
Tag: Videos

  • Paul Ryan Contemplates New Band Names in the Latest Bad Lip Reading

    About every couple of weeks, YouTube users can expect another installment of Bad Lip Reading, the hilarious series that redubs popular videos with nonsensical, oftentimes irreverent words – of course, based on the target’s lip reading. Well, it’s that time again, and their latest episode doesn’t disappoint.

    After going after Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney back in August, they’ve now turned their sights to his running mate, Paul Ryan.

    This Bad Lip Reading is a bit different from the most recent ones. Here, they’ve added some elements and photoshopped some items into the setting that give it a nice story arc. Paul Ryan, no longer able to call his awesome band “Steak Baby” anymore, must think of some new names.

    We won’t spoil it, but some of them are pretty great. Check it out below:

    We’ll be waiting to see if BLR tackles President Obama and Joe Biden in the last month leading up to the election. If you’re still craving some more BLR, check out these equally awesome episodes featuring The Hunger Games and Twilight.

  • Spongebob Squarepants Gets a Dramatic Makeover

    It’s common knowledge on the internet that you can take almost anything and completely alter its tone and message. All you need is a clever mind for editing and the right soundtrack.

    Really, the music is key. And if there’s one song that can turn anything into something exponentially more epic, it’s Zack Hemsey’s Mind Heist, from Inception.

    One reddior learned that lesson the hard way. “Had a bet with a friend who claims, that he can make even the most ridiculous movies look dramatic. I feel tricked but I lost,” they say.

    Yeah buddy, you lost – because this reimagining of Spongebob Squarepants is beyond dramatic. Check it out below:

  • Mitt Romney Goes Gangnam Style in This Parody

    South Korean rapper PSY’s megahit Gangnam Style has permeated our culture and been infused with almost everything imaginable. We’ve seen Hitler Gangnam Style, Skyrim Gangnam Style, Gangnam Style meets Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Kim Jong style.

    Hell, we’ve even seen Google’s Eric Schmidt dancing with PSY himself.

    But now, the fad has hit American politics.

    No, it’s not actually Mitt Romney doing Gangnam Style, but instead a clever parody that highlights some of Romney’s less-attractive features in the eyes of voters.

    Sure, it’s a bit biased against Mittens – but hey, it’s hump day and this is pretty funny. Here it is, Mitt Romney Style (via CollegeHumor) [NSFW language]

    Of course, this comes to us on the day of the first Presidential debate, set to kick off at 9pm ET. This year, you can stream all of the debates live on YouTube as well as on your Xbox 360 via the new Elections Hub. The latter is even interactive, allowing viewers to answer poll questions throughout the duration.

  • Liam Neeson Strips, Gets Drenched For Cancer [VIDEO]

    Call it a kind-hearted act for cancer research, or call it a clever promotion for his new film – either way, Liam Neeson stripped down to a pair of hot pink underwear on The Ellen Show and got soaked in a dunking booth.

    Liam Neeson had already agreed to possibly get wet for breast cancer research, but as Ellen directed him toward the dunking booth, Neeson called an audible:

    “If I take this [his robe] off does the $10,000 become $20,000?” he asked. The answer was yes, and Neeson submitted to the aim of a breast cancer survivor.

    See how it played out below:

    That woman was pretty excited to meet Mr. Neeson. Don’t even try to act like you wouldn’t have done the same. I’m talking to you too, fellas.

    Since the drenching was successful, Shutterfly will donate $20,000 to breast cancer research. Oh yeah, and Taken 2 opens this weekend in theaters.

  • Watch Celebrities Tell You to Vote, For Anything

    It’s that time of the year again (ok, time of the every four years). It’s voting season, which means there will be plenty of people who come along and tell you that you have to vote, and how much it matters. Voting is cool, man. Right?

    Anyway, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of celebrity PSAs encouraging you to fulfill your democratic duty. But this one’s pretty funny, and stars some pretty funny people.

    Check it out below:

    The video is part of a voting campaign called Vote 4 Stuff. As the video says, you can make your own video on what issues are important to you and tag it #vote4stuff – and hey, maybe you’ll wind up making your own viral hit.

    Oh, and voting is cool. Don’t let your disillusioned friends tell you otherwise.

    [via The Daily What]

  • Mark Zuckerberg Talks Medvedev, Fashion on Russian Late Night

    Mark Zuckerberg Talks Medvedev, Fashion on Russian Late Night

    As you may have heard, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is currently on a highly-publicized trip to Russia. Yesterday, he toured the city of Moscow, visiting the Red Square and a McDonalds. He then met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to discuss technology and expansion in the country.

    Of course, Zuckerberg knows that Russia is a big market that’s basically untapped. Russian-born social network Vkontakte dominates in the country. Some seemed to think that Zuckerberg may be secretly on a developer and engineer-finding mission.

    Either way, Zuckerberg had time to do hit late night talk show circuit. Zuckerberg spoke with Ivan Urgant, host of popular late night show Evening Urgant. Evening Urgant is broadcast on “the biggest country-wide broadcaster with the largest audience in Russia,” Channel One. So I guess it’s comparable to Zuckerberg appearing on Leno, Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, or Fallon in the U.S.

    When asked about his meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, there’s what Zuckerberg had to say:

    “It was a lot of fun. We had an interesting conversation. He’s very supportive of developing the technology industry here in Russia. We’re really excited about this too – a lot of what I’m here to do is to talk to developers and engineers and entrepreneurs here who are going to build stuff using Facebook, and build a lot of new Russian companies. So, it was an interesting conversation.”

    The topics of conversation ranged from serious to casual, for instance Zuckerberg talked about his famous attire (and the fact that he wore a suit to speak to Medvedev:

    “You know, I actually went to boarding school, so I had to wear a jacket and tie everyday. So when I was done with that, I just decided that I was going to wear a t-shirt for the rest of my life.”

    If you can put up with the Russian voiceover, Zuckerberg responds in English and it’s a pretty fun interview. Check it out below:

  • Google Sheds More Light On Freshness As A Ranking Signal

    There’s a new Webmaster Help video from Google’s Matt Cutts. In this one, he talks specifically about freshness as a ranking signal. The video is a response to the following user-submitted question:

    Google has expressed in the past that frequently updated pages get a boost in rankings (QDF), that seems to favor blogs and news sites over company sites, which have less reason to be updated often. How important of a signal is “freshness”?

    There’s no question that Google has put greater emphasis on freshness of content in many SERPs. Last November, Google launched the “Freshness” update, and since then, Google has made various adjustments to how it handles the signal.

    In fact, just since this video was released, Google put out a big list of algorithm changes it made throughout the past two months, and there were some freshness signals mentioned on that (though not as many as in past lists. More on that here.

    I’ve criticized the search engine’s emphasis on freshness in the past, as I’ve found more times than I can count, instances of results where fresher results were being shown, making it harder to find content that was actually useful to my search needs. Readers suggested that I was not alone.

    “There’s a little bit of an interesting twist in this question, where it’s not just the case that just because something is frequently updated – in terms of the pages on your blog or on your site – that you automatically should sort of be ranking higher. I wouldn’t have that interpretation of freshness,” Cutts says.

    “Sometimes people are looking for something that’s fresh-seeking, so if you’re searching for an earthquake or some event that just happened, that would be QDF (that would be query that deserves freshness)…not every query deserves freshness,” he says. “So…if it’s evergreen content – sometimes people are looking for long form content or doing more research, than freshness wouldn’t be counted as that much.”

    I’ve actually encountered a lot of the questionable results in searching for things that did happen in the news at one time, but were not necessarily news any longer. Part of my job is finding points of reference for articles, so this is pretty much a daily task. Freshness, in my experience, has often outweighed relevance to a fault.

    “We have over 200 signals that we use, and the thing that I would not do – the pitfall – the trap that I would not fall into is saying, ‘OK, I have to have fresh content, therefore, I’m going to randomly change a few words on my pages every day, and I’ll change the by-line date so that it looks like I have fresh content,” Cutts continues. “That’s not the sort of thing that’s likely to actually lead to higher rankings.”

    “And if you’re not in an area about news – you’re not in sort of a niche or topic area that really deserves a lot of fresh stuff, then that’s probably not something you need to worry about at all,” he says. “It might be better to…like in SEO, it’s not like…there will always be some SEO events, but there’s some content that’s evergreen that lasts and stands the test of time, and it might be better to work on those sort of articles than just trying to jump onto whatever’s on the top of Techmeme or whatever the story du jour is.”

    “I wouldn’t spend so much time thinking about freshness just because it’s one of the over two hundred signals, that you sort of miss out on all the other signals,” he says. “Now, if you’re in a hot breaking area where you’re competing with Engadget, The Verge…you know, if you write about video games, there’s a lot of topical, breaking news, then it is good to try to be fresh and make sure that you have content that’s especially relevant.”

    “But it’s not the sort of thing where you need to worry about making sure that you’re re-writing your pages or changing words on your page just so you look fresh,” he concludes. “Google is relatively good about trying to suss out when it’s more helpful to be fresh and when it’s sort of just regular search, where web pages that were good yesterday were also good today.”

    You know what was really good for fresh results? Realtime search powered by Twitter.

  • This Is How You Get a Giant Bear Off Your Deck; or Don’t Mess with Nishanto

    Don’t screw with bears. They’re big, strong, fast, and able to maul you to death within a matter of seconds. If at all possible, you probably just want to avoid face-to-face contact. I’d say this is pretty solid life advice.

    But whatever you do, DO NOT mess around with Nishanto.

    I wouldn’t try this next time you have a few hundred pound bear in your backyard. But you can’t argue against its efficacy.

    It is Monday, so if you get into a confrontation at work, I’ve heard this technique also works on bosses.

    [via reddit]

  • Get a Little Too Up Close and Personal with the New Steve Jobs Wax Figure

    The first anniversary of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs’ death is fast approaching (October 5th), and what better way to celebrate the life of a guy who meant a lot to many by unveiling a brand new wax replica of him.

    That’s just what Madame Tussauds did. On Thursday, they unveiled a wax statue of Jobs in Hong Kong – back shirt, glasses, and arms crossed.

    Why the cross-armed pose? Here’s Madame Tussauds’s explanation:

    “The pose, inspired by photographs taken at the shoot for his famous Fortune Magazine front cover in 2006, shows Jobs with arms casually folded in front of him, head tilted slightly with a warm smile. The professional team of Madame Tussauds had also replicated a pair of Lunor spectacles which is previously custom made for Jobs.”

    If you ever wanted to get some sweet up-close shots of Steve Jobs’ stubble, ass, 34-34 Levis, New Balance sneakers, and piercing brown eyes – well, this is as close as you’re going to get.

    Here’s the video, courtesy M.I.C. Gadget:

    Imagine what Steve Jobs would think about this wax statue, har har. The wax statue will remain in Hong Kong until November 26th, when it will then travel to Bangkok and Shanghai.

    [via 9to5Mac]

  • Watch An iPhone 5 Get Tortured By An Android Fan

    You’ve seen the drop tests. You’ve seen what a Barrett .50 Caliber sniper rifle can do to it (in slow motion). You’ve seen it deflect bullets. You’ve seen it violated.

    Now, watch it get tortured (courtesy of Android Authority):

  • Gangnam Style Visits Skyrim, Mashes with Bill Nye

    What is the internet if not a perfectly oiled remix and mashup machine. The denizens of YouTube have always been able to take two concepts and throw them together in amazing ways previously unimaginable. They can also take a viral smash and run it into the ground. You be the judge on where these fall on that spectrum.

    It’s been awhile since anything has taken the internet by storm quite like PSY and his megahit “Gangnam Style.” The original video is officially the most-liked video in YouTube history, and I’m assuming that has something to do with the ridiculous amount of Gangnam Style-inspired videos that have graced our ears in recent weeks. We’ve seen Gangnam Style Hitler, Kim Jong Style, and now we have a couple of new additions to the canon

    First, it’s Skyrim Gangnam Style:

    Also, Bill Nye – Science Style:

  • YouTube Adds New Voter Registration Annotation to Make Voting Go Viral

    Today marks the debut of a new holiday in the United States. September 25th is officially the first-ever National Vote Registration Day, a campaign to make sure that all eligible voters out there get registered. The campaign is spreading the word across Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, and other networks using the official hashtag #925NVRD.

    YouTube is taking a small step to help with the national voter registration drive, in the hopes that they can “make voting go viral.”

    Today, they’re announcing a new Voter Registration annotation that video creators can add to their videos. It will work like any other annotation, except it will link to Google’s dedicated voter registration hub.

    Here’s how you add the new voter annotation to your existing videos:

    You can add this annotation to a video in a few easy steps:

    Go to Edit Video on any of your uploads; At the top of the page, you’ll see a tab marked Annotation (fourth tab); Click “Add Annotation” and select “Cause” at the bottom of the list; Under “Select a Cause” choose “Register to Vote”; Choose the times you want it to appear and click “Save.”

    “In 2008, 6 million Americans didn’t vote because they missed a registration deadline or didn’t know how to register. In 2012, we want to make sure no one is left out,” says the NVRD site. Moderately to severely viral videos have the chance to reach hundreds or thousands – even millions of pairs of eyes from now until election day. If only a handful of those people click on an annotation in the video and choose to register to vote, that’s a win.

  • The Force Is Strong with This Baby, Calmed by the Star Wars Theme

    New parents out there will be pretty envious of these parents’ situation, as they’ve found an easy and incredibly badass way to calm down their crying son.

    Take him on a drive? Nope. Give him a pacifier? Please. Sing you own lullaby? Amateur. All this displeased kid needs is a few bars from John Williams’ epic score and he’s good to go.

    “We discovered by accident that the Star Wars Theme Song has magical abilities to calm the baby down. He was screaming and crying in the car one day, and the MP3 player started playing this song and he just stopped. Then, every time after that when he’d be crying for no reason (we knew his diaper was clean, tummy was full, etc.) and we’d play this song, he’d perk right up,” says YouTuber SebastianL2012.

    Let’s just hope that for these parents, this neat trick works until the little guy moves out.

  • Gangnam Style Takes a North Korean Turn with Kim Jong Style

    Last week, I told you that Gangnam Style mashed up with the ubiquitous “Hitler reacts” videomeme was the logical conclusion of the K-pop viral hit. Now, just a few days later, I’ve realized that this declaration was a huge mistake. This. This, my friends, is where the Gangnam Style fad had to wind up.

    Walkin’ Kim Jong style.

    Yes, PSY’s YouTube sensation has moved to the friendly confines of North Korea. BarelyPolitical has produced the true logical conclusion of the Gangnam Style craze with this tribute to the Supreme Leader.

    Check it out below:

    This video serves as additional proof that anything associated with Gangnam Style is destined to become YouTube gold. In just a few day, Kim Jong Style has already amassed over 738,000 views. Last week, Gunniess certified a new world record for Gangnam Style – YouTube’s most-liked video of all time.

    [h/t Mashable]

  • More Famous GIFs Set to Music [VIDEO]

    More Famous GIFs Set to Music [VIDEO]

    Reddit user Rasta_Pasta had quite a bit of viral success with thier first GIF Sound the Video compilation, which featured some of the internet’s most legendary GIFs set to some hilarious, oftentimes highly inappropriate music.

    Now, they are back with part two, which features another three and a half minutes of GIFs paired with an expertly chosen soundtrack. This time, not all of the GIFs are as famous as the ones in the original video, but you shouldn’t worry – you’re guaranteed to lose it a few times.

    Check out the perfect Monday morning pick up below:

  • Every Grisly Death From Game of Thrones Season 2 [VIDEO]

    HBO’s landmark series Game of Thrones features a superb script adapted from George R.R. Martin’s epic novels – one that is acted very well by the talented cast. It features a magnificent score and heart-stopping effects. And it’s fearless, having proven that with a couple of plot twists that attempted to advance the storyline with the unfortunate risk of alienating some of the viewers.

    Oh, and it’s really bloody violent and full of graphic sex.

    We’ve already covered the sex part, as earlier in the summer we brought you every single scene involving sex or nudity in the first two seasons combined. Now, since that’s been taken care of, let’s move on the violence.

    Behold; all the awesome death scenes from season two of Game of Thrones, as compiled and mix by Vimeo user Doctor Roboto. That song you’ll hear in the background is “Microphone Effect” from Rage Against the Machine. [NSFW]

    [via Topless Robot]

  • The Hunger Games Gets a Bad Lip Reading

    The Hunger Games Gets a Bad Lip Reading

    The folks at Bad Lip Reading continually produce viral gems by twisting and turning the dialogue from all sorts of media. But when they tackle a teen movie megahit, well, it’s magical.

    Fresh off the amazing work of “Edward & Bella: A Bad Lip Reading of Twilight,” BLR is back with another masterpiece from the world of teen cinema. This time, it’s Katniss and The Hunger Games.

    Scooby Doo.

  • Gangnam Style Is Now the Most-Liked YouTube Video in History

    First, he took over YouTube. Then, he took over mainstream television. Now, he’s the proud owner of a Guinness World Record.

    South Korean rapper PSY has just set a new YouTube-based record with his megahit “Gangnam Style” – the most likes in history with 2,141,758 (and growing).

    That bests the previous record holder, LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” which has 1.5+ million likes. Justin Bieber’s “Baby” and Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” come in at #3 and #4.

    As of the writing of this article, “Gangnam Style has 2,227,650 likes and 96,838 dislikes. The video has been viewed 227,450,628 times and currently sits at the top for the YouTube 100 for this week. It sits just beyond YouTube’s top 30 most-viewed videos (across all categories) of all time.

    “Having been the ‘Have you seen this?!’ video of the last two months across the web, it’s great to be able to award a record for this tremendously popular video. In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a million times, and now “Gangnam Style” has achieved more than twice this figure in just 3 months on YouTube,” said GWR’s Dan Barrett.

    I’m sure that if you tallied up all of the views from all of the videos based on “Gangnam Style” (remixes, parodies, mashups, etc.), we’d be flirting with close to a billion Gangnam-related views. It has truly become a cultural phenomenon.

  • This Crying Robot on a Shopping Cart is Not Suitable for Bedtime [NSFB]

    Ok, I know that people often make jokes about the robot apocalypse. Virtually every robotic advancement presented to the world elicits at least a couple “oh, great, look what they’ve done now” responses. I’m as guilty of this as the next guy.

    This robot scares the sh*t out of me. But it’s not because I think it has any thoughts of global domination on its barely sentient mind (in fact, I doubt this blathering idiot of a robot would even be allowed in the robot uprising army). It’s because HOLY HELL WHAT DID I JUST WATCH.

    It’s a screaming, crying, robot monkey that jerks around in the most terrifyingly unnatural way you could imagine. It’s apparently called the Nightmare Machine, and I cannot argue with that moniker one bit. Check it out below:

    [via reddit]

  • DMX Isn’t Too Keen on the Google [VIDEO]

    DMX Isn’t Too Keen on the Google [VIDEO]

    Apparently, internet technology makes DMX lose his mind (up in here, up in here).

    Earlier this week, the Grammy-nominated rapper stopped by New York city’s Power 105.1 studios to discuss, among other things, Google. Not only is he not really into using the world’s biggest search engine, but he doesn’t really like the term “google” either.

    DMX isn’t really feeling the word “blog,” either:

    DMX does have a verified Twitter account, so at least he’s ok with that (or he employes a social media guy). We’re not sure if DMX really is this averse to internet technology, or this is just a bit. Either way, it’s pretty damn funny.

    [via reddit]

  • The Instagram Song: Two Cute Girls, Hipster Jokes, and Murder

    The world needed two cute blondes singing about Instagram over a bouncy acoustic strum. Don’t argue, it did.

    At first, you may think this is just a hipster’s love song to Instagram. Luckily, “The Instagram Song (Put a Filter on Me)” succeeds in using hipster indie folk in a way that pokes fun at hipsters and their favorite iPhone app.

    Yeah, that’s sooo ironic or something. Check it out below:

    Moral of the story: The more photos that you take of quinoa and dog poop, the more likely you are to wind up someone’s prison bitch. Right?

    [Julia Mattison via Mashable]