
Tag: The Advocate

  • Bruce Jenner: Transgender Reveal A Big Hoax by Tabloid

    Bruce Jenner’s face was superimposed onto that of a woman by InTouch magazine, blatantly displaying a perfect example of the lies the tabloids tell.

    InTouch reports that a “source close to the reality star” tells them that Bruce Jenner will come out as transgender sometime this year with a big announcement on the cover of The Advocate.

    “This will be the year of his coming out,” the supposed source says. “He knows that people have recognized his changes, and he’s finally becoming more comfortable with himself and his choice to be a woman.”

    The biggest problem with the tabloid’s superimposition is that it’s on the face of British actress and former Dynasty star Stephanie Beacham. In fact, Buzzfeed shows the photos–Jenner’s and Beacham’s–side by side, proving there is no doubt whatsoever that InTouch pulled a fast one on its readers. The original Getty Images photo shows the actress in the same scarf and red top at a BARREtoned Studio launch party that was held in London back in 2013.

    Page Six reports that even Bruce Jenner’s ex-wife Kris Jenner is disgusted with the tabloid’s attempt at lying about the Keeping Up With the Kardashians patriarch.

    According to Yahoo, Advocate editor-in-chief Matthew Breen was never contacted by Bruce Jenner regarding a big revelation.

    “Neither InTouch nor Hollywood Life, nor any other publication could possibly have knowledge of plans for The Advocate’s covers. There is no such ‘insider,’ and I can be certain of that because I’m the only person who has knowledge of future covers beyond the one we’re currently working on–and that cover is not about Bruce Jenner,” he said.

    InTouch’s cover, so clearly falsified, is totally despicable,” Breen continued. “I understand that magazine doesn’t do journalism, but their attempt to alarm people with this cover is contemptible and irresponsible, and they deserve the backlash they’re getting. Their faked cover simultaneously shames and bullies Bruce Jenner and uses the existence of transgender people as shock value.”

    Does it come as any great surprise that the tabloids embellish–okay, they come right out and lie–about stories like this one about Bruce Jenner? It will be interesting to learn if a rep for Bruce–or perhaps even Jenner himself–makes a comment regarding the cover photo and article.

  • Joel McHale: Gay Rumors Taken “as a Compliment”

    Rumors suggesting that celebrities may be gay have been used to malign stars in the pages of tabloids for years. Now, though, the tipping point in the U.S. gay rights debate seems to have been reached. Countless politicians have come out in favor of gay marriage in recent months, and even NFL players may soon be coming out of the closet. In this context, it’s not hard to see that ‘gay rumors’ may become blasé at some point in the near future.

    That point seems to have already been reached for Joel McHale, who this week told The Advocate that he appreciates gay fans of the network TV show Community, on which he stars. McHale stated that gay rumors, which he sees daily on Twitter, often stem from his being well-dressed.

    “It’s flattering,” McHale told The Advocate. “I always find it really weird when guys flip out over someone thinking they might be gay. If a guy gets offended by that, there’s something’s wrong with him. I take it as a compliment.”

    In addition to starring in Community and hosting the E! network clip show The Soup, McHale starred in last year’s movie Ted and is set to star with Robin Williams in a 2013 movie titled A Friggin’ Christmas Miracle.

    (Image courtesy Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons)