
Tag: Princess Leia

  • Carrie Fisher Once Received Box of Sex Toys from Mom Debbie Reynolds for Christmas

    Carrie Fisher is making the talk show rounds, promoting Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but not all the topics she discusses are related to the film.

    It was while chatting with UK talk show host Graham Norton in recent days that Carrie Fisher mentioned a Christmas gift she once received from her mom, Debbie Reynolds.

    “She has given me some extraordinary gifts over the years,” Fisher said.

    “She once gave my grandmother and me vibrators for Christmas and my grandmother said she would not use hers because she was afraid it might short-circuit her pacemaker!” she added.

    Carrie Fisher plays the role of General Organa–previous known as Princess Leia Organa in earlier Star Wars films. Lest that convince those of you who haven’t yet seen the film that Fisher’s character is strong and a force to be reckoned with–think again.

    Reuters reports that General Organa isn’t very exciting at all. In fact, she is described as “grave and almost beatific.”

    “Leia is far less impassioned about seeing the great love of her life after a long estrangement than about the loss of their son Ben to the Dark Side,” they write.

    How sad that Carrie Fisher’s character sounds so mundane. That certainly doesn’t match the real-life Carrie Fisher–the one who got a box of sex toys from her mother for Christmas–does it?

    What do you suppose Debbie Reynolds thinks of her daughter’s character’s change from 1980s icon to 2015 sleeper?

    Carrie Fisher was just 19 when she first played Princess Leia. Too bad writers didn’t chat with her–or Debbie Reynolds–about the kind of woman she is capable of playing, even at the age of 59.

    Have you seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Were you disappointed in the way Carrie Fisher’s character is portrayed?

  • Carrie Fisher: Daughter Billie Lourd to Appear in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”

    Carrie Fisher can truly say, “Like mother, like daughter,” with regard to her daughter Billie Lourd. The 23-year-old will appear in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens when it hits theaters later this week. She even mirrors the iconic Princess Leia hairstyle of the previous films.

    Lourd doesn’t play Carrie Fisher’s daughter in the film, but since she has long been a diehard Star Wars fan, she was thrilled to simply get a role.

    “I made [my mom] watch it at least once a week–and on special occasions I would make her get in a lightsaber fight with me,” the 23-year-old Scream Queens star says. “Let’s just say the more trained Jedi usually won.”

    Billie Lourd is proud of the example Carrie Fisher set in the films.

    “When I saw the [original] movie for the first time, I noticed my mom was not only equally as confident and strong as the men, she was one of the most confident characters in the entire film,” she said said. “It made me realize women are just as powerful as men and that we can truly do anything they can–if not more!”

    Lourd’s character’s name in the film has yet to be revealed, but she admits her mother’s character–Princess Leia–is an inspiration for her own.

    Will you be checking out Carrie Fisher and her daughter in Star Wars: The Force Awakens when it opens in theaters on December 18?

  • Daisy Ridley: “Star Wars” Newbie Gets Advice from “Star Wars” Legend, Carrie Fisher

    Daisy Ridley may be new to Star Wars, but she received some advice recently from a Star Wars legend. Carrie Fisher, known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, chatted with her The Force Awakens costar during a conversation with Interview magazine.

    “It’s hard to date once you’re a big Star Wars star because you don’t want to give people the ability to say, ‘I had sex with Princess Leia,’” Carrie told Daisy Ridley, adding that she may want to brace herself for the price of instant fame.

    “Oh, you’re going to have people have fantasies about you! That will make you uncomfortable, I’m guessing,” she added.

    Daisy Ridley has already been called a sex symbol, but she’s not sure how to handle that.

    “They always talk about how you’re a sex symbol, and how do I feel about that,” she said, laughing, “I’m not a sex symbol!”

    Carrie Fisher warns Daisy Ridley against wearing a slave outfit, too. Princess Leia’s gold bikini from Return of the Jedi was what she considers her slave outfit.

    “You should fight for your outfit. Don’t be a slave like I was. You keep fighting against that slave outfit,” she said.

    “All right, I’ll fight,” Daisy replied.

    Daisy Ridley no doubt enjoyed the advice she got from the Star Wars icon. She said she views Carrie Fisher as a role model.

    “People have been asking me about crushes out of the original film, and I say you every time,” Daisy said. “They were like, ‘Is there anyone you particularly look up to?’
    And I’m like, ‘Well, Carrie, obviously. You’re a kick-ass woman.”

    “I’m your predecessor, I think,” Carrie Fisher mused.

    “Exactly,” Daisy said. “You paved the way for all the girls.”

    Are you looking forward to seeing Daisy Ridley alongside Carrie Fisher when Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 18?

  • Billie Lourd Not Leia’s Daughter in Star Wars, But On Her Way

    Billie Lourd is the daughter of actress Carrie Fisher and agent Bryan Lourd. Somewhere in all that, she made the connection needed to get cast in J.J. Abrams’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Rumors flew that Lourd would be seen on screen as Princess Leia’s daughter.

    But in a recent interview with Interview Magazine, Lourd put that rumor to rest.

    “I’m not Princess Leia’s daughter,” she said. Which pretty much buttons that up.

    Her parents had steered her away from acting, like some parents in the business do. Mom Carrie Fisher was already second-generation acting. She and her Lourd tried to push their daughter elsewhere. But Lourd was sneaky.

    “It’s been a secret dream of mine,” Lourd says of acting. “My whole life, they said, ‘Do not act. You need to get a college degree.’ I went to performing arts camp, secretly taking classes—I got the lead in the musical, and my dad was like, ‘Wait, I thought you were going here for music and knitting.’ ”

    Billie Lourd did graduate from NYU last year with a degree in religion and psychology, which may come in handy if she does any more Star Wars films. Getting cast in that right out of the gate is pretty sweet, no matter who you mom is.

    “This is the first job I’ve ever had—right into the fire,” Lourd says of the experience making the film.

    But for now, she is in Scream Queens on Fox, which is a dark comedy.

    “It’s scary, but there’s a lot of comedic breaks,” says Lourd of her character. “She’s brought up my sass level for sure.”

    “This is what I’ve always wanted,” Lourd says. “I’m living the dream right now.”

  • Carrie Fisher’s Daughter Joins ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ As Young Princess Leia

    Billie Lourd, Carrie Fisher’s 21-year-old daughter, will be playing the young Princess Leia in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII. Lourd is the daughter of Fisher and talent agent Bryan Lourd.

    Fisher, 57, will be coming back as Princess Leia Organa in the new installment. Although Lourd has no acting experience, director JJ Abrams thought she would be a good fit to play the role because of her resemblance to her mother.

    According to a source, Lourd flew to the UK to join her mother on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII, which is currently filming at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, England. The source also said that Lourd will have her hair up in buns, just like her mother’s hairstyle in the previous Star Wars films. “She’s an aspiring actress and singer so she grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Carrie backed the move as she wanted somebody in her family to play her most famous role,” the source said.

    Fisher could not be happier that her daughter will be playing Princess Leia–the most iconic role of Fisher’s movie career.

    Reports state that Lourd will be appearing in flashback scenes. Director JJ Abrams also added parts for his father-in-law James H. McGrath Jr. and his father Gerald. Both men appeared in the 2013 Star Trek movie, which was also directed by Abrams.

    Aside from Fisher, Harrison Ford will also be making a comeback in Episode VII. The 71-year-old actor broke his leg a few weeks ago when part of a spacecraft door collapsed on him. He will be entering rehab soon. His scenes were re-scheduled for filming and he is expected to return to the set as soon as he is fully recovered.

    Star Wars: Episode VII is slated to be released on December 2015.

    Image via YouTube