
Tag: Videos

  • Vimeo Boasts 14 Million Members and Over 675 Million Total Visits to End 2012

    Vimeo says that their 2012 was amazing, now that they’ve grown to the size of the principality of Liechtenstein. Like most companies, Vimeo has released their 2012 year-in review, which features some interesting user statistics. Mainly, their member base has grown exponentially in 2012.

    “It’s that time of year when a company’s thoughts turn to itself. Which is frankly what a company is always thinking about, because you pretty much have to if you don’t want the company to flounder or go off the rails or insert your favorite catastrophe cliché here. And now that we’ve taken a good hard look at Vimeo, we’re left with two mutually inclusive thoughts: 1. Dang, there are a lot more homo sapiens here than last year. 2. Wow, we sure accomplished a lot in 2012,” says Vimeo’s Chris Diken.

    Vimeo says that they now have over 14 million members, with over 5 million of them joining this year. That means that 37% of all Vimeo members are relatively new members.

    Vimeo hosts over 50 million videos, as that milestone was hit back in September. Videos uploaded this year total over 3.2 petabytes of data with 1.4 petabytes transcoded. Vimeo says that 200+ petabytes were played in 2012.

    And in total visits to the site, Vimeo hit 675 million.

    If you’re looking for some context to those numbers, YouTube boasts over 800 million unique visits every month. Last year, YouTube said they hosted over a trillion views.

    Vimeo has had a busy year. They kicked it off with a significant site redesign back in January. A couple of months ago, they launched their new set of creator tools which included a Tip Jar for videomakers. They also kicked off their new pay-to-view product which they will continue to expand in 2013. Just recently, Vimeo shipped a major update to their iOS app and finally landed on the Xbox 360.

  • Spend Your Money on Other People, Jerk. It’ll Make You Happier [VIDEO]

    It’s the holiday season, so what better time to remind everyone to STOP BEING SUCH A SCROOGE AND GIVE A LITTLE, JESUS. Or give a little Jesus, I guess. But most importantly, remember that you are much happier when you’re spending your money on other people as opposed to yourself. And if you own a business, letting your employees dole out your money to charities of their choice makes them better employees.

    In short – Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Festivus for the rest of us. Be generous, you pricks. Money can buy happiness, as long as you spend it right.

    Here’s our favorite science animators AsapSCIENCE with the breakdown:

  • Fruit Ninja IRL, with Bonus Dubstep (and a Cat) [VIDEO]

    Slow-motion, an oversized ninja, horses, fruit, swords, dubstep, swords, FLYING CATS.

    Why are you not already watching this? Seriously, stop reading this. If you keep reading this I’m just going to gradually turN It iNtO sUPeR aNnOYiNG FAcEBooK gIRL tYPe…

    [scottdw via Fark]

  • Video Looks At “What Brought Us Together” In 2012

    People will never see eye to eye on every issue, but Jean-Louis Nguyen has attempted to showcase the events of the year that “brought us together”. Unfortunately, it involves a great deal of heartbreak. Still, it’s a pretty powerful video.

    Earlier, YouTube itself put out a year-end video reflecting on the site’s biggest hits of the year. It’s definitely a more light-hearted look back at 2012. I probably don’t have to tell you what to expect with that.

  • Russell Brand Talks to Westboro Baptist Church [VIDEO]

    The Westboro Baptist “Church” has been spewing garbage for years, using their constitutionally-protected free speech rights to sling ridiculous, hateful nonsense at everybody from the LGBT community to dead American soldiers. They really don’t discriminate in their hate and are truly deplorable people – end of story.

    But that incontrovertible fact was made even more apparent when the group recently announced plans to “protest” the funerals of the children killed in the Newtown, Connecticut mass shooting last Friday. That drew the attention of hactivist group Anonymous, who declared war on the group and proceeded to release personal information, attack their website, and hack members’ Twitter accounts.

    So, this incredible interview is even more relevant than ever. Below, watch Russell Brand talk to two members of the WBC clan, one toting a “Fag Pimp Brand” poster. Hilarious.

  • Gangnam Style Tops YouTube Rewind Trending Vids

    YouTube has just jumped into the year-in-review game, unveiling YouTube Rewind, a channel devoted to the top trending videos of the year across multiple categories.

    “This year, Korean Pop music transcended boundaries and took the world by storm. Cover songs, parodies, and “do-it-yourself” music videos from all genres entertained us in countries near and far. And you participated in conversations at a global scale, uploading videos to share ideas on everything from nonprofit campaigns, to political satire, to new and surprising voices and talents. Plus, all over the world, you tuned in for the most up-to-date news footage of presidential elections, natural disasters and more,” says YouTube.

    And surprise, surprise: Gangnam Style is your top trending video of the year. Of course, “trending” doesn’t necessarily mean “the most total views,” but it’s important to note that Gangnam Style is rapidly approaching 1 billion views (971.5 million).

    The rest of YouTube’s top trending videos list takes us on a trip through 2012 in different areas. Their number two trending video is a cover of Gotye’s Somebody That I Used to Know by “five peeps, one guitar” group Walk off the Earth. And the third top trending video for 2012 was KONY 2012. Imagine that.

    Here’s a playlist of all of Youtube’s top trending vids of the year:

    You can head on over to YouTube’s Rewind channel for more 2012 nostalgia. But be sure to check out their tribute to this year’s viral hits, featuring members of other famous viral hits:

  • Matt Cutts Is Surprised People Are Still Being Duped By “Dog Fart Jr.”

    Matt Cutts Is Surprised People Are Still Being Duped By “Dog Fart Jr.”

    Google has put out a new Webmaster Help video. This time, Matt Cutts shares his biggest surprise of the year for the web spam team.

    “I would probably say the sheer number of people who continued to be snookered by snakeoil salesman products…that promise to instantly rocket you to number one,” says Cutts. “I would expect that in 2012, people would be a little bit more skeptical about that, especially after we do a pretty good job of finding various link networks, different ways of spamming Google – all that sort of stuff.”

    “A lot of the times, black hat guys will use a particular technique, and when it looks like it’s reaching the end of its lifespan, they’ll package it up, they’ll sell it to you in an ebook, or they’ll sell it to you as a script package, or a recurring service, or a link network that you can subscribe to,” he says. “And I’m like, I don’t get why people would believe this, and they’re like, ‘Well, there’s two other guys on the forum who say that it’s great,’ and it’s like, well, they’re named Dog Fart Jr. and Black Hat Assassin, and the package that you’re thinking about buying is spam forum software. You think those guys don’t know how to make sock puppet accounts that say, ‘Yeah, this is great, has anybody else used it?…I love it!’”

    Google sure does love the ol’ “Dog Fart” reference.

  • Stephen Colbert Talks To Eric Schmidt For An Hour

    Stephen Colbert recently participated in an @Google Talk, speaking one on one with Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt. The interview was initially broadcast live on YouTube, but now the company has posted the full recording for all to view.

    Colbert stopped by Google’s New York office to promote his book, which Schmidt points out is available on Google Play.

    Schmidt also tells Colbert, “Google Maps are phenomenal. Ask an Apple user.”

    Other recent @Google Talks include Nate Silver and Peter Gabriel.

  • There’s No Time to Explain, But You Need to Watch This Supercut

    Quick, get in the van. There’s no time to explain.
    Quick, come with me. There’s no time to explain.
    You’re in danger. There’s no time to explain.

    Seriously, it seems like it may be the most overused line in cinema. There’s never any damn time to explain anything. Hell, I don’t think I could accept that. If you have time to say “there’s no time to explain,” you could probably try your luck at a half-assed explanation.


    [via Slacktory]

  • Google Spends 30 Minutes Defending The New YouTube Design [Video]

    Google has posted a 30-minute hangout discussing the new YouTube design. Four Googlers discuss the changes and answer user-submitted questions.

    As with most redesigns of major products, there has been a fair amount of backlash from users about the changes. Here, you can see Google defend the changes.

    Google says the design is basically about getting more users to understand there are channels you can subscribe to. The majority of YouTube users, they say, don’t realize YouTube operates based on channels.

  • YouTube Creators Can Now Customize the Text Accompanying Their Shared Videos

    YouTube has just announced a new feature that makes it easier for video creators to share their videos with a message. Starting today, creators can now customize the text that follows your shared videos around – both on YouTube and on other social networks.

    “Where will this post appear? In YouTube feeds, the text will be merged into the upload feed item (exactly the same as if you were to upload a video, then make a channel post about the same video, but without the extra effort). This also works with the scheduled publishing feature, offering you even greater convenience,” says YouTube.

    Of course, your customized text will also appear when your video is shared across connected social media accounts, like Google+, Facebook, or Twitter. This saves you the trouble of having to go add a special message on every social media site when you share a video.

    Yesterday we told you that YouTube and Google+ got even more integrated. Now, video creators have the option to share their uploaded videos to Google+, and Google will display all of your public videos on your public Google+ profile. Just another way Google is integrating Google+ into other Google products – something that you should be unsurprised by at this point.

  • Breaking Bad Meets Downton Abbey and Cooks Up One Hilarious Cup of Tea

    Thanks, Colbert Report. Thank you for this wonderful brew of two great shows. Thank you for getting the cast of Downton Abbey to participate. And most importantly, thank you for getting Lord Grantham to say “mo money, mo quandaries.”

    If this doesn’t make you excited for the upcoming seasons of both Breaking Bad and Downton Abbey, I don’t know what will.

  • An Internet Video on the Science of Productivity. HAH! (No, Really)

    Sure, you could download an app to make you more productive, or you could promise yourself that you’re going to try harder to get things done. You could even get a bunch of other little things done before tackling your actual task. You could do all of these things, but they’re not really going to help make you any more productive.

    I know, I know. A YouTube video detailing the science behind human productivity (and the lack thereof)? Poppycocks, you say. But it’s from our favorite science animators over at AsapSCIENCE, so we trust them.

    Now, get to work.

    For more awesome science animations, check here.

  • This Robot Has Human-Like Muscles And Bones

    This Robot Has Human-Like Muscles And Bones

    IEEE Spectrum uploaded this little gem this week:

    This is Kenshiro, a new musculoskeletal robot from researchers at the University of Tokyo. They debuted it at the Humanoids Conference this month, and according to IEEE Spectrum, claim to have added more muscles and more motors to a previous model, making it the “closest to a human’s form so far.”

    Because why not?

  • The Dark Knight Works Well as a Rom-Com

    “Any psychotic ex-boyfriends I should be aware of?”

    “You have no idea.”

    And with that, The Dark Knight as a romantic comedy concept plays out beautifully. One of my favorite YouTube video genres is the re-edited movie trailer, as it proves that with the right cuts and the proper soundtrack, you can make any movie into anything you want it to be – and this one doesn’t disappoint.

    I mean, I’d watch it.

    [Matincomedy via Fark]

  • Google’s Matt Cutts Talks About “Unique” Content

    Google has put out a new Webmaster Help video. This time, Matt Cutts answers a question about an ecommerce site that has about 1,000 product pages. The question, as Google translates it, essentially boils down to: How can I make the pages on my site unique?

    “Okay, let me give you a little bit of tough love…the question should not be, ‘I have n pages. How can I make them unique?’ The question is, ‘How many pages can I make that are high quality that provide value to users?’” Cutt says. “If you can’t manage to have a thousand pages, and have something unique – something different than just an affiliate feed or whatever on each page of that site, then why should your thousand pages, which are, again, maybe just rewarmed content of an affiliate feed, rank compared to someone else’s thousand pages of that same affiliate content?”

    Watching the video, something tells me Matt’s a little tired of answering questions like this.

  • Worst Free Throw Ever Makes the Shaqtus Look Like a Sharpshooter

    The key to being a good free throw shooter is practice, practice, practice. If you shoot a couple hundred from the charity stripe on a daily basis, you’ll get better – it’s inevitable.

    But there’s something to be said for natural ability. All the practice in the world won’t help if you’re coming from the Shaquille O’Neal school of free throw shooting. Actually, it’s a game between Western Carolina University and Appalachian State. Behold, possibly the worst free throw attempt in the history of organized (definitely televised) basketball.

  • Casual Game of Bop It Takes a Horrible Turn [VIDEO]

    If you were between the ages of five and twelve in the mid-to-late nineties, I’m sure you remember countless hours of bopping it, twisting it, and pulling it. Later, you may have even flicked it, shook it, or spun it. I’m talking about the classic Hasbro handheld game of coordination Bop It, of course.

    Playing old games with your adult friends can be a wonderful way to spend an evening. I mean, I live for Stratego Fridays. But just remember, those games sit in the closet for years just waiting to be played. You better expect that when you reawaken them, they are going to have certain…desires.


    [ElectricPantherProd via reddit]

  • Guy Uses Facebook to Help Kids in the Philippines Get to School in Latest Facebook Stories Installment

    The Facebook Stories initiative keeping chugging along, and the network has just released their latest video. This one fits into the month of December’s theme, “perceptions,” and features the story of Jay Jaboneta and how he used Facebook to affect a small community in the Philippines.

    Facebook launched their current Stories initiative back in August as a way to “celebrate the extraordinary ways that people are using Facebook.” Sure, it’s a company promoting their own product as a force for progress in world – but the result is usually a pretty compelling story of social good.

    This time, one guy’s desire to help kids get to school easier starts a campaign of giving. Check it out:

    So shut up, cynics. Facebook can be used for something other than figuring out if your ex got fat. You can check out previous episodes of Facebook Stories here.

  • Celebrate the Repeal of Prohibition with These Classic Videos of Drunk People

    Celebrate the Repeal of Prohibition with These Classic Videos of Drunk People

    Today is a great day in history. On December 5th, 1933 the Twenty-First amendment was fully ratified, which officially ended Prohibition in the United States.

    In celebration, here are some classic YouTube videos involving drunk people. Remember to always drink responsibly, even if these people didn’t. Or, you know, get blitzed – I’m not your dad.

  • Contender for Worst Video Ever Is a Gangnam Style Too Far

    Feeling hopeful about the creative prowess of the next generation of filmmakers? Here, have a look at this.

    With every remix or parody of a popular internet video comes the opportunity to murder it – to end it, once and for all. And when it comes to shark jumping, Gangnam Style has vaulted into a league of its own.

    But this…this is most likely the official end of Gangnam Style. It’s also quite possibly the worst thing you’ll see all week. A couple of days ago, PSY finally admitted that even he was getting tired of his own creation. I’m guessing that this was the catalyst for his declaration.

    Oh the humanity…

    [via reddit]