
Tag: Share music

  • Facebook Tests “Share Music” Option Alongside “Update Status”

    Of all the Open Graph apps that began popping up on Facebook after the company’s big unveiling at last year’s f8, the music apps seem to be the most prevalent on the site – especially Spotify. I mean, I rarely need to scroll more than a few clicks to see a Spotify update displayed prominently in my News Feed – “John Johnson listened to Radiohead” and such. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person getting their fill of Spotify updates (especially if you’re still watching that ticker).

    The popularity of Spotify (and other music apps like Rdio) might have something to do with a new feature that Facebook is testing. According to screenshots obtained by The Next Web, Facebook is about to add one more option to your share box at the top of your News Feed.

    Apparently, some users are seeing a “Share Music” option right next to “Ask Question,” Add Photo,” and “Update Status.” The box prompts users to search for a song, and when they do a drop-down menu pulls from Spotify’s catalog. Of course, I would expect other catalogs to be incorporated at soem points, but as of now the screenshots only show Spotify.

    Check it out:
    Facebook "Share Music" feature

    Of course, the benefits of this feature are obvious. Users who want to let their friends in on what they’ve been listening to no longer have to sit around and wait for the Open Graph app to push their activity automatically to their Timeline. Music lovers would have ultimate control over sharing their musical choices across the network. Have a song stuck in your head? Want to share it with everyone on Facebook? No longer do you have to go find a video of it on YouTube and post a link – now you can just post your earworm on demand, via Spotify.

    In the last few months, Facebook has down a couple of things to promote music on the site. First, they began allowing users to listen to tracks simultaneously and chat about them. Then, they unveiled the “Listen” button on band pages that when clicked, promptly opens the band’s catalog on the user’s streaming service of choice

    Like all of Facebook’s tests, the “Share Music” feature is only being seen by a select few users. Hopefully they begin to roll this out to more of us soon.