
Tag: vernal equinox

  • Vernal Equinox: Egg Balancing, Warm Weather, And Longer Days

    Today marks the first day of spring, otherwise known as the vernal equinox, when the length of day and night are nearly the same. Astronomers define an equinox as that moment when the sun arrives at one of two intersection points of the ecliptic (the sun’s path across the sky) and the celestial equator (Earth’s equator projected onto the sky). And this year, it came earlier than it has since 1896.

    With most of the country experiencing record highs in temperature after a mild winter, many people are dragging out the old chestnut of the end of the world, especially since the Mayans predicted the end to come in December of this year. And where superstitions abound, one is sure to find the one about being able to balance a raw egg on end during the vernal equinox.

    While astronomers insist that planetary alignments have no effect on physical objects on Earth, that doesn’t stop people from trying–and in some cases succeeding–to balance an egg on the first day of spring. As seen in this video, it can be done…but whether on the vernal equinox or in August, it doesn’t matter.

    Of course, to most, the beginning of spring just means the prospect of more daylight, baseball, and warmer weather.

    It’s the first day of #spring in NYC! But it feels like summer is just around the corner with this weather!(image) 38 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Woke up feeling like a trillion bucks. First day of spring. Class, workout, study, watch baseball. What a day. #LetsDoThis(image) 1 hour ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    happy first day of spring! (for those in the northern hemisphere). from now on days are slightly longer and nights a little shorter. yay!(image) 9 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

  • First Day Of Spring: Temperatures Set Record Highs

    Today marks the first day of spring, as well as the vernal equinox, which occurs when the sun shines directly on the equator and periods of night and day are nearly equal. People all around the country are enjoying the warmer weather and longer days and are taking to the outdoors sooner than they did last year as temperatures soar into record highs for several states.

    While the sunshine is lovely for those who had rough winters, it’s a bit of a worry for some states where the winter months were particularly mild this year. If the warm weather suddenly breaks–as it’s well known to do here in Kentucky, especially–and a cold snap shows up, it could destroy all manner of trees, flowers, and crops that have already begun to bloom.

    Michigan–a state usually known for harsh winters–had it pretty easy this year, and that has climatologists concerned. The recent unpredictability of Mother Nature is on the minds of all those who depend on crops for their livelihood. Besides being dependent on temperatures, farmers also look to the winter months to take care of insects that tend to destroy plants. Because the weather has been so mild, a lot of those bugs haven’t had a chance to be thinned out. But only time will tell what nature will bring to us.

    “We’re at a very vulnerable stage at this point because of the mild winter and early warm-up,” Ken Nye, horticulture specialist at Michigan Farm Bureau, said. “But we could also get to May 1 and be just fine.”

    Other states have already had tornados and storm damage to deal with this year; some farmers have compared the outcome to “seeing gold on the ground” after storms left their crops depleted or beyond salvage.

    It’s clear that each section of the country is dealing with their own weather anomalies, as evidenced on Twitter today:

    Happy first day of spring? I feel lied to. It’s freaking cold, there are no chirping birds and my flowers aren’t blooming!(image) 9 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Calendar: “It’s the first day of Spring!”
    Weather: “it’s the 54th day of Spring!”(image) 17 minutes ago via Echofon ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Happy equinox! Today’s the official first day of spring. Anyone else feel like we cheated winter a bit, since spring sprung last month? 🙂(image) 1 hour ago via HootSuite ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    It’s the first day of spring but I honestly felt like winter never started .(image) 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto