
Tag: Videos

  • Twitter Lets You View Larger Photos Inside Profile Pages, Adds Videos to Media Galleries

    Twitter has begun to roll out some nice changes to profile pages that have to deal with the media they contain.

    First off, Twitter is no longer making you leave the page to view photos when you click them from inside a profile page. Now, these photos should pop up in a lightbox. Another bonus to the new and improved photo-viewing experience is that the photos will also be bigger.

    You’ll also see more video content inside the media galleries on the left-hand side of users’ profiles.

    “Media galleries now include videos from Vine, YouTube, Vimeo, and other partners whose videos appear in expanded Tweets,” says Twitter.

    Twitter also announced another cool update today. They’ve expanded individual tweet pages to allow users to scroll through all the replies – not just a handful. This is a long time coming and allows users to better explore the conversation stemming from popular tweets from popular users.

  • Homeland RPG: Car Sex, PTSD Rage Punches, Claire Danes Cry Face, and More

    It seems like everything is getting the retro treatment these days – popular TV shows included. Today’s latest 16-bit-it project is Showtime’s hit drama Homeland.

    The concept RPG, courtesy of CollegeHumor, starts off my letting you pump up your favorite characters’ attributes. Saul Berenson: Wisdom +10, Beard +10. Carrie Mathison: Sanity +1 (should probably be a bit lower).

    From there we take an entertaining journey through Claire Danes’ cry face, PTSD rage punches, awkward car sex, and much much more. Spoilers lurk, if you haven’t ever seen an episode of the show.

    [via College Humor]

  • Vimeo Adds Content Ratings to Videos (Mature, All Audiences, Not Yet Rated)

    Vimeo allows non-sexual nudity (anything expect explicit porn). Everybody knows that. It’s one of the things that sets it apart from other video streaming sites like YouTube.

    Vimeo says that it’s a testament to their “unflinching belief in the integrity of visual storytelling,” because “one cannot ignore the naked, the violent, and the swearing when striving to capture the breadth of the human condition.” Amen to that.

    But not all video ares suitable for all audiences, even if they do accurately depict the human condition. With that in mind, Vimeo is introducing new content ratings.

    Starting today, you’ll see a new badge next to the title/artist info on all videos on the site. It will either read “mature,” “all audiences,” or “not yet rated.”

    “This means we’ll ask creators to tell us if there’s nudity, violence, or illegal substances (e.g., plutonium) in their videos, which can still be uploaded to Vimeo as long as they comply with our Guidelines. For those who never upload videos with mature content, it’s easy to mark everything as appropriate for all audiences in your global video settings,” says Vimeo.

    YouTube, for instance, has featured warnings on some videos that they have been restricted due to age guidelines and that they may contain mature content. Vimeo, who has always been known for allowing a little more artistic freedom should we say, isn’t limiting any of that. They’re just giving people an additional heads-up.

  • The Game of Thrones & Downton Abbey Theme Songs Get the Mashup They Deserve

    Since two of the best shows on TV (Game of Thrones and Downton Abbey) also have two of the best theme songs around, it only makes sense that someone would mash them up into one supersong.

    Today is that day, and Sagar Jethani is your man.

    The accompanying voice you’ll hear is Duncan, Mr. Jethani’s direwolf.

    [h/t BuzzFeed]

  • Google Discusses Google Drive SDK OAuth Changes

    Google recently added some new options for how OAuth requests are initiated for Google drive Apps. Google has posted a video discussing the changes, and sharing some tips and tricks.

  • Facebook Police Make Sure You’re Using Facebook (and Suggest You Buy Stock)

    Facebook reportedly lost 1.4 million U.S. users last month. Or, maybe they didn’t. Metrics can be a tricky thing. Even if Facebook lost roughly 1% of their user base, is it even a huge deal? Things like that fluctuate from month to month and Facebook is damn near saturated in the U.S. market anyway.

    Whatever the case, the Facebook police know that they need to “convince” defectors to come back. How do they do that? Well, brute force of course.

    The last time we saw Jimmy Kimmel’s Facebook police, they were making sure that you accepted your mom’s friend request.

  • Here’s Eric Schmidt’s Entire Cambridge Speech [Video]

    Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt continues to make headlines. In fact, though he handed the CEO reins to Larry Page in 2011, he may still grab more headlines than page thanks to things like his imaginative speeches (like the one where he talked about replacing himself with a robot at parties) and a recent trip to North Korea.

    His latest speech took place at Cambridge, and is his latest look at the future. Business Insider referred to Schmidt’s vision as “a chilling drone-filled future.”

    The speech is about 45-minutes long, so if you have some time to spend, and want to have your mind blown by one of the most powerful executives of one of the most powerful companies in the world, hit the play button. By the way, he also talks a little about North Korea again and about Genghis Khan.

  • Of Course Vine Is Full of Porn, and It’s Not Really a Problem Until You Consider Apple

    Hey everyone, can you believe that people are using a new video-sharing app to share porn videos? An app that makes it easy to record quick clips and share them on Twitter? People? The internet? Porn? Crazy.

    Sarcasm aside, Twitter’s new 6-second video app Vine is already full of porn. And that’s potentially a huge problem for Twitter and Vine.

    First off, let’s make it clear that having NSFW content on Vine isn’t really a problem on its own. Besides the slip up of showing a girl using a sex toy as an “Editor’s pick” earlier today, Vine makes it fairly difficult to simply stumble upon a giant cache of 6-second porn.

    The home feed of editor picks is (usually) SFW, and the explore feature doesn’t consist of any hand-picked NSFW categories. On the Vine app, they suggest hashtags like #pets, #food, #fashion – but no #penis #porn or #ass. Sure, you can search for those latter hashtags within the app – and you’ll definitely find what you’re looking for. But then again, you’re actively looking for it at that point.

    And Vine even has a mechanism for putting another layer between your eyes and some random person’s junk. If a video is tagged as inappropriate, Vine will throw up a warning screen that users must tap through to access the NSFW content. “WARNING: This post may contain sensitive content,” reads the message.

    Also, if you want to see just how much of a non-issue the porn thing is on Vine right now, check out Vinepeek. That single-purpose site provides an unmoderated stream of the latest Vine videos. I watched it for quite some time and I saw no porn. Literally, zero NSFW videos. Plenty of dogs, babies, more dogs, and food – but no penises, no vaginas, no boobs, no butts.

    Plus, there’s no ban on nudity in Vine’s ToS. There are bans on impersonation, spam, abuse, harassment, copyright infringement – but no porn ban. Being that Vine is a Twitter product, this should come as no surprise.

    And as far as Vine porn existing outside the app’s walls (let’s say on Twitter), the fact remains that you’re probably only going to see Vine porn if you’re looking for it (for the most part). At least no more than you’re likely to see porn on Twitter anyway, seeing as to how Twitter is one of the few social networks that doesn’t ban nudity in posts.

    If you follow people who like to post 6-second porn, you’re going to see 6-second porn. If you search “vine #nsfw” or “wine #porn” on Twitter, you’re going to find what you’re looking for. It’s a simple as that.

    But though porn shouldn’t be considered a “problem” for Vine on that level – it could be a problem in another way. A really, really, huge problem.

    Last week, Apple yanked photo-sharing app 500px from its App Store.

    “The app was removed from the App Store for featuring pornographic images and material, a clear violation of our guidelines. We also received customer complaints about possible child pornography. We’ve asked the developer to put safeguards in place to prevent pornographic images and material in their app,” said Apple.

    As you’re probably well aware, Apple is really serious on the no porn thing among apps it approves for its App Store. Yeah, it’s ludicrous at times. They essentially just banned an app for letting users search for adult content. It’s a good thing that an app like Google Chrome or even Apple’s Safari doesn’t allow people to find porn.

    For Vine, this should be a bit troubling. Maybe the content safeguard screen will be enough to assuage Apple’s concerns. Maybe not. You can find images of boobs all over Twitter, but not only has the Twitter app remained in Apple’s good graces for years, but Twitter has been integrated into iOS.

    It’s possible that Apple will leave Vine alone, at least for the time being. But if Vine becomes an app that primarily caters to 6-second porn (as in it becomes to majority, not the exception), it’s going to have a hard time hanging around the App Store.

  • Beyonce’s National Anthem Gets a Bad Lip Reading

    It doesn’t really matter whether or not Beyonce lip-synched the National Anthem at President Obama’s inauguration last week, or whether she sang over a backing track, or whether she wasn’t even the one singing – it was actually Joe Biden. Whatever. The song was gorgeous, her voice was gorgeous (pre-recorded or not). Let’s move on.

    But before we move on, we all need to watch Bad Lip Reading’s excellent take on her performance: “LA FWAY”

    Also, check out BLR’s take on the entire inauguration:

    [Bad Lip Reading]

  • Check Out This Beautiful Compilation of Wintry Weather Fails

    Ah, winter. You so cray.

    Personally, I love winter. Everything is dead. No mosquitos, limited allergies, and obviously, it’s not so damn hot. Plus, holidays and the Super Bowl. What’s not to love?

    But I understand that winter weather (ice and snow) can be a real nuisance sometimes. Even dangerous. And YouTube is very good for browsing these moments of panic, terror, and hilarity.

    What appears below is a beautiful tribute to people who try, but fail to function in wintry conditions. Don’t laugh, though – winter isn’t over. There are still plenty of opportunities for you to fall on your ass or slide your car into a telephone pole.

    [The Poke]

  • ‘Push to Add Drama’ TNT Viral Campaign Gets a Sequel

    Remember when TNT launched in Benelux with that really cool ad campaign that set up a big, red button int he middle of a town square? It said “push to add drama,” and when pushed, set a massive series of dramatically staged events into action?

    If not, check here.

    Anyway, TNT knows drama. That’s their catchphrase. In order to prove that drama can strike anywhere, they’ve released a sequel to that viral ad. “On a cold winter’s day, we placed the famous red button somewhere in a Dutch shopping street,” says TNT Benelux.

    Check it out:

  • Vine Disables Twitter Sharing Just Hours After Launch

    Earlier this afternoon, Twitter unveiled Vine, a standalone iOS app for the creation and sharing of short (six-second) video clips. A video sharing experience was rumored to be in the Twitter pipeline, and it looks like this is it. Vine allows users to take short videos, and then share them on Twitter (and Facebook, too). But for Twitter, it’s a way to enrich tweets.

    Well, Vine is already broken. For the most part.

    “We’re temporarily disabling Twitter and Facebook sharing. It should be back soon. Thanks for your patience,” said Vine in a tweet.

    Of course, not being able to post the short videos to Twitter and Facebook doesn’t render the app completely useless, but it pretty much does.

    They really need to get this thing fixed, as it’s really not what you’re looking for on launch day.

  • Rock Climbing Is the Focus of January’s Facebook Story

    Every month, Facebook Stories releases an inspiring story based on a new theme. For January, this theme is “goals.”

    Facebook first launched their new and improved Stories initiative back in August of 2012. Facebook says it’s a way to showcase the extraordinary ways that people are using their product every day. It’s also a promotional tool for Facebook, of course. But still, every month’s Facebook story has been an interesting watch.

    And this month’s is no different.

    “Tommy Caldwell’s dad introduced him to rock climbing at the age of 3 and by 16, Tommy was a world champion. For the last 5 years, Tommy has been attempting to climb a shear 3000-foot rock face that many consider the most difficult free climb ever attempted. How do you stay motivated on such a climb? See how Tommy was able to bring the encouragement of his friends, family and fans along for the ride,” says Facebook.

    Check it out:

    You can catch up on previous Facebook Stories here.

  • Epic Meal Time Kidnaps Jamie Oliver, Prepares 60,000 Calorie Fish Sandwich

    Jamie Oliver, the British chef known for his love of celery and other healthy (possibly calorie-neutral) foods, is probably the last person you’d expect to see on the hit YouTube series Epic Meal Time. All I’m saying is that the food constructed on Epic Meal Time, while indeed epic, is way beyond anything Jamie Oliver would recommend.

    But I guess they wanted him on the show, so they kidnapped him. They kidnapped him with the intention of forcing him to eat some of a nearly 60,000 calorie fish sandwich. Yeah, 60,000 calories.

    Check out the video below to see how that plan unfolded:

    Anyway, I think I’ll have a “don’t tell me what to do” when I get home tonight.

  • Real Nerd Talks About Being a Real Nerd, as Opposed to a Hot Girl with Glasses Who Calls Herself a Nerd [VIDEO]

    I’m not really a nerd. I do nerdy things, but I’m not actually a nerd. I play Skyrim and wear thick glasses (because I actually need them), but I know that on the scale of nerddom, I probably don’t even register.

    Some people think it’s cool to call themselves nerds, when they aren’t really nerds. It’s not. Just ask a real nerd, like this one. He argues that a real nerd is too ashamed of being a nerd to parade around as a nerd. I would argue that this isn’t always true, but I know what you’re saying, man.

    I don’t know why we’re all so caught up on labels (hipsters), but this message from the Portland Nerd Council (Portlandia) if pretty spot on.

    [ifc via Gizmodo]

  • The Moon Landing Wasn’t Faked, But Here’s Another Reason Why

    There are still people out there who believe that the 1969 Moon landing was a hoax, perpetrated by the U.S. government and that everyone involved has successfully kept that fact from being exposed and proven for over 40 years. If you believe this, feel free to express those feelings to Buzz Aldrin.

    Anyway, it’s garbage. But it’s always nice to see some guy explain why it’s garbage in a simple, well-constructed video.

    Simply put: The American Government didn’t fake the Moon landing because they couldn’t have faked the moon landing. Technologically speaking.

    “Please understand, I’m not saying this defend the honor of the United States. The U.S Government lies all the time about all kinds of things. And if they haven’t lied to you today, maybe they haven’t had coffee,” says our narrator.

    But the fact remains. In 1969, we had the technology to send a man to moon but we didn’t have the technology to fake send a man to the moon.

    [sgcollins via Gizmodo]

  • Tom Finds It Hard to Name His Specialty Laundromat [VIDEO]

    To lower customer costs, Tom decides that his new laundromat is only going to wash white clothes. Sounds simple enough, right? But Tom runs into some problems when he attempts to name his specialty business. Some serious, serious problems.

    And things only get worse.

    Check out the hilarious video below:

    [TheBilderbergers via The Daily What]

  • Extreme Pogo Is Pretty Flippin’ Cool [VIDEO]

    Extreme Pogo, or Xpogo, is a relatively new extreme sport that involves performing feats on extreme pogo sticks. What makes them extreme is their ability to throw their riders to impressive heights, around 10ft or so. You may have never heard of Xpogo (to be honest I wasn’t aware that it was growing in popularity).

    If that’s the case, check out this cool video of Xpogo athletes hopping around NYC.

    [via Geekologie]

  • Awesome Timelapse Shows Construction of Backyard Ice Rink

    This is a timelapse video of a man constructing a giant backyard ice rink. So yeah, you want to watch it. Prepare to be jealous.

    “More than 28,000 individual photos combine to follow the construction of the ultimate backyard ice rink located outside Chicago, Illinois. Five days of labor, 15,000 gallons of water and sub-freezing temperatures,” says uploader Four Winds.

    The redditor who posted the link says that it’s their friend and he does it every year for his brother and sister. If that’s the case, then this guy is probably the coolest sibling/uncle ever. Conversely, my friends suck. And my childhood sucked. Damn.

    [Four Winds via reddit]

  • Watch Facebook’s Graph Search Event in Its Entirety

    Watch Facebook’s Graph Search Event in Its Entirety

    Yesterday Facebook unveiled Graph Search, their friend-centric search function that it absolutely not web search – but a better, more useful way to search Facebook for people, places, photos, and interests.

    You can watch Mark Zuckerberg announce the new product (with a little help from his friends) below:

    For more on Graph Search, including its role in local search, its partnership with Bing, future Instagram integration, and sponsored results – check here.

  • Bad Lip Reading Tackles the NFL

    Bad Lip Reading Tackles the NFL

    You know when they mic players and coaches during NFL games and you get to hear all the zany stuff they all say to each other on NFL films? Well, this is like that but about a gazillion times better.

    Bad Lip Reading, masterful artists of the absurd, have taken on the NFL with their latest episode – and it’s one of their best.

    [Bad Lip Reading]