
Tag: Sheep

  • Fresno State Student Sexually Assaults Sheep

    Fresno State University police arrested an intoxicated student after he allegedly had sex with a sheep in the campus agricultural barn.

    According to the police report, the incident occurred at around 3:30 a.m. Tuesday. The unidentified computer science student told the arresting officers that he had drank an “unknown amount of beverages,” before being booked at Fresno County Jail.

    The case was sent to the Fresno County District Attorney’s Office, and the student faces a charge of sexual assault on an animal.

    California penal code 286.5 reads that “any person who sexually assaults any animal protected by Section 597f for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of the person is guilty of a misdemeanor.” It would appear the social ramifications the student might face would far exceed any legal issue.

    Students around campus are still talking about what is being called the “sheep incident.” The 23-year-old offender was caught in the act by horrified agriculture majors. Student Marisa Burkdoll said, “It’s just kind of disgusting and revolting and personally makes me angry, I mean why would you do that?” Burkdoll added, “there was a post (on social media) that said something about the sheep unit at Fresno State and some guy was trying to have sex with the lambs.”

    The sheep now has its own Twitter page, with the tagline reading: “Victim of on-campus sexual assault. Demanding justice. Foodie. Starbucks addict. T-swizzle4Life.”

    Burkdoll, who believes the offender should serve prison time, added, “it’s just kind of sick it’s unnatural and the animals they can’t really, I mean they can’t defend themselves, they can to an extent but they’re innocent you know what I mean?”

    The student has since been released from jail, and explained to police he became so intoxicated while worrying about a midterm.

    The sheep is presently being monitored by a veterinarian.

  • Cute “Geep” Baby Awes And Bewilders

    Adorable baby Butterfly is not a goat and she’s not a sheep. She’s actually a “geep”, and her rare parentage has led to quite a bit of attention for the youngster.

    Butterfly, named so because of the pattern of spots on her body, has a pygmy goat for a dad and sheep for a mom (goat + sheep = “geep”).

    Born at My Petting Zoo in Scottsdale, Arizona, Butterfly arrived unexpectedly.

    According to Priscilla Motola, the owner of the petting zoo, no one even knew that the mother sheep was pregnant.

    “We don’t [have a male sheep] who could get her pregnant right now,” said Motola.

    Motola said they noticed the ewe getting larger, but with a lack of male sheep around, there was no reason to suspect that she was carrying a baby, let alone a geep.

    Motola owns a male goat name Michael, who was quickly identified as the father of the baby geep.

    As a geep, Butterfly possesses traits that she inherited from both her mother and father. Butterfly has the hooves and face of a goat, but she will have wool like her mother.

    How awesome is that?

    Butterfly is described by Motola as a “very active and friendly” youngster. The tiny geep is still nursing, and is also eager to nibble at the fingers of visitors (Aww!)

    Meanwhile, mama sheep is especially protective of her rare offspring. The fact that the father is a goat doesn’t seem to have diminished her maternal instincts in the slightest.

    Butterfly is the only known geep in the entire state of Arizona, and there are likely only a few other geeps walking around in the world right now.

    As with most cross-bred animals, intentionally or otherwise, Butterfly will likely be sterile when she grows up.

    Image via YouTube

  • Samsung Galaxy S3 Teaser Compares iPhone Users To Sheep

    Considering the war of words that broke out after Instagram was made available to Android users, perhaps Samsung is onto something. Is it a sense of insecurity that goes with owning Apple products, or are people really that butthurt over an “iPhone-only” photography app crossing over to another platform?

    Again, when you look at the complaints that followed, Samsung may have nailed it down with their latest teaser commercial for the upcoming Galaxy S3. An aside first, however: Since when do tech toys get “teaser trailers?” To which Samsung apparently answered, “when we feel like calling out iPhone users in a very noticeable way.” And that’s just what they did:

    In case you missed it, the text says, “With technology that fits in this easily, you can now stand out from… everyone else.” The “everyone else” is punctuated by a shot of a herd of sheep. All things considered, it’s surprising these sheep didn’t have apples in their mouths. Motivated by the Apple lawsuits (which were countersued by Samsung), it’s clear the Galaxy manufacturer is pulling no punches in relation to how they view the iPhone and its army of users.

    The question is, is that a fair assessment of the average iPhone user? No, not really. There are tons of iPhone owners who didn’t complain about Instagram or, well, anything having to do with Android. They, like other rational folks, enjoy their product while acknowledging other people are free to do the same, regardless of what platform they prefer. This portion or users, however, isn’t as outspoken as the vocal minority, a group of people who allow themselves to be defined by the tech toys they own.

    These are the types of folks who perpetuate the “Android users are too poor for iPhones” and the “iPhone users are a bunch of sycophantic followers who like shiny products” myths that populate almost every “iPhone versus Android” discussion. The thing is, the anti-Android/anti-iPhone snarkiness is not limited to consumers anymore.

    Take Apple Senior Vice President Phil Schiller, for instance. Schiller left Instagram because once Android users got ahold of it, the app, in his mind, “jumped the shark,” and now, we have Samsung firing a sheep-filled volley at Apple. Can’t we all–“we” as in the tech giants–just get along? Or would that be too boring?