
Tag: Videos

  • Fresh Prince Theme Song Gets Google Translated into an Unrecognizable Mess

    The theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air can be sung by everyone, everywhere. I’m sure people even sing it in other languages. It’s ubiquitous. So what if someone ran it through Google Translate, you know, a couple dozen times? Have you ever played telephone?

    On its long and painful trip, the lyrics to one of the most home-karaoke’d songs go through Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, German and eventually all 64 supported Google Translate languages. What emerges is nearly unrecognizable, but the destination isn’t the point. It’s the journey.

    Speaking of Journey, somebody needs to do this with “Wheel in the Sky” or something.

    Creators CDZA call it the “geekiest experiment ever.” Although I have a couple of friends who would have a serious prob,em with that title, it is pretty geeky. And unnecessary. And pretty damn funny.

    [CDZA via BoingBoing]

  • Slow-Motion Exploding Paint Cans Are As Cool As You’d Imagine

    Paint is fun. Making stuff explode is fun. Catching all of the action at 1600 fps is fun. This video, which combines all three, is very fun.


  • Dubstep Bird Is the Reason the Internet Exists

    Drop the bass, WUB WUB WUB. This bird would be a pretty huge hit at the club. You could just mic it up and sit it on Skrillex’s shoulder. Somebody get on this, stat.

    Other than the Vertical Video Syndrome, there’s really nothing not to like about this video. It’s a bird, singing dubstep. I’m pretty sure that the internet was created for things like this.

    Still not sure if it beats the current and longstanding champion in this department, metal rooster. It’s pretty close though.

  • Nick Offerman Reads More Asinine Tweets After Four-Month Hiatus

    It’s been over four months since Conan asked Parks and Recreation star, woodworker, and noted moustache champion Nick Offerman to take some time and read some celebrity drivel. That’s too long.

    Please enjoy what continues to be one of the best minutes of viral content on YouTube as Offerman offers his take on tweets from Miranda Cosgrove, Miley Cyrus, Lea Michele, and more.

    You can watch Offerman read more tweets from young female celebrities here, here, here, and here.

  • Here’s That Giant Squid Everyone’s Talking About [Video]

    There have been a lot of reports out about a giant squid being videotaped for the first time. Not all of the coverage, however, has come accompanied with video footage, for some reason.

    Some news organizations have shared footage, however, and luckily, have made the videos embeddable.

    ABC posted this one:

    Here’s one from the AP:

    The LA Times shares a quote from Eddie Widder, a marine biologist, who was part of the team that got the footage:

    “All of us were so amazed at what it looked like. It looked carved out of metal. And it would change from being silver to gold. It was just breathtaking.”

    I wouldn’t want to run into it in a dark alley.

  • Here’s the Perfect Proposal for Your ‘NSYNC-Loving Girlfriend [VIDEO]

    As long as people keep one-upping proposals to suit the YouTube age, there will continue to be a plethora of cute/funny videos to warm our hearts and RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US.

    So this Australian guy decided to propose to his girlfriend by creating a fake boy band and singing a song about an abacus. Yeah, it’s perfect and awesome and she says yes. Did she even have a choice? He compared her to a shovel (girl)!

    Public proposals are a tricky thing – just ask the various guys we’ve seen rejected on ballpark jumbotrons in the last few years. But when you do it right, well, you really do it right.

    [via reddit]

  • Patrick Bateman Is Envious of Coworkers’ Pokemon Cards

    As the story goes, Lionsgate had geared up to release a 10th anniversary Blu-Ray edition of the new classic American Psycho, complete with a deleted scene that shows how the filmmakers tried to make the film appeal to a younger audience. Apparently, that project never made it. But luckily, the deleted scene survived.

    Ok, none of that really happened. But this clever parody takes one of the the best scenes from the film and makes a couple crucial changes. Remember when Patrick Bateman kept getting one-upped by everyone else’s business cards? Yeah, just replace “business” with “Pokemon” and there you go.


    [Demi Adejuyigbe via The Short List]

  • Firefighter’s Helmet Cam Takes Us Through a Year on the Job [VIDEO]

    Firefighters have a dangerous job – everybody knows that. But it’s rare to see a first-person account of the daily grind of one of the nation’s bravest public servants.

    One Detroit firefighter compiled footage from a year of fighting fires in Detroit’s Highland Park, and the result is 8 minutes of intense footage.

    “This video is to show people what it is like to fight fires, and what firefighters across the nation do every day. The more people who realize, the better it will be for our profession. I put together a bunch of clips from some of the better helmet cam footage I got this year while fighting fires in Highland Park,” says the firefighter.

    [HPZ1442 via reddit]

  • Robots Perform Ace of Spades; Your Jokes Are Welcome

    Robots Perform Ace of Spades; Your Jokes Are Welcome

    I’m not going to make any metal jokes about Compressorhead, the all-robot band seen in the video below playing the Motorhead classic “Ace of Spades.” I’m not going to talk about how metal it is, literally. I’m not going to make any Lemmy jokes. I’m just not going to do it.

    But you can, and I would support that.

    For more robot musicians, check out this four-armed guy drumming Blitzkrieg Bop.

    [TheRobocross via reddit]

  • Mesmerizing Animation Drawn with Coffee, Ink, and White-Out

    Well this is truly mesmerizing.

    Artist Jake Fried, a Boston-based animator tickles your brain with this elaborate hand-drawn animation done entirely with ink, coffe, and white-out. The animation is a result of layering image after image, and the effect is incredible. Trippy.

    [Jake Fried via BoingBoing]

  • 1% of the World is Drunk Right Now and Other Awesome Facts [VIDEO]

    Our favorite YouTube science animators AsapSCIENCE are back with another video of cool scientific facts, and this one contains some mind-blowers. Did you know that beer has all the minerals necessary to keep you alive, and that one single ejaculation contains 1,500TB of data?

    Or did you know that a Kangaroo has three vaginas?

    Check out the video below for a fun start to your Friday:

  • Watch An iPhone 5 Get Dropped From 100,000 Feet [Video]

    If you’re the kind person who likes to watch phone drop test videos, you’ve probably seen a few for the iPhone 5 by now. But have you seen one in which the device was dropped from 100,000 feet?

    G-Form has posted this video promoting its latest iPhone case. They drive to the desert, and send the device up with a balloon.

    The phone appears to work after the drop.

    [via phonesreview.co.uk]

  • Mom Reduces 8-Year-Old to Snotty Mess by Telling Him He Accidentally Bought $50K Mustang on eBay

    Mom Reduces 8-Year-Old to Snotty Mess by Telling Him He Accidentally Bought $50K Mustang on eBay

    Kids and technology occasionally run up against each other in unpredictable or dangerous ways. Kids and technology that is linked to your bank account – now that’s danger on a whole other level.

    So what do you do when your kid almost buys an expensive car on eBay?

    Tell him he really did buy it and reduce him to tears, of course. That’ll teach him.

  • The World’s Shortest Escalator, Enthusiastically Sought Out and Taken Seven Times

    This guy took a trip to ride the Guinness-certified shortest escalator in the world, because, why not? As he says, it’s obviously a thing of beauty and magnificence. The fact that it even exists may be incomprehensible to some, and that’s ok. At only 32.8 inches tall, it’s probably one of the world’s most unnecessary working machines.

    I just love this guy’s enthusiasm.

    [hippykiller1 via reddit]

  • Fireworks Are Beautiful, Especially in Reverse [VIDEO]

    Happy New Year, everyone. Still feeling the effects of a long night of partying? Already broken a resolution? Have you accidentally written “2012” on a check yet? Are you still writing checks?

    Forget all of that. Here’s some simple beauty to start 2013.

    Here’s what the fireworks looked like from Docklands, Melbourne on New Year’s Eve – but in reverse. It reminds me of something vaguely astronomical. Just spectacular.

    [jcltay via reddit]

  • Watch This Webinar About Remarketing With Google Analytics

    Google recently posted an hour-long webinar about Remarketing with Google Analytics. Google launched the feature earlier this year in beta, to help users create remarketing lists based on specific audiences who visit their sites and show interest in products.

    Google says in the video description:

    This webinar presents in-depth examples on how to use Remarketing with Google Analytics. With this tool, you can tap into valuable Google Analytics insights about your website visitors who show an interest in your products and services — for example, visitors who spend time viewing specific pages or who put items in their shopping cart. Once you’ve identified your audience, you can run ads across the Google Display Network (GDN) that are tailored to that audience. Take advantage of your existing Google Analytics tags and easily create and edit sophisticated lists using Google Analytics segmentation capabilities.

  • Climber Kevin Jorgeson Talks @ Google

    Climber Kevin Jorgeson Talks @ Google

    Free climber Kevin Jorgeson recently participated in an @Google Talk, to discuss “The Fun Scale”.

    From the YouTube description:

    Kevin Jorgeson started climbing at age 12. He hasn’t stopped since. Kevin is known for high level boulder problems and free climbs across the world, from California to New Hampshire to South Africa.

    Jorgeson and his climbing partner Tommy Caldwell have been working for several seasons to free climb the Dawn Wall, the steepest, blankest part of El Capitan in Yosemite Valley.

    Other recent Google Talks include Adam Roberts, Nate Silver and Peter Gabriel.

  • TED Talks Discuss Patent Problems

    TED Talks Discuss Patent Problems

    These days, you can hardly go a day without seeing news about patent trolls or some kind of patent litigation plaguing businesses, especially in the technology industry.

    TED, which has been introducing some very interesting playlists from its numerous talks lately, compiled a list of six videos about problems with patents in a recent blog post. We’ve looked at the one from Fark’s Drew Curtis before, but if this topic interests (or disturbs) you, you may want to check out the whole set.

  • Here’s How Pretty Little Snowflakes Form [VIDEO]

    We are all snowflakes – little expertly formed, original creations floating about the world. Except that’s not true. You’re not special. You’re not a snowflake.

    But real snowflakes are all different (kind of), and fascinating. This video from BytesizeScience shows how snowflakes are formed – from their humble beginnings as specks of dust inside a cloud to their magical plunge to Earth. When you think of just how complex each individual snowflake is, and then you think about just how many snowflakes fall, things can start to get really weird up there in your head. Seriously, I wouldn’t recommend it.

    But you should still check out this cool, winter-themed science vid:

  • Gangnam Style Hits 1 Billion Views, YouTube Celebrates

    As we told you earlier, South Korean rapper PSY’s global megahit “Gangnam Style” hit one billion total views on YouTube, making it the first video to ever achieve that milestone. It hit 1 billion views shortly after 10 am ET, traveling at a rate of nearly 140 views per second.

    In honor of the achievement, YouTube has released some interesting additional stats on Gangnam Style. Check them out below:

    • PSY was already big in Korea, but in 2012, he became a global celeb as Gangnam Style quickly spread from Seoul and the pacific to North America, South America, and Europe. It’s been seen at least 1 million times in close to 75 countries, making it one of the most global music sensations ever!
    • From a one-thousand person flash mob in Jakarta to cover videos from Ai Weiwei and Mitt Romney, hundreds of thousands of parodies have been uploaded to YouTube, some of which have tens of millions of views. In fact, fan tributes to Gangnam Style are now being viewed 20 million times every single day.
    • PSY’s own remix with Hyuna has 200 million views alone.
    • “Gangnam Style” was YouTube’s top rising search of 2012 and on October 6th, we saw more than five million searches for “gangnam style” in a single day. Check out this video demonstrating some of our most popular YouTube searches this year.
    • For those interested in the business side: a number of assessments and projections have been posted claiming “Gangnam Style” has generated over $8.1 million in advertising deals, hit more than 2.9 million in song downloads since July, and achieved other incredible feats!
    • Since late last month, people have clicked to buy the track on iTunes over 600,000 times helping make PSY the first Korean artist ever to rank #1 on the U.S. iTunes chart and #1 in over 30 more countries.

    YouTube makes a point to let us know just how fast PSY reach the pinnacle of YouTube popularity. Gangnam Style amassed one billion views in just over five months. To put that in perspective, it has taken Justin Bieber’s “Baby” (#2 on the all-time most-viewed list) nearly three years to hit 800 million.

    YouTube has also added a little dancing PSY next to the view count:

    If you’ve somehow escaped watching the first-ever billion-view video, here it is:

  • Gangnam Style Hits One Billion Views, You PSYched?

    First off, I need to apologize for the pun – low hanging fruit and all. With that aside, Hey! Sexy lady! The biggest sensation to hit YouTube all year has finally crossed the impressive one billion view mark. The megahit from South Korean superstar PSY has spawned countless remixes, parodies, and reimaginings – both good and oh so very bad. Hell, it’s killing people. Literally. It’s so popular that people like Bill O’Reilly have had a hard time explaining it. Just how did this song reach the pinnacle of internet stardom?

    ICP probably has the best reasoning behind the song’s immense popularity. It’s just so fresh.

    Back in September, The Guinness Book of World Records named Gangnam Style the most-liked video in the history of YouTube. It supplanted Justin Bieber’s “Baby” for that honor. And as it approaches one billion views, Gangnam Style is the most-viewed video in the history of YouTube – which obviously means that it will be the first video to ever hit this milestone.

    Relive the phenomenon below:

    Here it is, in all its glory: