On Saturday night, Spike TV and GameTrailers hosted VGX 2013 – a rebranded video games awards show born from the VGAs of years past. Hopes were high this year as the network promised a show that would focus on the games and developers instead of advertisements and celebrity appearances. We got just that, but it somehow ended up being worse than before.
Over the span of three hours, we were treated to game reveals and new trailers for previously announced titles. The games that were announced ranged from boring (Tales from the Borderlands) to this is too good to announce at a show like this (No Man’s Sky). In between all that, gamers got to experience banter between a Joel McHale that obviously didn’t want to be there and a Geoff Keighley that was trying to keep it all together.
As you might expect, such a show is rife for parody and that’s just what Matt Lees at VideoGamer has done. Just like his past E3 press conference parodies, he takes the worst from VGX 2013 and gives us a reason to legitimately laugh at the latest attempt to capitalize on a gamer audience that’s tired of being treated like shut ins who still live in their parents’ basement.
If you didn’t get a chance to watch this year’s VGX show, you’re probably better off just watching the above video. The only thing I can recommend is that you check out the debut trailer for No Man’s Sky. It was quite literally the only redeeming moment from the entire show.
[Image: VideoGamer]