
Tag: Porn

  • Google Makes Changes To Improve SafeSearch

    On Thursday, Google released a list of 65 changes it made during the months of August and September. 5 of the changes are related to SafeSearch, Google’s filter feature that allows you to search without having to see adult content.

    Those changes are listed as follows:

    • Maru. [project “SafeSearch”] We updated SafeSearch to improve the handling of adult video content in videos mode for queries that are not looking for adult content.
    • Palace. [project “SafeSearch”] This change decreased the amount of adult content that will show up in Image Search mode when SafeSearch is set to strict.
    • #82872. [project “SafeSearch”] In “strict” SafeSearch mode we remove results if they are not very relevant. This change previously launched in English, and this change expanded it internationally.
    • Sea. [project “SafeSearch”] This change helped prevent adult content from appearing when SafeSearch is in “strict” mode.
    • Cobra. [project “SafeSearch”] We updated SafeSearch algorithms to better detect adult content.

    You would think Google would have this down by now, and with these changes, you would also think Google has gotten even better at SafeSearch. It’s hard to say whether or not it really has, but before these changes were announced, Search Engine Roundtable shared a story of an instance where Google was failing at SafeSearch, and even failed to make the necessary changes once notified (though it’s possible that they will still be made).

    Have you noticed whether or not SafeSearch has improved in recent months?

  • Porn Search Engine Search.xxx Launches to Make .xxx Browsing Safer

    If your daily porn searches have led you to some of the more sketchy, unsafe places on the internet, a new search engine may be of interest to you. It’s called Search.xxx, and it’s the world’s first comprehensive search engine for all the .xxx domain porn sites out there.

    We first told you about search.xxx when it was still in development, back in June of 2011. At that time, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) had just approved the .xxx top-level domain in a highly-contested split vote. The .xxx domain had been fought by conservative groups like the Family Research Council and by the porn industry itself at first. But when it was finally approved, registry operator ICM Registry won the opportunity to manage it.

    And now it’s ICM Registry who has just unveiled the new porn-only search engine. Search.xxx promises that it’s safe and optimized for mobile. In fact, all of the .xxx sites crawled by the engine are scanned every day for malware, using McAfee software. Search.xxx is also available in 20 languages and customizable based on sexual orientation.

    Search.xxx does not list traditional .com porn sites, only .xxx sites, which first went live back in December of 2011. So you won’t be seeing any links to YouPorn or PornHub on this search engine.

    Upon review, the search engine works as expected, with searches generating only .xxx links. Users can change the language and sexual orientation preferences from the SERPs, which also include a “quick search” feature featuring popular porn terms that you may be familiar with.

    When the engine was first announced, ICM Registry President Stuart Lawley mentioned ads and sponsorships. There are currently no ads on search.xxx – either traditional or within the results (at least they aren’t clearly marked). Of course, that could change with time, as the engine was just unsheathed.

    So, why do we need a special search engine for .xxx domains? ICM thinks that the exclusivity and safety is a big draw. Of course, adult site searchers can’t always rely on engines like Google or Bing to provide the results they want – as those sites’ relationship with porn is tenuous, at best. Search.xxx, on the other hand, is definitely tailored to its crowd.

    “While some search engines reportedly de-rank adult sites in order to filter adult content out of regular searches, our new search engine helps consumers accurately find and enjoy all manner of porn – because it searches only .XXX domain-based porn,” said ICM.

    The new search engine is just barely off the ground, but will undoubtedly become more relevant as .xxx domains continue to pop up on the internet.

    [via PCMag]

  • Offbeatr Looks to Kickstart Adult Projects

    You can say that this one was born out of a sort of Rule 34-esque necessity. If it exists online, someone has taken it and turned it into porn. Or, you could say that it simply filled a niche that wasn’t available since most related sites ban pornographic content. Whatever the reason, Offbeatr is here and it’s the Kickstarter for porn.

    It’s only been live for a couple of weeks, but Offbeatr is beginning to pick up steam.

    It works in a manner similar to Kickstarter – person starts a project, people fund it (or they don’t), and they have a certain amount of time to reach certain goals. Plus, Offbeatr also allows project leaders to offer rewards.

    The difference is that Offbeatr has a selection process. Once a person becomes a verified project creator, they are allowed to create a project idea. That idea must then be approved, and after that a voting process begins. Before they can start collecting money for their project, creators have to hit a certain vote goal.

    Of course, Offbeatr would be a prime target for illegal and otherwise questionable project ideas. That’s part of the reason why they have an approval process. They do forbid certain projects as well, for instance ones containing elements of rape or violence, bestiality, incest, minor involvement, etc.

    As of right now, some of the featured project include a furry adult comic book called “Inside the Candy Box,” a video series called “Super F*ck Friends,” a website to find your “Sex twin,” an e-book that explores sexuality and Asperger’s syndrome, and a “Japanese Porn Cultural Exchange.

    So, as you can see, the ideas are pretty diverse.

    As of now, Offbeatr is only accepting project creators from the U.S., the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. When asked why Offbeatr charges a little more than other crowdsourced project sites, they cite their all-or-nothing funding model and the fact that adult websites have a harder time getting their payments processed or have to pay more to do so.

    Offbeatr caps its goal amount at $30,000. The lowest project you can submit is one with a $300 goal. Project creators are only allowed to run one project at a time.

    Offbeatr offers a SFW versions of the site and NSFW version of the site. Browsers are taken to the SFW version by default.

    [via ReadWriteWeb]

  • Subway’s Facebook Page Trolled with Anime Porn [NSFW]

    One one hand, this is a cautionary tale for all brands that maintain Facebook pages. On the other hand, this is just really, really f-in’ funny.

    Subway’s Facebook page has been hijacked by a wave of anime porn. And not just generic images of anime porn, but with images involving Subway’s many five-dollar footlongs. The Daily Dot first spotted the work of the trolls, and they say that Subway is already in the process of removing the images.

    They’re fighting a tough battle, however. Although only one or two of the images are currently showing up on the company’s Timeline when you filter by “post from others,” dozens are still visible when you look at the tagged photos of Subway. I don’t even know whether to tag NSFW on these, as they’re suggestive but all genitalia has been obscured by tasty-looking sub sandwiches. Alas, here’s a snapshot of Subway’s tagged photos, porn amidst subs:

    Although the photo uploads seem to be coming from various users, many of them originate from a FacePunch forum dedicated to photoshopping subway sandwichs into hentai. One prankster spoke to Daily Dot, saying,

    “We all went to websites for original pictures, saved them, opened them up in Photoshop or whatever other editing program we had, and placed the sandwich pic and or logo in there. Subway also banned us from the page afterwards, which isn’t surprising at all.”

    Like I said before, this really is a cautionary tale for brands who operate pages on the site. Privacy controls allow you to limit who can tag photos of you, and the admin panel lets you moderate posts to the Timeline.

    But also, LULZ.

  • Porn Rebuke: Missile Defense Employees Caught Testing The Wrong Kind Of Missiles

    The guys tasked with knocking a missile out of the sky (the ol’ hitting a bullet with a bullet approach), and finding other ways to protect our country from a ballistic missile attack, have been tending to the wrong kinds of launches.

    According to an internal memo obtained by Bloomberg, there’s a porn problem in the Pentagon (albeit a small one).

    MDA has more than 8,000 employees, and less than a half- dozen were found to have accessed restricted sites or downloaded inappropriate materials…

    …Specifically, there have been instances of employees and contractors accessing websites, or transmitting messages, containing pornographic or sexually explicit images.

    These actions are not only unprofessional, they reflect time taken away from designated duties, are in clear violation of federal and DoD and regulations, consume network resources and can compromise the security of the network though the introduction of malware or malicious code.

    According to the rest of the memo, the porn-watchers are subject to suspensions and termination if they continue to violate the rules.

    “As we develop, test, and field an integrated Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS), the MDA works closely with the Combatant Commanders (e.g. Pacific Command, Northern Command, etc.) who will rely on the system to protect the United States, our forward deployed forces, and our friends and allies from hostile ballistic missile attack,” says the MDA’s about page.

    That’s a serious responsibility. And all really (really, really, incredibly) lame dick jokes aside, browsing porn from computers that contain sensitive government information is probably a bad idea. If you think that a LiveJasmin popup is the worst that could happen, think again.

  • China Arrests 10,000 In Campaign Targeting Internet Crime

    China is becoming more and more of a progressive nation in terms of economic policies and personal freedoms. That being said, the communist government still flexes their power from time to time. It’s unfortunate that the Internet was the victim in the latest round of arrests.

    The official Xinhua News agency reports that the Chinese government has arrested over 10,000 suspects since June. These individuals are suspected of Internet crimes which include “spreading lewd content, arms dealing and illegally collecting citizens’ personal information.” On top of the arrests, the government has also busted over 600 “criminal gangs” who have committed “Internet crimes.”

    It doesn’t stop with arrests and gang busting though as China is proving their serious about stopping what they see as Internet crime. The government has ordered 62 Web sites and online forums that hosted “inappropriate content” while servicing fines to 30 Internet providers that allowed access to “unlicensed Web sites.”

    The government had this to say about the crackdown:

    “Although illegal and harmful information on the Internet has been reduced sharply through intensified crackdowns, fraudulent messages are still seen occasionally… and some telecom service providers are not strict enough when managing websites.”

    The government should be cracking down on online criminals. That much is true and I’m sure some of the people arrested are guilty of stealing information or spreading illegal content. The problem is that some of these arrests might not be for Internet crimes, but rather people using the Internet to criticize the government.

    A BBC report seems to confirm just as much when they confirmed that the chief of the Beijing Public Security Bureau warned Internet users that they faced punishment for attacking the country’s leaders online. The only problem is that the citizens aren’t told what constitutes as an attack. Any form of criticism could be seen as an attack and met with arrest.

    Anonymous has attacked Chinese government Web sites in the past as a way of pushing for more openness on the Web in the country. It will be interesting to see if the Chinese government takes any action against those attacks as part of this latest crackdown. Anonymous may even launch a new attack against China in light of these latest events. It will be interesting to see how things progress either way.

  • Porn-Watching Home Invader Left Samples At The Scene

    I’m not exactly sure what prompted 21-year-old Antoine Owens to (allegedly) break into a series of homes with the sole purpose of masturbating to porn, all I know is that my Monday morning thanks him, immensely.

    That’s right, in hey-you-really-don’t-have-it-all-that-bad news, a young man in Oregon has been arrested as police suspect him of committing a string of lewd acts involving the strangest cases of breaking and entering that you’ll ever hear about.

    According to KVAL in Eugene, Owens’ M.O. involved learning the schedules of his target homeowners – all of which lived within a couple of blocks. Once he figured out their daily routines, Owens would break into their houses and have a bit of alone time. He is suspected of doing this at least four times, the latest of which occurred just a couple of months ago.

    A woman reportedly came home to find lube, towels and a cell phone sitting by her computer – which was blaring porn. This time, he was apparently still at the home:

    He managed to open the door and stormed inside, threatening to kill the woman as he grabbed the phone and lube before fleeing the home at Van Buren and 22nd in Eugene.

    At least he managed to grab the lube, I suppose.

    Not every victim caught the man in the act. Some simply came home to find lube and towels near their computers. According to police, Owens was matched to the crime scenes by some DNA that he’d left behind. He’s been charged with four counts of first-degree burglary – although it appears that the only thing he stole was these people’s ability to comfortably use their computers ever again.

    Check out the local news report below, if for no other reason than to see what one neighbor thinks may keep our masturbating menace at bay

  • Indonesia Doesn’t Want You Watching Porn During Ramadan

    Muslims around the world start fasting today as Ramadan begins. The holiest event on the Islamic calendar will see Muslims around the world fasting and praying in accordance with their faith. It seems that Indonesia is taking the holy month a bit too far this year by blocking access to more than one million porn sites.

    Indonesia’s Communications And Information Industry has blocked more than one million porn sites on Wednesday ahead of the start of Ramadan. It makes sense in a way as sexual relations are prohibited during the day, but whether or not porn can be classified as sexual relations is a question I can’t answer. Regardless, Minister Tifatul Sembiring said that the country would target more Web sites as the month went on according to The Times of India.

    “We will block more porn sites during Ramadan, though that doesn’t mean that we will allow such sites to operate during the rest of the year. Online pornography is an industry and the producers always seem to find new ways of escaping detection.”

    Indonesia is not the first, nor will it be the last, nation that has come out against online porn. While Indonesia is blocking the sites for religious reasons, other countries block them for something far simpler – protecting the children from something they’re going to find anyway. The United Kingdom wants all ISPs to block porn by default with those wanting access being forced to ask permission.

    As we’ve seen with any other attempt to censor the Internet, people will just get around it anyway. The truly devout Muslims wouldn’t be viewing porn sites anyway, so who exactly does this ban target?

  • Sorry Parents, Your Teens Like Porn A Lot More Than You Think

    In little-to-no-chance-of-shocking-you news, parents are fairly oblivious when it comes to what their kids are doing online.

    McAfee just released the results of their annual Teen Internet Behavior study, and the takeaway is that parents severely underestimate what their kids are up to online and how much time they’re spending online. Not only that, but teenagers are getting much better at hiding it.

    According to a nationwide survey of 2000+ teens (age 13-17) and their parents, 73.5% of parents say they trust their teens to not access “age-inappropriate” content online. Despite that vote of confidence, McAfee reports that 43% of teens are accessing simulated violence, 36% are looking up sexual topics, and a third are checking out porn (43% of them on a weekly basis).

    And when it comes porn, most parents have adopted the “not my little angel” mindset as only 12% acknowledge that their teen is probably looking at the stuff.

    Teens are also getting better at fooling their parents. This year, 70% admitted to finding new ways to “avoid parental monitoring,” compared to only 45% two years ago. The top way reported was clearing the browser history (53%), followed closely by quickly minimizing the window when parents walk in (46%), and hiding/deleting videos and IM conversations (34%). One fifth of teens reported editing privacy settings and using private browser modes.

    Teens porn parents

    “While it is not necessarily surprising that teens are engaging in the same types of rebellious behaviors online that they exhibit offline, it is surprising how disconnected their parents are,” says Stanley Holditch, Online Safety Expert for McAfee. “There is a major increase in the number of teens finding ways to hide what they do online from their parents, as compared to the 2010 study. This is a generation that is so comfortable with technology that they are surpassing their parents in understanding and getting away with behaviors that are putting their safety at risk.”

    Whether or not porn, excessive Facebooking, and a slew of other online activities teens engage in is actually a risk to safety is debatable, but this figure is not: 62.1% of teens say they witnessed cyberbullying, with 23.3% saying they have been the target. Only 10% of parents think their teen has been the target of cyberbullying.

    Out of those witnesses to cyberbullying, 93% said that Facebook was where it took place.

    Here are a couple of other findings from the study:

    • Teens spend more time online than their parents think. On average, teens spend about five hours a day online; while parents only think their kids spend an average of three hours a day online. Nearly 10% of teens (10.3%) spend more than 10 hours a day online
    • Parents are blind to how much teens check social networks. Teens are glued to their news feeds with 60% of social network users checking their accounts daily and 41% checking their accounts constantly. Only 48% of parents think their teens check their accounts daily, and only 22% believe their teens check their accounts constantly.
    • Despite the rise of smartphones Generation Z goes online old school. Generation Z spends more time online via laptops (37.35%) and desktops (29.8%) compared to smartphones (13.48%) and tablets (5%).
    • Teens don’t think online friends are dangerous strangers. 12% of teens reported meeting someone offline that they only knew through online interactions.
    • Foursquare and check-in sites dwindling. Facebook was the most popular site with 89.5% of teens using it, followed by Twitter (48.7%), Google+ (41.5%), Tumblr (33%), Pintrest (20%), 4chan (23%), and MySpace (18%). Foursquare and location-based sites were the least popular among teens (12.2%).

    Kids have been hiding what they do online since the days of AOL at 56Ks. Either they are just becoming more internet savvy, or parents are becoming more oblivious. Maybe it’s a little bit of both.

  • Groupon Reportedly Axes Porn-Based Deals

    According to a group of anti-porn activists, Groupon has stopped doing business with companies that “promote pornography,” although it’s unclear exactly what qualifies as promoting pornography.

    One thing that definitely qualifies is a deal that the company offered back in April involving a giant castle that currently serves as a porn studio for the website Kink.com. Kink.com specializes in certain types of porn including bondage films. The deal also included the chance to see a live shooting of one of the films. As you would expect, the deal was limited to those aged 18 and older.

    This was the daily deal that began the controversy, spearheaded by the group Morality in Media. MiM calls itself the “leading national organization opposing pornography and indecency through public education and the application of the law.”

    A few weeks later, Groupon offered a deal called “Rock n’ Roll Fantasy Camp” that included a trip to the Playboy mansion (and a concert featuring Steven Tyler, which MiM seemed unconcerned about). MiM had a problem with this tour as well, saying:

    It is clear that Groupon’s motto is right in line with the pornographers they promote and defend. Playboy’s “it’s a man’s world” philosophy amounts to “use them, abuse them, and discard them.”

    The group also called for a boycott, which they are now calling a success. According to MiM, a 2-month boycott that saw 20,000 Groupon members cancel their membership has caused Groupon to cease business with any purveyor of adult entertainment.

    “The Groupon national boycott demonstrates that large numbers of people are willing to take action to challenge pornography wherever it rears its ugly head,” said MIM’s Executive Director, Dawn Hawkins.

    “Mainstream companies should stay far away from the sexual exploitation and abuse that is part and parcel of the mission of pornography companies,” said Patrick A. Trueman, MIM’s president. “Groupon offered deals not only for Kink but for an event at Playboy, the world’s top sexual exploiter,” he added.

    MiM says that they found out about the change in policy via confidential sources and that Groupon management has yet to confirm it. I contacted Groupon and received this statement from spokeswomen Julie Mossler:

    We continue to test different types of deals in markets around the country, and run categories that represent the interests of each local customer base. While we aren’t currently accepting new adult merchants, guidelines for what types of businesses we do and do not run are constantly reevaluated on a local level.

    So it would appear that Groupon has stopped dealing with adult merchants. Whether or not that is a permanent policy remains to be seen, however.

  • Groupon Lands In Porn Trouble…Again

    Just two weeks after daily deals company Groupon drew the ire of an anti-porn group for their porn studio tour offer, they are back, pissing off the same group again with a recent Playboy-themed offer.

    Earlier in April, Groupon offered a deal to tour a San Francisco armory, which is actually a 200,000 sq. ft. reproduction of an old Moorish castle. Among the many uses of the castle, the one that stuck out was its use as a porn studio for Kink films (described as “torture” porn by some, BDSM by others). This triggered a boycott sponsored by anti-porn activists Morality in Media. You can see MIM’s executive director Dawn Hawkins talking about it below:

    Now, MIM has another Groupon deal to add to their boycott. Yesterday, Groupon offered a “Rock n’ Roll Fantasy Camp” trip to the Playboy mansion – complete with an appearance from Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler. The package cost $800 and included a concert as well as time hanging out with the Playboy bunnies. Check it out here via Google cache.

    As VIPs disembark from their shuttle, they’ll be beckoned by tour guides through the glamorous, stone-clad grounds to take a swim in the legendary grotto, check out exotic animals in the zoo, and try to figure out which of the six Playboy Bunnies in attendance has real fluffy ears. Guests can expect to mingle with TV personalities, pro athletes, and other celebs into the wee hours or until their entourages turn back into enchanted mice. Rock star glam, dress to impress.

    Do you think that sounds like fun? MIM’s “Porn Harms” campaign definitely does not. Here’s how they amended their boycott petition:

    It is clear that Groupon’s motto is right in line with the pornographers they promote and defend. Playboy’s “it’s a man’s world” philosophy amounts to “use them, abuse them, and discard them.”

    Hawkins suggested to WND that Groupon’s lack of female representation up top might have something to do with what she calls Groupon’s inability to “end its support of the sexual exploitation of women and girls.”

    Hawkins said that while trying to find the names of some women from Groupon’s senior management team, she discovered that there weren’t any.

    “Perhaps that explains why the company is so insensitive to the sexual exploitation of women and girls,” she told WND.

    Of course, porn-related deals aren’t the only kind getting Groupon into hot water. In March, an offer for 58% off a Jeffrey Dahmer tour sparked quite a bit of controversy.

    I’m not sure that a Steven Tyler concert at the Playboy mansion amounts to supporting the sexual exploitation of women, but apparently some anti-porn activist are pretty convinced. What do you think? Should Groupon be a little more selective on some of the daily deals they offer? Or should groups like MIM lighten up a bit? Let us know what you think in the comments.

  • Sex.com Now Fashions Itself As Pinboard For Porn

    Has anyone visited sex.com recently? Unless you’re an 11-year-old first day on the internet kid or a retired guy with their first cable connection, probably not. If you’re looking to find porn, going to sex.com or porn.com is just one step below going to Google and searching “sex” or “porn.” It’s 2012 – let’s just say there are better ways.

    Sex.com, which was the focus of one of the most famous domain name legal battles in the dotcom era, has apparently shifted gears. As of now, the site is now branded as your “virtual pinboard for porn.” Yes, the popularity of Pinterest and the rise of “pinning” as the “it” term of 2012 has led (surely) one of the most visited sites on the planet to adopt a pinboard format.

    Here’s what sex.com says about their new site:

    Sex.com lets you collect, organize and share all the free porn you find on the web! People use pinboards to bookmark and organize all their favorite porn videos & pictures. With just one click, you can pin porn from anywhere on the web and add it to your pinboards.

    Best of all, you can also browse pinboards created by other people! Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new content, sites and pornstars from people who share your interests.

    They go on to say that their goal is to connect porn lovers through shared tastes and interests. Per that goal, sex.com allows users to browse the most popular pins, the latest pins, as well as specific categories – just like Pinterest. However, categories like Art, Fitness, Photography, and Wedding have been replaced with Amateur, Fetish, Asian, and Threesome.

    But seriously, sex.com now looks exactly like Pinterest. See for yourself:

    Just like Pinterest, sex.com’s pinboards are marketed on discovery, sharing, and saving. With the boards, you won’t lose your favorite pics or clips, and you can find stuff that other with similar tastes recommend.

    Of course, sex.com isn’t the first property to attempt to capitalize on the Pinterest craze. Snatchly says that it’s your online pornboard and well, looks a lot like Pinterest with boobs. There’s also the (duh-ly) named Pornterest which has even fashioned its logo to look exactly like the half-cursive Pinterest logo.

    Like Pinterest, sex.com’s pinboard works on the same pin button principle. You install it as a browser extension and when you stumble upon the porn you want to share, just click “pin it” and you’ll be prompted to add a category, description, and choose a pin photo.

    Just make sure you are careful of which pin board you’re pinning your porn.

    [Via TechCrunch]

  • Facebook Bikini Pics Wind Up On Porn Sites…Again

    It appears that Facebook photos keep making unwilling porn stars out of people, as a Singapore mom is incensed after pictures she uploaded to the site wound up on pop-up ads advertising various porn and dating sites. One of the sites that scraped her photo was a pay-per-minute phone sex service.

    Jules Rahim was apparently notified by a friend, who spotted her image in this unwanted context. The situation only became more awkward as she was told just a few days later of another instance of her photo popping up to advertise porn. The photo in question (seen above) showed Rahim in a bikini, but “fully clothed” in terms of what constitutes “nudity” in more circumstances.

    Of course, Rahim notified the police and has expressed her intentions to file harassment charges. All we can say is good luck.

    First off, the sites that jacked her bikini shots from Facebook operate outside of Singapore – in Germany and the U.S. Cases like this are a jurisdictional nightmare. It’s also clear that Facebook takes a “once you go public…well, it’s public” stance on most content you share on the site. This is lifted straight from their terms of service:

    For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.

    When you publish content or information using the Public setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture).

    Facebook doesn’t allow nudity, so the fact that Rahim is non-nude in the eyes of the law coupled with her willingness to make her content public makes it a tough complaint to win.

    This kind of Facebook photo scraping is not just a Singapore problem (although the StraitTimes says that Rahim isn’t the only one as of late), but we’ve seen this in the U.S rather recently.

    In February, over a dozen teenage girls from a Boston area high school were shocked to find that some of their Facebook photos had been used on various porn sites. Once again, the porn site was located in another country, and the girls had publicly displayed their profiles for the world to see. In this case, the affected group of girls contain some as young as 14. But the photos involved suggestive poses, not nudity. These kinds of cases walk these fine lines.

    Want another example? Last year, a UK woman born without a left hand found some of her Facebook photos being used on a porn site for Acrotomophiles, or people with an amputee fetish.

    Broken record time: Lock down your privacy settings. Lock down your privacy settings. Lock down your privacy settings. Remember, public is public – end of the question.

    [Via Digital Life]

    [Photo Credit: Jules Rahim via Straitstimes]

  • The Avengers Porn Parody Is Happening, Stars Chyna

    Why must everything wonderful, wholesome, and good in this world be turned into a porno? Rule 34, I know. I probably wouldn’t be so upset about this if it didn’t have Chyna in it.

    Okay, I’m not exactly upset about it, but I am weary when it comes to porn parodies releasing at the same time as their mainstream-film counterparts. I mean, how will the porn even follow the story if they haven’t seen the real film yet?

    Enough facetiousness. In how-did-I-not-already-know-this-news, a porn version of The Avengers is set to release on DVD the same day that The Avengers hits the theaters worldwide. It’s called The Avengers XXX: A Porn Parody, and it’s currently in post-production from Vivid Entertainment.

    The director, Axel Braun, is no stranger to superhero porn parodies. He helmed 2011’s Spider-Man XXX as well as Superman XXX. Also, 2010’s Batman XXX and Elvis XXX (Elvis was a superhero to some, man).

    From a release (taken from XBIZ):

    Directed by Braun from a script he wrote with Mark Logan, “The Avengers XXX” finds S.H.I.E.L.D. head Nick Fury (Lexington Steele) enlisting the help of superheroes such as Iron Man (Dale DaBone), Spider-Man (Xander Corvus), and the Black Widow (Brooklyn Lee) to bring down a rampaging Hulk (Jordan Lane) in Las Vegas.

    The big-budget spoof also stars Jenna Presley as Spider-Woman, Phoenix Marie as Sharon Carter, Lexi Swallow as Mr. Marvel, Danni Cole as Scarlet Witch, Eric Masterson as Hawkeye, Brendon Miller as Thor and former WWF star Chyna as The She-Hulk.

    Check out the (surprisingly) SFW trailer below:

  • Bateflix Is Netflix’s Porn Recommendation Engine

    Attention everybody who hasn’t discovered internet porn, or wants to see some nudity & sex in a real storytelling context (sorry, internet porn), some guy has created a search engine for all of the movies available via Netflix that contain the MPAA’s greatest enemy. The site is aptly titled “Bateflix” and says it will help you find “the best porn on Netflix.”

    According to Bateflix, they have 6,411 movies in the database. There are rated on a scale from X to XXX, depending on their level of sexual explicitness.

    Users can search the database by filtering for genre, category (or sexual activity), year, MPAA rating, user rating within Netflix, and of course DVD-vs-streaming availability. So, if I wanted a fantasy film from 2000-2009 featuring accidental nudity, I currently only have one option: The Piano Tower of Earthquakes, a Not-Rated 2006 film with a 2.8 average rating on Netflix. “After murdering an opera singer onstage, the sinister Dr. Droz absconds with her corpse and creates a performance starring her reanimated body,” says the synopsis. In this case, I’m probably better off taking my chances on the interwebs.

    But if I generalize my search to any film available through Netflix instant with a threesome – I get a lot more options. This is just the XXX categorized results:


    After you find what you’re looking for, you can even write a nudity review. Bateflix also features a random movie generator, if you’re not being too picky.

    Of course, using a Netflix search as a porn search has its problems. For one, watching an entire movie like “Black Snake Moan” for the nudity/sex is like reading Catcher In The Rye to hear someone say some bad words. There are definitely better options. Plus, a random search just pulled up films like 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days as well as Irreversible – both of which contain nudity, but calling it “porn” might be a little strange for some people.

    Then again, if you have to watch a movie with your parents, you could use Bateflix to screen out the ones that might make things a bit uncomfortable.

    Oh well, let’s just file it under the “so that exists” department and move on.

  • Tiger Woods Porn to be Released During the Masters

    If you’ve every thought “Tiger Woods” would make a good porn name, you may not be as far off you thought. A Tiger Woods themed porno is soon to be released featuring three of Tiger’s real life porn star mistresses.

    Devon James, Holly Sampson and Joslyn Kames will star in “3 Mistresses: Notorious Tales of the World’s Greatest Golfer.” The film will be released on April 3, during the Masters tournament.

    Tiger has been on a hot streak since recovering from the sex debacle that hurt his game a few years back. He is expected to do well in the Masters this year, a tournament he has not won since 2005. That is, if he is not preoccupied with the details of his extra-marital sex life being reenacted publicly, by the women he had sex with.

    The film will feature an in depth Q&A with the stars, who will discuss in explicit detail Tiger’s bedroom tastes, followed by on screen reenactments of his technique between the sheets.

    “Any time three women get together to talk about the same guy, the results are going to be more than interesting,” said the film’s director, B. Skow. “Now, when these women also happen to be adult stars that have sex for a living, and reveal they have been with the same guy, you can be sure they’ll share absolutely everything.”

    Woods cannot be happy with this turn of events, especially the timing. The legendary golfer is finally getting his swing back after the distraction the scandal caused. Fans are enjoying seeing his return to form, while others just want to see another fall from grace.

    The film is likely to be a hit. You can never overestimate the public’s interest in celebrities’ sex lives, just look at the success of the Paris Hilton or Pamela Anderson sex tapes. The question is, can Woods maintain his focus while others cash in on his mistakes?

    Tiger Woods’ former mistresses to release porn film http://t.co/wndS477j – 3 Butts to Par, The 19th holes, 99 problems & 3 making a movie(image) 12 minutes ago via Tweet Button ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    New Tiger Woods video game: win a small tourney you bang an aspiring model; win a major- porn star; Fail to finish- Denny’s waitress.(image) 6 days ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Twitter will have no shortage of jokes on this topic. What title would you give a Tiger Woods porn?

  • Egyptian Government Institutes Pornography Ban

    To quote Associate Supreme Court Justice, Potter Stewart, “[I can’t define pornography], but i know it when I see it.”

    The question is, will the Egyptian government know it when it sees it? An Egyptian court has ruled to ban internet pornography in the country. The ruling was confirmed by the Egyptian Ministry of Telecommunications and reported by Egypt Today.

    #Egypt to ban porn websites after court ruling.(image) 1 hour ago via UberSocial for BlackBerry ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    The news brings rising concerns about how the Egyptian government will enforce the new law, and who will decide where the line is drawn when it comes to porn.

    The issue has been brought up in America thanks to Republican Presidential hopeful, Rick Santorum, who has blamed pornography on everything from divorce to homosexuality. His announcement that he wishes to ban pornography in the United States has caused an uproar over civil liberties and even prompted a campaign on Twitter, #SaveThePorn.

    If Santorum says gay porn is responsible for homosexuality, then what made the FIRST gay porn star gay? Chicken and egg….(image) 1 day ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @RickSantorum why you no like porn? #SavethePorn(image) 3 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    In Egypt or America, where does one draw the line. Will suggestive images or video be next? What kind of punishment can you legitimately impose on people who continue to watch porn? Prison? Will the person be branded as a sex offender? What’s Next? What other civil liberties will a government be bold enough to restrict? A porn ban is certainly a slippery slope.

    A ruling was made in Egyptian Court back in 2009, but never enforced. But this is the first time the ruling has been upheld by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Egyptian Parliament. This one has a better chance of sticking.

    That sucks: Egyptian court declares Internet porn illegal http://t.co/1hAxDn00 //Maybe #ricksantorum should run for President of Egypt(image) 18 minutes ago via Tweet Button ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Wanting people to get laid more? RT @FelFel_: Egypt decreased Viagra price and banned porn in one week. What are they trying to tell us?(image) 33 minutes ago via TweetDeck ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    The problem isn’t banning porn, but how this is a way of testing the waters of restricting more freedoms in the future. #Egypt(image) 57 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    You can’t BAN PORN!!! HideMyIP will save us BASTARDS!!! #PornBan(image) 37 minutes ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    result of #pornban in #egypt RT@libertarianism: The more laws and restrictions there are, the poorer the people become. – Lao Tsu”(image) 44 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Behold; The rise of rapists within Egypt. Coming soon. #PornBan(image) 1 hour ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

  • Internet Porn Might Be Banned In Egypt

    Internet Porn Might Be Banned In Egypt

    Rick Santorum riled up Twitter last week when he announced his intentions to ban Internet porn if he were to be elected president. Even if he were to win the presidency, the plan would be met with too much resistance. Too bad the same doesn’t apply to Egypt.

    The Egypt Independent is reporting that the government is taking the first steps to ban all online pornography. The ban is being instigated by Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology Mohamed Salem. The first step is to create a National Telecommunications Regulation Authority that will discuss how they can control porn sites.

    Salem must have a good reason for wanting to ban access to porn sites, right? He says that the issue of porn is becoming “persistent and worrying to families.” I think that porn has always been “persistent and worrying” to anybody who has children. That’s why families install filters or keep a close watch on their child’s Internet usage. That’s apparently not good enough for the People’s Assembly Transportation and Telecommunications Committee as they asked the government in February to ban access to all porn sites within the nation.

    The Next Web reports that a similar law was almost passed in Tunisia. That one didn’t make it through because critics found that it would allow the government to block any Web site that was deemed immoral or offensive. The Egyptian courts might throw out the law or they might pass it. Either way, the Egyptian people will probably see it as an affront on their freedoms and protest again.

    From Santorum’s speech on porn to these new attempts to ban it just go to show you how far people will go to protect families and children. Yes, porn should be kept out of the hands of children, but governments shouldn’t punish an adult’s individual freedom in the name of protecting children. There are ways to protect children from offensive content than just an outright ban. This also puts the responsibility to protect children on the parent’s heads and I know that’s so hard these days. The government shouldn’t be your children’s parents as that leads down the road to them becoming big brothers.

  • #SaveThePorn Started In Response To Santorum’s War On Porn

    We reported yesterday that Rick Santorum, one of the three major GOP candidates gunning for the White House this year, announced his intentions to ban online pornography. His reasoning is that the consumption of pornography leads to “profound brain changes” in children and adults.

    His plan is to enforce obscenity laws in regards to online porn. This would make it illegal to produce hardcore content that many users currently enjoy for 12 minutes a day. There are many problems with this approach, however, which we highlighted in our previous article.

    Regardless, Twitter, in a campaign spearheaded by Anonymous, has started a campaign called #SaveThePorn. They know that Santorum can’t really do anything about Internet porn, but the campaign is more about being funny and poking fun at the morality crusaders in our culture.

    @RickSantorum porn is ok, ya know? #SaveThePorn(image) 19 minutes ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Is @RickSantorum REALLY talking about banning porn?? Is he fucking retarded!?!? #SaveThePorn(image) 1 hour ago via Twitter for Android ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Screw you Rick, Games, Gambling, and Girls made the internet great! #AvenueQ @RickSantorum @TeamSantorum #SavethePorn(image) 2 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @RickSantorum why you no like porn? #SavethePorn(image) 3 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @YourAnonNews The fact that this needs to be trending makes it certain that a revolution is coming SOON #SavethePorn(image) 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    #SavethePorn, save the world!!! Anti- @ricksantorum @teamsantorum Name sounds like a sex position anyway LOL(image) 7 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    This confirmed: @RickSantorum, product of alien experimentation or just an F-ing lunatic. Dude wants to eliminate internet porn #SavethePorn(image) 8 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @RickSantorum we gotta #SaveThePorn! Dude, I couldn’t possibly vote for a man who doesn’t crank it. Atleast #Newt‘s a #SexMachine(image) 9 hours ago via Twitter for Android ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @RickSantorum wants to ABOLISH PORN! Now you may not be one to fuck yourself, but dem hoes gotta eat! #SavethePornhttp://t.co/s7mD7AMM(image) 9 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @RickSantorum Rule 34: If it exsists,
    there is a porn of it…u can’t break the rules!! #SavethePorn(image) 10 hours ago via Mobile Web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    I have no idea what I’d do without porn. #SaveThePorn(image) 10 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @TeamSantorum @RickSantorum y would u take my internet porn away? I have no gf. So I get no bewbs. I need something to jerk to. #SaveThePorn(image) 10 hours ago via Twitter for Android ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    #SavethePorn Ricky just handed romney the election on a silver platter. Happy ending included. @MexicanMitt(image) 10 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    @YourAnonNews @ricksantorum There’s already enough dicks in porn, we don’t need one more. #SaveThePorn(image) 10 hours ago via Twitter for Android ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

  • Rick Santorum Wants To Ban Pornography

    Rick Santorum Wants To Ban Pornography

    Since Rick Santorum has a hard time arguing with Mitt Romney about financial issues, he has become the social choice for republican candidate for the president’s office. After his crusades on birth control and gay marriage, he now has his sights set on porn. He released this on his blog:

    “America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography. A wealth of research is now available demonstrating that pornography causes profound brain changes in both children and adults, resulting in widespread negative consequences. Addiction to pornography is now common for adults and even for some children. The average age of first exposure to hard-core, Internet pornography is now 11. Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking. Every family must now be concerned about the harm from pornography. As a parent, I am concerned about the widespread distribution of illegal obscene pornography and its profound effects on our culture. For many decades, the American public has actively petitioned the United States Congress for laws prohibiting distribution of hard-core adult pornography. Congress has responded. Current federal “obscenity” laws prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier. Rick Santorum believes that federal obscenity laws should be vigorously enforced. “If elected President, I will appoint an Attorney General who will do so.” The Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to those who wish to preserve our culture from the scourge of pornography and has refused to enforce obscenity laws. While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families, that will change under a Santorum Administration. I proudly support the efforts of the War on Illegal Pornography Coalition that has tirelessly fought to get federal obscenity laws enforced. That coalition is composed of 120 national, state, and local groups, including Morality in Media, Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, American Family Association, Cornerstone Family Council of New Hampshire, Pennsylvania Family Institute, Concerned Women for America, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and a host of other groups. Together we will prevail.”

    Now, before you go, whoa! There is no way he can do this. UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh disagrees: “If the government wanted to aggressively move against Internet pornography, it could do so,” explained Volokh. “Here’s the deal: In most parts of the country, a lot of pornography on the Internet would plausibly be seen as obscene.”

    Rick Santorum just posted on his website that he plans to ban internet porn in case you were wondering if his kids are popular in school.(image) 57 minutes ago via Favstar.FM ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Rick Santorum can have my internet porn when he pries “it” from my cold, dead hand.(image) 1 hour ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Rick Santorum is making an issue and wanting to ban internet porn? That’s akin to banning air.(image) 5 hours ago via TweetDeck ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

  • Raquel Welch At 71: One Of The Hottest Women Of All Time

    Raquel Welch At 71: One Of The Hottest Women Of All Time

    Raquel Welch, born Jo Raquel Tejada, seventy one years ago in Chicago is an American actress, an author and an iconic sex symbol. This past December, according to Men’s Health, Raquel is one of the hottest women of all time, coming in second out of the top one hundred listed. For those of you who can’t help wondering, Jennifer Aniston came in first (not Marilyn Monroe) on the list of the top one hundred hottest women of all time.

    The iconic sex symbol Welch has had a remarkable career in Hollywood spanning over five decades. Her image has always been that of a sexy woman in control, not a giggly innocent girl or an up-to-no-good, naughty temptress. According to her recent interview in Men’s Health, she describes herself as “just another American actress with a nice rack.” Welch has had a recent retrospective of her career at New York’s Lincoln Center entitled, “Cinematic Goddess: American Sex Symbol,” in which she was credited with helping to transform America’s feminine ideal. This month, she’ll be guest starring on the hit CBS drama CSI: Miami.

    One of Welch’s most famous and memorable movies, “One Million Years, B.C.,” featured Raquel in an unforgettable and never before seen fur bikini. The curvy beauty and her pre-historic outfit were immortalized on a poster in 1966. You can buy it on eBay for $675 if you’re interested. According to Welch, the actual fur bikini from the movie is currently in mothballs waiting to be hung in the Smithsonian museum.

    In her recent interview with Men’s Health Raquel spoke about how sexiness comes from having some mystery. “It’s just dehumanizing. And I have to honestly say, I think this era of porn is at least partially responsible for for it. Where is the anticipation and the personalization? It’s all pre-fab now. You have these images coming at you unannounced and unsolicited. It just gets to be so plastic and phony to me.”

    Raquel Welch is still the most beautiful woman in America. Just stunning!(image) 49 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Raquel Welch is on Craig Fergerson, she’s like 72 years old and smoking hot.(image) 4 days ago via Favstar.FM ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    My sister wants to know how Raquel Welch stayed looking so good? (surgeries, creams, ect) let me know!(image) 4 days ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto