
Tag: only video

  • Nicki Minaj Apologizes For Nazi Imagery, But Director Won’t

    Nicki Minaj has been accused of using Nazi Imagery in her Only music video, but recently apologized to fans and anyone offended by the images in the video.

    Minaj tweeted her apology and while she took responsibility for the video and the images, she said that she did not mean to offend anyone, that the imagery and theme was not her idea and that she thought the artist who made the lyric video got the idea from a cartoon.

    She also made sure that all of her fans understood that she had nothing to do with making the video and that many of the people who helped work on it were Jewish themselves.

    While Nicki was quick to apologize, her director was not, and actually defended the video.

    “Before I start, be clear that these are my personal views and not the views of Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, or Young Money. First, I’m not apologizing for my work, nor will I dodge the immediate question. The flags, armbands, and gas mask (and perhaps my use of symmetry?) are all representative of Nazism,” he said in a statement he posted on MySpace.

    “As far as an explanation, I think it’s actually important to remind younger generations of atrocities that occurred in the past as a way to prevent them from happening in the future. And the most effective way of connecting with people today is through social media and pop culture. So if my work is misinterpreted because it’s not a sappy tearjerker, sorry I’m not sorry. What else is trending?” he added.

    While neither Nicki nor her director intended for the video to be offensive, many people were offended. Nicki’s apology seemed sincere and most of her fans have forgiven her. The director’s defense may have just made things worse.

    What do you think of the director’s statement?

  • Nicki Minaj Accused Of Using Nazi Imagery In Video

    Nicki Minaj’s music videos are anything but tame and have caused her a lot of criticism in the past, but her most recent one may be the most heavily criticized yet.

    Nicki has been accused of using Nazi imagery in her Only video and the Anti-Defamation League, as well as many of her fans, want to know the reason behind it.

    In the video, a cartoon drawing of Nicki stands up in front of a large crowd.

    The people in the crowd look very similar to a Nazi regime and the large banners on either side of the cartoon Nicki also resemble Nazi banners.

    The worst part about the video may be the timing. The video debuted on the 76th anniversary of Kristallnacht, which signaled the beginning of the Final Solution and the Holocaust.

    “Nicki Minaj’s new video disturbingly evokes Third Reich propaganda and constitutes a new low for pop culture’s exploitation of Nazi symbolism,” Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League and a Holocaust survivor, told FOX411 in a statement. “The irony should be lost on no one that this video debuted on the 76th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the ‘night of broken glass’ pogrom that signaled the beginning of the Final Solution and the Holocaust.”

    “This video it is insensitive to Holocaust survivors and a trivialization of the history of that era,” Foxman added. “This imagery is deeply disturbing and offensive to Jews and all those who recall the sacrifices Americans and many others had to pay as a result of the Nazi juggernaut.”

    Foxman and Holocaust survivors weren’t the only ones upset with the video, many of Nicki’s fans felt the video was done in poor taste as well.

    Do you think Nicki meant for the video to resemble Nazi Germany so closely?