
Tag: startup america

  • White House Hosting Google+ Hangout For Startup America

    The White House is really getting some mileage out of Google+ Hangouts lately. First they hosted that Hangout with President Obama earlier this week in which he answered questions submitted by people via YouTube and tomorrow they’re using Hangouts once again to promote Obama’s small business initiative, Startup America.

    Announced earlier today via the White House Google+ account, people are invited to join Gene Sperling (Director of the National Economic Council), Steve Case (Chairman of the Startup America Partnership), and Aneesh Chopra (U.S. Chief Technology Office) tomorrow for a live conversation about Startup America. People are encouraged to submit questions via the White House Google+ page and then join the Hangout on Thursday, February 2 (that’s tomorrow!) at 5:30PM EST on either the White House’s official YouTube channel, the White House’s website, or the White House Google+ page. The three partipants will be talking about some of the questions posed by users and how Startup America can enable small businesses.

    Steve Case has actually worked with President Obama to draft the legislature for Startup America and just released a statement yesterday extolling Obama’s commitment to small businesses. One reason you might be hearing the Obama Administration promote Startup America lately is because yesterday marked the one year anniversary since the initiative started. However, if you’re still not an initiate to this whole Startup America program, check out these videos below in which Case talks about his early days at AOL as well as some testimonials from small business entrepreneurs.

  • Steve Case Lauds President Obama, Startup America Agenda

    Steve Case, a co-founder of AOL and current Chairman and CEO of Revolution LCC, teased the business world earlier today with this tweet:

    BREAKING: My statement regarding the @WhiteHouse announcement today of #StartupAmerica legislative agenda http://t.co/p0xeCQn4 #wecandothis 20 minutes ago via bitly · powered by @socialditto

    For those not familiar with it, the Startup America initiative is an agenda developed by President Obama with Case that began one year ago today. The legislation intends, as Case put it, to “make it easier for entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses,” most likely through the benefit of small business tax cuts. In a statement, Case said that he believes this legislative agenda will “help to create jobs, boost our economy and ensure [the United States’] competitiveness” within the global economy.

    Exactly a year ago, President Obama introduced Startup America and made a call to government officials and the private sector to support entrepreneurs working to succeed in a struggling economy:

    Case’s full statement is below:

    “The President’s proposed Startup America legislative agenda will make it easier for entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses and help us remain the world’s most entrepreneurial nation. I’m thrilled to see the President follow-up on his strong pro-entrepreneur message in last week’s State of the Union with this specific proposal for Congress. Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced legislation in recent months to improve access to capital, reduce regulations, and ensure we win the global battle for talent. I’m grateful that our nation’s leaders are now focused on entrepreneurship and coming together in a bipartisan fashion to help entrepreneurs start and scale businesses more quickly and effectively. Quick passage of the Startup America agenda will help to create jobs, boost our economy and ensure our competitiveness. On behalf of entrepreneurs all across the country, I urge Congress to make passage of this pro-entrepreneurship legislation a top priority, and get a bill on the President’s desk to be signed into law.”

    Will you be a part of Obama and Case’s Startup American initiative? How will it affect your business? Share your experience in the comments below.