Today, MSNBC released some findings and stats on the social media buzz surrounding the three remaining GOP presidential candidates. Their analysis of the data indicated that Rick Santorum had the most social “buzz” of the three candidates. Let’s look at a few points from the MSNBC analysis.
“In the week leading up to the Feb. 7 contests, those Facebook and Twitter users preferred to talk about Romney by a ratio of more than 6 to 1 over Santorum.
Beginning Feb. 8, however, Santorum has been the No. 1 topic of conversation. This week, more than two-fifths of every post expressing an opinion — 41 percent — were about Santorum, compared to 32 percent for Romney, 15 percent for Gingrich and 12 percent for Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.The analysis suggests that while people are much more enthusiastic about talking about Santorum, they’re not any more enthusiastic about the man himself. On Feb. 7, before results of the three contests were known, 42 percent of Santorum’s comments were positive to 58 percent negative; Thursday, after a debate Wednesday night in Mesa, Ariz., where Santorum came under sustained attack from Romney and Paul, the breakdown was 38 percent to 62 percent.”
Here is the important thing to keep in mind. “Buzz” means “activity”. It does not mean “approval”. This is not a partisan statement. Don’t confuse “motion” with “progress”. Chris Brown got lots of social network “buzz” when he beat up Rihanna. That hardly translated into “approval”.
Jay Conrad Levinson, the author of the hugely-popular “Guerrilla Marketing” series of books and lectures, noted:
“Good advertising helps a bad product fail more quickly.”
The Internet has not been much of a friend to Rick Santorum. His “Google problem“, and his ill-informed, childish responses to it, has become the stuff of legend. A presidential bid may have been floated as a way for him to rehabilitate his image, but it does not seem to be having that effect. The “spreading Santorum” issues are talked about more than ever. He leads the pack in “buzz”, but it is increasingly negative.
So, Rick Santorum’s leading in “buzz” is not necessarily a good thing. Here’s is a current sampling of Twitter statements about Santorum, with a particular effort to show both views.
Rick Santorum will be on the ballot. Let’s move on.
Rick Santorum is opposed to theocratic regimes. In that case it’s best not to vote for Rick Santorum.
rick santorum: just because i am talking about it doesn’t mean i want a government program to fix it. that’s what the Left does.
There is no religious test for the presidency of the United States, Rick Santorum. You’re thinking of Iran.
Rick Santorum is talking like a deranged televangelist these days. Does he not realize that this makes him absolutely unelectable?
Rick Santorum has been asked more about a contraception joke he didn’t make than Obama has been asked about a contraception law he did make.
Attention Rick Santorum: you are running for President. The position of Spanish Inquisitor is no longer available.
A GOP operative emails: “If Rick Santorum doesn’t think Protestants are Christians, I wonder what he thinks about Mormons.”
Please quit saying Rick Santorum looks 2 young to be president. Paul Ryan looks 25 and we’d vote for him. LOL
Chris Brown respects women more than Rick Santorum.
If these are the things Rick Santorum thinks are ok to say out loud, I’m terrified to know what he’s thinking.
@RickSantorum bandwagon!! #Santorumforpresident
I’m on theRick Santorum should have played the preacher in FOOTLOOSE.