
Tag: piano

  • Who Invented the Piano? Google Doodle Celebrates 360th Birthday of Bartolomeo Cristofori

    Who invented the piano? Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco of course! Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who didn’t know. A lot of people don’t know that (if you did, give yourself a nice pat on the back).

    Google is hoping to make sure a lot more people do know who invented the piano by giving Bartolomeo Cristofori a doodle for his 360th birthday. Heres’ a video showing the animation, and talking a bit about Cristofori’s life:

    Bartolomeo Cristofori was an Italian, who made musical instruments. Even before he invented the piano, that’s what he did. He invented two keyboard instruments before he began his work on the piano. As described on Wikipedia:

    The spinettone, Italian for “big spinet”, was a large, multi-choired spinet (a harpsichord in which the strings are slanted to save space), with disposition 1 x 8′, 1 x 4′;[5] most spinets have the simple disposition 1 x 8′. This invention may have been meant to fit into a crowded orchestra pit for theatrical performances, while having the louder sound of a multi-choired instrument.

    The other invention (1690) was the highly original oval spinet, a kind of virginal with the longest strings in the middle of the case.

    Cristofori also built instruments of existing types, documented in the same 1700 inventory: a clavicytherium (upright harpsichord), and two harpsichords of the standard Italian[6] 2 x 8′ disposition; one of them has an unusual case made of ebony.

    The first appearance of the actual piano came in 1700, at least on record, though a diary entry indicates mention of the instrument as early as 1698. Cristofori had built three pianos by 1711. Here’s a 1722 Cristofori piano in the Museo Nazionale degli Strumenti Musicali in Rome:

    It’s worth noting that Google is also celebrating Star Wars Day on its homepage with the “May the Fourth be with you” link (as pictured at the top). Of course it’s celebrating by trying to get you to buy the Star Wars films from Google Play.

    Images via Google, Wikimedia Commons

  • Watch John McAfee Sweetly Play The Piano For His New Puppy

    John McAfee is just putting out awesome videos left and right now.

    The McAfee antivirus founder, who earlier this year, returned to the States after a highly-publicized manhunt beginning in Belize, recently put out a funny video responding to all the emails he gets about uninstalling the software (which he no longer has anything to do with). Then, he posted a video of himself playing piano in the middle of an airport.

    Now, McAfee treats us to his “lullaby” to his new puppy. Once again, McAfee is at the piano playing a soft tune while a dog sits in his lap.

  • John McAfee Just Posted This Video Of Himself Playing Piano In The Middle Of An Airport

    McAfee antivirus founder John McAfee seems to be having a great deal of fun since he returned to the States after his highly publicized run from authorities in Belize.

    Recently, McAfee put out a funny video responding to all the emails he gets about uninstalling the software (which he no longer has anything to do with). Today, he shares video of himself playing piano in the middle of the Portland International Airport, and quite beautifully, I might add.


    John Mcafee

    Someone forgot to lock the piano at PDX airport last night…

    A Morning Serenade..
    A Morning Serenade..Posted by: John McAfee , July 18, 2013

    Truly a man of many talents.

  • Man Hits Head And Becomes Piano Savant

    A 40 year old man in Denver dove into the shallow end of a pool 6 years ago and he suffered a severe concussion, hearing and memory loss. A few days after the accident, Derek Amato sat down at a piano and played an original composition that lasted for hours. “As I shut my eyes, I found these black and white structures moving from left to right, which in fact would represent in my mind, a fluid and continuous stream of musical notation.”

    He became only the 30th known person to have a syndrome known as an “acquired savant.” Acquired savant syndrome are instances in which dormant savant skills emerge, sometimes at an extraordinary level, after a brain injury or disease in previously non-disabled people where few such skills were evident before the injury or disease. The other type of savant is the “congenial savant.” They are born with a disorder of the brain such as autism.

    The Idea of being a savant by hitting your head is severe and not at all worth it because you would no longer be a normal functioning adult. But if you had to choose what to become a savant in I’m pretty sure most of us would choose: