
Tag: texas chupacabra

  • Texas Chupacabra Really a Canine?

    The Texas “Chupacabra”, which is now living with its captors in the small Texas town of Ratcliffe in DeWitt county, is most likely a canine according to Texas Parks and Wildlife biologist Brent Ortego.

    “The animal in the cage, as best I can tell from the view, is some form of small canine.”, he stated, although he wanted to be clear that canine could mean dog, coyote or even fox.

    He added, “It’s [the chupacabra] never been proven to be a unique species. It was always something out there that allegedly would cause harm or threaten to cause harm to people or livestock.”

    He also said the animals ragged, hairless appearance was probably due to a bad case of mange, according to CNN.

    But the folks who found the little guy think otherwise. They are pretty certain they’ve captured a mythical chupacabra baby. Jackie Stock said her husband caught the thing eating corn on their property. “He called me to come and look, and I said, ‘That looks like a baby Chupacabra.”

    The suggestion that it could be a racoon or possum or some other mutated South Texas woodland creature is ludacris to Arlen Parma, the man who caught it. “You know, I hunted raccoons for twenty years with dogs and all that, and I’ve never seen anything that looks like that right there.”

    Arlen Parma says the thing that really seals it for him is its ferocious growl. “A raccoon don’t make that noise, or a possum. What makes that noise? I guess a Chupacabra does, I don’t know.”

    Could the ragged beast caught in South Texas really be a chupacabra? Supposed sightings of the ruthless wandering creature that kills goats and cows vampire-style have been reported for years in South America and the Southern U.S. Could this finally be the proof we need or just another mangy lost dog?

    Image Via YouTube

  • Chupacabra: Texas Couple Believes They’ve Captured Mythical Creature

    Jackie Stock, a Texas resident, says that she has found and captured the mythical creature called the chupacabra. According to reports, the chupacabra is a creature that attacks livestock, particularly goats, and drinks their blood.

    Stock says that the creature was caught by her husband on Sunday night. “He saw this strange animal up here eating corn,” she said. Her husband also told her that the creature resembled a baby chupacabra.

    The animal that was caught indeed resembles the description of a chupacabra. It has large claws, plenty of teeth, and a hairless back. The creature also has a fierce growl.

    Stock resides in a small town in Dewitt County called Ratcliffe. Residents are convinced that the creature is undeniably a chupacabra. Arlen Parma, Stock’s neighbor, said, “I ain’t never seen anything that look like that right there.”

    The chupacabra is considered a cryptid – a creature that is said to exist, but its existence is not backed by any scientific evidence. Some creatures under the category include Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Yeti.

    The chupacabra is said to have first been seen in Puerto Rico. There are different physical descriptions recorded, some even say it resembles a bear with spines sticking out of its back.

    This is not the first time that someone has claimed to have captured a chupacabra. According to biologist Brent Ortego, the creature that Stock caught may be a small canine, such as a fox, dog, or a coyote. As for its appearance, it seems to resemble a chupacabra, as it may be suffering from a condition known as mange, a skin disease caused by mites. This disease causes hair to fall off. Ortego also believes that the chupacabra does not exist.

    Stock said that the creature will be staying in their home until someone has confirmed what it is. For the time being, they are feeding him corn and cat food.

    The Myth Of The Chupacabra

    Image via YouTube

  • Chupacabra Allegedly Captured Alive In Texas

    Chupacabra Allegedly Captured Alive In Texas

    For decades a creature known as Chupacabra has been blamed for animal and human attacks in the United States and other parts of the world. Descriptions of the beast vary, but most eyewitnesses who claim to have encountered the creature say that is it small yet ferocious, and resembles a dog or another type of canine.

    Several Chupacabra videos, photos and carcasses have turned up, but none of them have provided adequate proof that the creature is real or any insight into what it might be.

    A couple in Texas claims that they have captured a live Chupacabra and hope that the creature can be studied and its identity can be determined. The creature looks like a small, hairless dog and is gray in color with beady, black eyes. The couple caught the creature eating corn on their farm and quickly captured it.

    They said that they showed it to a few friends and neighbors before going public with the capture and although they believed it to be the legendary Chupacabra, they were a bit nervous to make such a wild claim.

    Jackie Stock, the woman who captured the creature, said that she and her husband Bubba could not believe their eyes when they saw the creature.

    “He called me to come and look, and I said ‘Bubba that looks like a baby Chupacabra,” Jackie said “We were just trying to figure out what it is because we’ve never seen anything like it before.”

    Although the animal’s looks are bizarre enough, the sounds it makes are even stranger. Jackie said that the noises the animals makes are not like that made by any other animals she has ever seen or encountered.

    The couple plans to keep the creature and are caring for it at their home until someone is willing to take a look at it and determine what it is. In the past, alleged Chupacabras have turned out to be dogs and coyotes with mange or other health problems.

    Do you think the creature could really be a Chupacabra?

    Image via YouTube