
Tag: tributes

  • A Word Analysis of the Steve Job Tributes

    Once the announcement of the death of Steve Jobs, the tributes came fast and furious. In fact, there were almost too many Steve Jobs tributes to keep up with. From Apple reprinting the words from fans on their homepage, to post it note murals, there’s no forgetting the man who brought Apple from a niche company used by the creative crowd to the most powerful brand name in the world.

    This much is common knowledge. However, what do you find if you analyze the text of a cross section of the tributes Apple was posting at their site? Thanks to the efforts of Neil Kodner, we have an idea.

    In order to conduct his analysis, Kodner downloaded over ten thousand tribute messages posted at Apple.com and conducted a word analysis on them. His findings, while revealing, are about what you’d expect. To say Jobs fans enjoy connecting the word “great” to Jobs’ accomplishments is something of an understatement. Here’s a further look at Kodner’s findings, starting with adjectives:

    1. (‘great’, 1961)
    2. (‘steve’, 1808)
    3. (‘many’, 1459)
    4. (‘first’, 917)
    5. (‘sad’, 862)
    6. (‘better’, 857)
    7. (‘such’, 727)
    8. (‘best’, 721)
    9. (‘visionary’, 645)
    10. (‘new’, 579)
    11. (‘more’, 556)
    12. (‘true’, 538)
    13. (‘most’, 476)
    14. (‘creative’, 471)
    15. (‘apple’, 435)
    16. (‘other’, 427)
    17. (‘same’, 415)
    18. (‘good’, 412)
    19. (‘greatest’, 376)
    20. (‘wonderful’, 373)
    21. (‘sorry’, 362)
    22. (‘old’, 325)
    23. (‘brilliant’, 283)
    24. (‘able’, 281)
    25. (‘incredible’, 267)
    26. (‘big’, 260)

    While I can’t help but wonder why Kodner didn’t exclude the words like “steve,” “other,” and “such” from his analysis query — “steve” is not an adjective — the findings are still interesting; although, it’s surprising the word “visionary” didn’t get more play. Kodner didn’t stop there, either. He also analyzed which Apple products were mentioned the most in these tributes. Surprisingly, “iPhone” was not the most mentioned product, even though it’s undoubtedly Apple’s most popular:

    LaserWriter – 1
    iMovie – 3
    OSX – 9
    iBook – 22
    PowerBook – 22
    Lisa – 24
    Apple TV – 31
    Newton – 33
    iTunes – 52
    Macintosh – 163
    iMac – 235
    MacBook – 366
    Apple II Family – 481
    iPad – 574
    iPod – 575
    iPhone – 875
    Mac – 1315

    In case you aren’t aware, Lisa is one of Apple’s computers from the 1980s. Kodner also analyzed which historical figures were mentioned in these Jobs tributes:

    Ford – 189
    Edison – 110
    Einstein – 70
    DaVinci – 15
    Bill Gates – 8

    Is anyone surprised by the Henry Ford comparisons? I guess I expected Edison to be at the top.

    For additional information about how the various analyses were conducted, check out Konder’s post discussing the process.

    H/t to Floating Data for pointing this out.

  • The Flaming Lips to Honor Steve Jobs with iPad Performance

    Tablets are a bit of a rising star among musicians these days, as they are figuring out just how capable the devices are of handling various aspects of recording. Whether you’re talking about an entire album recorded with an iPad (like Gorillaz), or a tablet being integral in sound mixing, musicians have discovered the possibilities of the devices.

    This is definitely not lost on Wayne Coyne, frontman of The Flaming Lips.

    Today, it was revealed that the band will be playing a special tribute to Steve Jobs at the O Music Awards, a celebration of digital music and other things internet-related, run by MTV. The “O” in O Music Awards stands for “offbeat, outrageous and online.”

    The special Steve Jobs tribute that The Flaming Lips have in mind is a version of The Beatles’ classic “Revolution” played entirely on an iPad.

    Coyne tweeted out a video that shows the eccentric singer messing around with the Mugician iPad app. Is this the app that’s going to handle the heavy lifting for the tribute performance?

    Yessssss!!!! Still fuckin with Mugician App!!! http://t.co/W43JZRq8 1 day ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    The performance will be streamed live from the event, which will take place on Halloween night at 8:30 pm Pacific.

    The Flaming Lips are no strangers to experimental music. They have plans to release a 24-hour song on Halloween night, encased in a human skull. The song will come on a portable drive and once inserted in the skull, will be covered in chrome and elegant packaging.

    This comes on the heels of a 6-hour song that the band released to benefit the Central Oklahoma Humane Society. Fans could donate $100 to the cause and have their name inserted into the song.

    And then there was that whole Zaireeka thing, where they released a four-disc album that was intended to be played in 4 separate players simultaneously.

    But tackling the Beatles on an iPad? That’s a tough task. Do you think they can deliver?

    Here’s something for nostalgia’s sake:

  • Apple’s Steve Jobs Memorial Site Scrolls Fan Messages From All Over The World

    When Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed away earlier this month, there was a massive outpouring of support, condolences, tributes, memories and so on for a man who obviously meant a great deal to a lot of people.

    From the beginning, Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook directed people to share their thoughts on Steve Jobs by sending messages to [email protected].

    And apparently people have taken that call quite seriously – because Apple received over a million messages over the course of a couple weeks. They have turned those messages into a running tribute site devoted to the life of Jobs, called Remembering Steve.

    A new message scrolls into view about every 15 seconds, and they range from short and sweet thoughts like “One of the top creative minds of the modern age” to longer descriptions on how Steve Jobs impacted the particular person’s life.

    This is another classy tribute from Apple, who promised that they would use the Steve Jobs memories of everyday people in their tribute to his life. Speaking of classy, Apple continues to show their devotion to Jobs by leaving their homepage adorned with Jobs’ photo, even though they just launched a brand new iPhone and operating system.

    “Steve touched all of our lives in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories,” says the note at the bottom of the tribute page.