
Tag: Reince Priebus

  • MSNBC’s Cheerios Tweet Gets Station in Hot Water

    Some might say that MSNBC has been going through a hard time as of late, because in just the past few months, its former anchor Martin Bashir was let go for saying something offensive about Sarah Palin, and a little bit after that, Melissa Harris-Perry was in hot water for saying something about Mitt Romney’s adopted grandson.

    Well now, the cable news station is in trouble once again, because one of its workers sent out a tweet that said conservatives wouldn’t like the new Cheerios commercial that features an interracial couple. “Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: The adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family,” read the tweet.

    The message came through MSNBC’s twitter account and not through an employee’s personal page.

    Reince Priebus–the Republican National Committee Chairman–told his fellow Republicans not to go on MSNBC, since he believes the station’s only mission is to make conservatives look bad.

    “Sadly, such petty and demeaning attacks have become a pattern at your network,” Priebus said. “With increasing frequency many of your hosts have personally denigrated Americans–especially conservative and Republican Americans, without even attempting further meaningful political dialogue”

    From there, it didn’t take long for Phil Griffin, MSNBC’s president, to send out a public statement about the tweet. “The tweet last night was outrageous and unacceptable,” said Griffin. “We immediately acknowledged that it was offensive and wrong, apologized, and deleted it. We have dismissed the person responsible for the tweet.”

    As we previously reported, Cheerios has released a part 2 of its original commercial, which features a biracial family. In the ad, the dad character tells his daughter that a new baby is coming, which leads her to ask him for a puppy, and so far people really seem to like the ad, and many said they applaud Cheerios and General Mills for taking another stand. Especially against people who don’t like to see a biracial couple together.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons