future fast food reviewers to follow.

    Oh my goodness, oh my dayum.

    Well, the world-famous Gregory Brothers team has put their own spin on the now-classic viral video by giving it the “Songify” treatment. The Gregory Brothers have been “Songifiying” the internet’s best viral vids for quite some time, to the tune of 250 million+ views.

    You may also know them from their other little YouTube series, called Autotune the News.

    Without further ado, here’s their take on YouTube user Daym Drops’ amazing five Guys review, entitled OH MY DAYUM.

  • Watch 5th-Graders Describe the Internet with Mind-Blowing Precision…in 1995

    The internet is our telephone, our TV, shopping center, and workplace – this is all true. And a 1995 Public Service Announcement featuring a class of 5th-graders accurately predicted these things about the internet – back in 1995.

    The PSA comes courtesy of students at Ray Bjork elementary school in Helena, Montana. “All the Internet possibilities mentioned in the script are today a reality. The production won a local ADDY Award in 1996 for Best PSA,” says the YouTube description. Impressive then, impressive now.

    These kids predict a lot of other things concerning the interwebs that we know now to be true. One young internet enthusiast is particularly partial to cats. I blame her.

    Bonus points for the rapid-fire mid-90s web pages, all being accessed in Netscape:

    [via ReadWriteWeb]

  • Guy Tracks Bike Thief Via Craigslist, Sets Up Sting [VIDEO]

    Well, that’s one way to get your stolen property back.

    When Simon Jackson’s (alias) bike was stolen from his home in Portland, Oregon, he began searching the internet for it. When he eventually found it listed on Craigslist 160 miles away in Seattle, Washington, he decided to head up there and confront the thief face-to-face.

    Mr. Jackson credits the success of the sting, in part, on the new Burner app for iOS. Burner allows users to create multiple virtual “burner” phones, so that they don’t have to use their real phone numbers when making calls. It’s like The Wire, but with a lot less trips to the corner store and a lot less waste. By unsing Burner, he was able to feign the correct area code for someone in the area of the thief.

    “We called the cops just before Simon started talking with the thief. It took Seattle PD 45 minutes to get there. Simon decided to confront him when they neglected to show up. Once he did, however, they rolled up as you can see in the video,” they say.

    The “thief” claims that he simply bought the bike on Craigslist, even though he knew it was stolen. The sting team feels otherwise, claiming to have tracked his residence to a few blocks away from the theft.

    Check it out below (NSFW language):

    [via reddit]

  • Watch Olivia Munn Mysteriously Lose Her Boobs in This Incredible Short

    What if you woke up one morning and everything you ever loved was gone – vanished without a trace. That would suck. Now, imagine that everyone around you started telling you that the thing you loved the most never really existed. You’d start to feel like a crazy person, right?

    Now, imagine we’re talking about boobs.

    Olivia Munn’s boobs.

    Courtesy of Above Average, the newest venture from independent New York production company Broadway Video, comes “Ghost Tits.” This fake movie trailer short is billed as “the story of a man whose life is turned upside down when his girlfriend’s breasts suddenly disappear.”

    And boy, is this one psychological thriller that we seriously hope gets made. No, seriously – is anyone out there seeing this and realizing the potential monster hit we have on our hands?

    Oh, and if you’re wondering if that amazingly-named site at the end of the clip really exists, well, it does. I have to admit, Olivia Munn is one of my favorite parts of the underwhelming new HBO show The Newsroom, but I think I like her in this role even more. That creepy stare as she closes that door is horror gold. Plus, FEENY!

  • Mitt Romney Gets Some More Bad Lip Reading

    “Marijuana is great. Call the whippet badger,” said Mitt Romney at a recent campaign rally.

    Ok, he didn’t actually say that. But if you were simply reading his lips from afar, you may have thought that’s exactly what the presumptive GOP presidential nominee said.

    Everyone’s favorite misrepresenters, Bad Lip Reading, are back with another Mitt Romney session. You won’t believe some of the things that come out of his mouth. Check it out below:

    This isn’t the first time that BLR has taken on Mittens…

  • Watch Baby Got Back Performed By 295 Films

    Sometimes, when you watch a mashup video on YouTube, the first thing that pops into your head is “holy hell, that had to have taken forever.”

    This is one of those occasions.

    YouTube user dondrapersayswhat decided, because he’s “that much of a nerd,” to recreate Sir-Mix-A-Lot’s epic anthem to the female posterior using clips from films. Every word is represented by splicing together 295 different movie clips.

    Necessary? Absolutely not. Are we thankful that one denizen of the interwebs decided to give us a shot of viral awesomeness on this Monday afternoon? Definitely.

    Check it out below:

    If you want follow along with all of the films used in this mashup, just switch on the closed captioning option. Or, you could see how many you can name on your own. Although, that seems like a task even more difficult than dancing on top of a giant ass.

    [h/t Mashable]

  • Gotye Makes His Own “Somebody That I Used to Know” Supercut

    Offline, it’s been nearly impossible to avoid “Somebody That I Used to Know,” the infectious breakout hit for Australian singer Wally De Backer, better known as Gotye.

    And online, it’s been equally as difficult to avoid the hundreds of covers that have popped up on YouTube.

    Although “Gotye supercut” may not interest you immediately, it will probably help to know that this one was crafted by none other than Gotye himself.

    “All audio and video in Somebodies is from the YouTube user videos featured, each of them a cover or parody of Somebody That I Used To Know. No extra sounds were added to the mix, but I used some EQ, filtering, pitch-shifting and time-stretching to make the music,” says Gotye.

    It’s somehow done the impossible and made an overplayed song fresh again. Check it out below:

    “I avoided using any existing remixes of the song, or any covers from tv talent shows.
 As comprehensive and extensive as I tried to be with my downloading of source videos, I know there are many clips that I missed. Tay Zonday’s cover for instance, no internet mashup should be without him.”

    Good work, Wally. For a full list of all of the YouTube covers he used in the supercut, you can check out his blog.

  • Watch This New LEGO Lord of the Rings Trailer

    The joining together of two incredibly fun franchises, Traveller’s Tales LEGO games and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, is making me a very happy camper. As a person who’s usually buried in an RPG or a FPS, the various LEGO games based on film series are some of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve ever had in gaming.

    They’re lighthearted, clever, and really just a lot of fun. And the next installment, LEGO the Lord of the Rings, is set to hit the shelves this fall.

    Prior to E3, we got a look at the first trailer for the game, which showcased the new element that this one will be receiving – real dialogue from the film.

    And now, we have a new trailer from Gamecom. In it, we get some of that cheeky humor that we’re used to from these TT games. Check it out below:

    “LEGO The Lord of the Rings is based on The Lord of the Rings motion picture trilogy and follows the original storylines of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Now the entire family can team up in pairs as adorable LEGO The Lord the Rings minifigures to experience countless dangers, solve riddles and battle formidable foes on their journey to Mount Doom,” says TT.

    And “You shall not pass,” having been featured prominently in both trailers, sounds just a powerful when coming from the mouth of a LEGO.