
Tag: reaction videos

  • These Kids Have Some Logical Reactions to the Apple Watch

    TheFineBros‘ YouTube series of kids reacting to stuff has a new entry – and this time they’re taking a look at the Apple Watch! Or the iWatch. Or that “small iPod nano.”

    While the kids can agree that it “looks cool” and is probably “from the future”, the device’s necessity is debatable.

    Also, you have to have an iPhone with you for the Watch to work? “That’s kind of disappointing.”

    “It’s not as good as a normal phone.”

    “Why do this when you could just take out your phone”

    You’ve got a new generation to convince, Apple

  • Watch Google Glass Confuse, Amaze Old People

    “It’s like I’m in a different world all of the sudden! Technology just rolled over me like a big ol’ steamroller!”

    I’m not sure if the older subjects of this video will be running out to join the Google Glass Explorer program, but they sure are amazed by the fact that they have a computer strapped to their faces.

    YouTube’s The Fine Bros tackled Google Glass in the latest episode of their ‘Elders React’ series. After handing a pair to the elderly participants, most of them struggled to understand how to simply put on the device (do you wear it like headphones?). After they figured that part out, the struggle turned to how to command the device (oh, it’s already on? where’s the button?).

    But with some guidance, the participants were able to execute simple Glass commands like take a picture, record a video, make a call, and so on.

    And they seem genuinely impressed with the technology.

    “It might be a pain in the ass to really use it.”

    “No, I couldn’t wear it all day long, it’s too uncomfortable.”

    “You might have an accident or two, you know, driving…”

    Well, you almost had them Google. Almost.

    Image via YouTube

  • Game of Thrones’ Maisie Williams Gives the Best Vine Reaction to Red Wedding Shocker



    That was my wife’s reaction to Sunday night’s brutal episode of Game of Thrones, titled “The Rains of Castamere.” In the episode, the famous Red Wedding scene from George R.R. Martin’s beloved novels played out in all its shocking glory.

    Even those involved in the show aren’t immune to the shock. Here’s Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark on the show, with her wonderful Vine reaction to the scene.

    While you’re here, you might as well check out some of the best YouTube reactions to the episode 9 bloodbath.

  • Game of Thrones Red Wedding YouTube Reaction Compilation Shows You’re Not Alone in Your Misery


    On Sunday night’s episode of the HBO series Game of Thrones, well, stuff happened. Things happened and they were devastating. They were beautiful. They were shocking and violent. After it was all over, I was nearly positive that I had witnessed one of the best moments in television history. I don’t smoke, but I needed a cigarette.

    If you’re reading this far, you’re probably aware of what happened during episode 9, “The Rains of Castamere.” Oh Robb. Oh Catelyn. Oh Talisa. Oh little Ned Stark. Oh Grey Wind. As the majority of my friends (all who have read the books) joked – The Roose is loose.

    Below is a wonderful compilation of about 20 different YouTube reaction videos surrounding last night’s unbelievable episode. The reactions are similar to what you went through, probably. There’s crying, screaming, hiding of heads and plenty of NOOOOOOs, What the f*cks, and Reallys.

    This was us at about 9:50 pm EST Sunday night, America. Never forget.



    [via Horrorcirdan]
    [Image via HBO]

  • Warheads Pack a Punch for Both Young and Old

    It’s always fun to watch a completely unsuspecting person, young or old, eat a super-sour piece of candy like a WarHead. That initial “oh my god what have I done” look morphs into a “I’ll ride this out” look, and we all laugh at the process.

    Sour candy reaction videos aren’t new to the YouTubes, but a couple of new additions are pretty funny nonetheless.

    This kid has a hard time:

    And this cute grandpa can’t take more than a few seconds:

    “What the hell is this? Poison?”