Sustainable solutions are more important than ever, not just from a conservation standpoint, but from an efficiency standpoint as well. Who doesn’t want to minimize waste and avoid poor investments? There are better ways to do business that guarantee better return on your investments while also improving your relationship with suppliers and the world around you.
SAP, an organization dedicated to helping organizations and individuals grow in a healthy way, has released their 2011 sustainability report. Essentially, the report is packed with great examples of how they were able to maximize many of the resources, while also ensuring those resources could still be around tomorrow.
Peter Graf, chief sustainability officer at SAP commented on their latest report:
“Our new report marks an important milestone on our journey to helping the world run better and improving people’s lives,”
“As a company founded and thriving on the concept of innovation, we are excited about helping more and more companies run more profitably and sustainably around the world – including our own. We are proud of the positive recognition we have received for our efforts from the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, Carbon Disclosure Project, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and others, and look forward to the ideas and inspiration from the readers of our new report.”
Incorporating more sustainable solutions into the way you we business is essential and SAP provides some vital data about getting started down the path of success. If you intend to to make sustainability part of the plan for 2012, here are some highlights from the sustainability experts 2011 report:
The 2011 sustainability report:
* Shows the impact SAP® software has on the world, including solutions for energy and environmental management, sustainable supply chain, operational risk management, sustainable workforce and sustainability reporting and analytics.
* Explains how SAP increased its own carbon efficiency for the fifth consecutive year, avoiding cost of EUR 190 million since 2008.
* Highlights how SAP increased employee engagement by nine percent in just one year.
Introduces a global target to increase the ratio of women in management positions to 25 percent by 2017.
* Includes both financial and non-financial information as SAP moves towards more integrated reporting.
* Details how SAP’s social investment strategy impacted 1 million lives in 2011.
Is backed up by rigorous standards of data collection and transparency, specifically the enhanced scope 3 GHG emissions protocol.
* Achieved a GRI A+ rating by the Global Reporting Initiative.
Allows people to share feedback, ideas and inspirations both in the report and through social media.
If you are looking to get the ball rolling on sustainability, check out this report and glean some great ways to make your resources work harder for you. Efficient, sustainable operation don’t just happen, they are the result of careful planning and strategic decision making. Get started today, and have less to worry about tomorrow.