
Tag: The Rachel Maddow Show

  • Rachel Maddow Headed to Flint, Michigan to Discuss Water Crisis

    Rachel Maddow is bringing MSNBC to Flint, Michigan, where a town hall meeting will be held to discuss the water crisis in that city.

    The Rachel Maddow Show has played a huge role in keeping the crisis front and center in the nation’s spotlight for several months now, as she has highlighted key points of the ongoing problem.

    American Disaster: The Crisis in Flint, An MSNBC Town Hall will be hosted by Rachel Maddow, and is set to air on Wednesday, January 27 at 9 p.m. Maddow and a panel of guests will discuss how the man-made crisis has become a full blown crisis. Health implications and possible solutions will be discussed as well.

    Town hall guests include Flint Mayor Karen Weaver, U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Lanice Lawson, creator of Bottles for Babies, Curt Guyette of ACLU of Michigan, Bryn Mickle and Ron Fonger from The Flint Journal, Nancy Kaffer from The Detroit Free Press, and several others. Bryn Mickle appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show earlier in January to talk about the water crisis.

    Do you expect the people of Flint, Michigan expect any significant outcome from Rachel Maddow and the guests at this town hall meeting?

    Hopefully this at the very least serves to keep the Flint water crisis in the national news until one or more solutions are implemented.

  • Rachel Maddow Interviews Wisconsin’s Mary Burke

    Rachel Maddow, a well-known liberal news anchor for MSNBC, who holds a Doctorate in Politics from Oxford, is known for bringing various political figures into the public eye and interviewing them with questions that pertain to the general public. On her prime-time show, “The Rachel Maddow Show,” she has interviewed many famous politicians since the show’s original airing in 2008. This week, she interviewed the 2014 Gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke.

    The interview between Burke and Maddow happened on Wednesday, November 6th, on Maddow’s show on MSNBC, two days after Burke announced that she would be running for the Democratic nomination against Governor Scott Walker (Republican) of Wisconsin.

    At the start of the interview, Burke was asked “Should it matter to Governor Walker’s reelection effort if he is in fact running for the Republican Presidential nomination while he is also trying to be Governor?” by Maddow. This is an important question that set the tone for the rest of the interview. Burke’s response was:

    “What the people of Wisconsin care about is if they have a Governor who is focused on the issues that are most important to them, and as I travel around the state, I hear that people are concerned about jobs, and that a Governor has that focus, that they’re making that a priority, and that they’re doing all they can to move the state forward.”

    Also in Burke’s response, she states that Wisconsin has been “lagging” in job creation since the recession, and her resolution to this issue is by “bringing people together, considering all of the options, and making sure that we are focused on the ones that work–putting problem solving ahead of politics.”

    A common theme during the interview between Maddow and Burke, as observed by Madison.com, is that Burke is focusing on the “issues that matter” to the state’s population, as well as bringing the population together.

    During the course of the interview, Maddow brought up various well-known topics that matter to viewers, such as: Walker’s reelection chances, planned parenthood, and Walker’s ties with the GOP. To see the view full video, please click on the video below.


    [Image source: MSNBC Video