
Tag: proposals

  • Guy Hacks Contra to Propose to His Girlfriend

    On the list of NES games I played the absolute hell out of when I was a kid, the run-and-shoot classic Contra is pretty high up there. And if you’re like me, this should make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

    Some guy (redditor Equinn0xX) recently hacked Contra and used it to propose to his girlfriend. “I hacked Contra because she’s worth it,” he says. Aww.

    “This is how I did it. In short, I bought Contra, dumped the ROM, hex edited the file, flashed it to a new ROM chip and soldered it all back together. Took some work but worth it. I changed player names to ours and also changed the ending text to ask her once she beat the game. She said yes! And to the purists who cringe when they see a hacked up cart…relax, it was for a good cause!” he says.

    The game played normally – apart from the change in player names. The only real difference was the ending screen that displayed once his girlfriend beat the game:

    Hats off, man.

    [Images via EquinnoxX, Imgur]

  • Zach Braff Helps Guy Propose, Removes All Chance of Her Saying No

    Another day, another jerk making us all look bad by staging an elaborate marriage proposal and then putting the whole thing on YouTube.

    But seriously, this one’s pretty cool. It involves Zach Braff, some pets, some friends, some family, and a song. Cute.

    “I wanted to think of a really cool way to propose to my girlfriend, Janice, and this song and video is what I came up with. I wanted to show her that not only do I love her but that she’s loved by all our friends and family too. This was particularly important as she hasn’t been able to see much of her family for 7 years since she moved to the UK and she misses them lots,” says Matt Hulbert.

    It looks like Hulbert roped Braff into helping him via Kickstarter pledge:

    “I managed to get Zach involved through Kickstarter when pledging an amount for his new film ‘Wish I Was Here.’ The team were SO kind and SO amazing they got his part of the video to me super early as they really liked the idea. Like me, Janice is a huge fans of ‘Scrubs’ so I knew it would blow her away,” says Hulbert.

    I guess that’s one way to propose – make it absolutely impossible for the girl to say no.

    [via reddit]

  • Here’s the Perfect Proposal for Your ‘NSYNC-Loving Girlfriend [VIDEO]

    As long as people keep one-upping proposals to suit the YouTube age, there will continue to be a plethora of cute/funny videos to warm our hearts and RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US.

    So this Australian guy decided to propose to his girlfriend by creating a fake boy band and singing a song about an abacus. Yeah, it’s perfect and awesome and she says yes. Did she even have a choice? He compared her to a shovel (girl)!

    Public proposals are a tricky thing – just ask the various guys we’ve seen rejected on ballpark jumbotrons in the last few years. But when you do it right, well, you really do it right.

    [via reddit]

  • Boy Meets World Star Engaged, Rider Strong To Marry Girlfriend

    Boy Meets World Star, Rider Strong, is engaged to girlfriend Alexandra Barreto. Us Weekly reports that Strong, who is best known for his role as Shawn Hunter in Boy Meets World, proposed to Barreto on December 23.

    It’s reported that proposal went down while Baretto’s parents were visiting for the holidays. He designed and created the engagement ring himself. He told Us that he received lessons in wax casting from an “old-school jeweler” in Echo Park, and then set up a workspace himself to craft the ring out of white gold. His father, who also created an engagement ring for his own marriage, made the wooden box that housed the ring.

    As for the special moment itself, Strong described the scene to Us:

    “I took her for a walk under the redwoods on the property where I grew up in Northern California. It was pouring rain, but it didn’t look like it was going to stop anytime soon, so I just decided to go for it.”

    For now, Strong will be focused on his upcoming marriage to Barreto, but will he have any involvement with Girl Meets World? He told Us that he has no “official involvement” in the spin off series starring the daughter of Cory and Topanga, but he says that he “can’t wait to see it evolve.”

  • Magical Proposal May Bring a Tear to Your Eye

    Putting your cute, over-the-top marriage proposal on YouTube is nothing new. Having your girlfriend film her own proposal and presenting the ring with a magic trick? Ok, that’s pretty good – I’ll give you that one.

    Let’s just hope their love is no illusion.

    Whenever the couple has kids, and they grow up and ask how mommy and daddy got married, they can always point to this:


  • Fallout-Themed Proposal Leaves Vault Girl Speechless

    It’s always great to see nerds in love. It’s not surprising that those passionate about the geeky things they love would be similarly passionate about the people they love. When it comes to marriage proposals, leave it up to the nerds to combine all of their passions.

    YouTube user satisyingsigh (Trevor in real life) decided that PAX Prime in Seattle this past weekend was the perfect time to pop the question. Since the couple were doing a little Fallout cosplay at the event, he decided to make his proposal Fallout themed. From Trevor’s video description:

    We had been saving up bottle caps since November 2011 with the intention of using them at PAX Prime 2012 to attempt and purchase something from the Bethesda booth (the creators of Fallout 3). It was originally going to be a sort of “gag” to try and score some interesting swag from Bethesda, and in Alisha’s mind, it stayed that way.

    So we get to to the booth, hand a lady our caps, and she pulls out a locked ammo case. The walkway was getting crowded, so we walked over to a nearby table to try and pick the lock. Alisha had a key in her pocket that I had slipped in there earlier, but my plan to get her to discover it failed, so i pretended to have picked the lock (because I had a spare key). Alisha pulls a wadded up piece of brown paper out of the shells and gunpowder that were in the ammo box. She unravels it to find a ring box. Yay! Until i stupidly drop it and execute a quick recovery.

    That, my friends, is a man who has taken the Lady Killer perk.

    (via Bethesda Blog)

  • This Pandora Proposal Is Your Creative Question-Pop Of The Day

    This Pandora Proposal Is Your Creative Question-Pop Of The Day

    A little bit of personal info: My soon-to-be wife once told me that any attempt to publicize a proposal, you know, jumbotron at a ballgame or big banner behind an airplane, would be met with a devastatingly embarrassing “No.” I got the message loud and clear and opted for a more traditional, private approach.

    Well, that worked out for me. But apparently a unique proposal involving a popular internet radio service worked for another guy. According to “aspiring web and mobile developer” Kyle Taylor, proposing to your girlfriend over Pandora might be the way to go.

    Inspired by some interesting proposals he had seen online recently, he contacted Pandora with his idea. According to his blog, the Pandora team was happy to help with his request:

    I started to work with the team at Pandora and they told me this has never been done before, so they would be more than happy to help… that’s when I knew this was going to be it. After working with the creative and technical teams to figure out the best medium, getting passed to their audio advertising team to get a script together and recorded by an awesome voice actress, and once it was finalized it went back to ad trafficking to test out my ad and see if it worked. Of course, it worked out perfectly.

    Apparently, he took her on a drive under the guise of listening to a M83 station he had created. After a few songs, this came over the airwaves:

    Hey Maggie. Yes, you (Maggie). Hello! You’re probably wondering why Kyle is sitting here with you, listening to Pandora, and acting kind of nervous. Or shall we say overwrought? Titillated? Exultant even? Yes, we know you are his personal thesaurus so you can explain to him what all of that means.

    But Kyle actually has some choice words for you: In his words, “Maggie, I’ve never met a person as incredible or beautiful as you…

    More mushy stuff, stars, fate, all that jazz. Then the message pauses, presumably to allow Kyle to pop the question himself.

    The main point is that she said “Yes.”

    Man, lot’s of buzz going on around the proposal. That’s a good thing, right?!
    19 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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    Pandora recently announced that they had hit the 150 million registered user milestone. Hopefully for the team, the Pandora proposal doesn’t become the next big thing. Or, in light of free advertising, maybe they wouldn’t mind at all.

    [via Business Insider]