
Tag: online dating mistakes

  • Online Dating: Are You Catfish-Proof?

    A growing number of people are content to look for (and have found) love online. Usually initial contact is followed by brief flirting and later back and forth contact via social media. Eventually plans are to meet face to face and things progress from there.

    Yet for others, the last step which brings online contact to offline relationship never happens. Instead, individuals get entangled in a love affair with an idea rather than a person. They pin their hopes on a photograph and text on a screen, never dreaming that they are actually being strung along by a troll.

    In short, these people have been “catfished”.

    The term is born from the movie and MTV television show. Often the television show embarrasses poor gullible souls who find out the hard way that they should have engaged in a bit more background checking.

    Much of the time the persons they meet look nothing like they claim and are unrepentant narcissistic personality types. How charming.

    Do you want to waste valuable time in an online “relationship” that doesn’t pay off? Of course not!

    Here are a few helpful tips to help you avoid falling into the dreaded catfish-trap of online dating:

    1.) Don’t Talk To Anyone Without A Webcam It’s amazing how much drama you can avoid by simply refusing to chat to anyone whose personal appearance you can’t immediately identify. Instead of trying to build an online relationship with a photo and text on a screen, you can skip to the part where you begin to connect with an actual person.

    2.) If You’ve Never Met…It Isn’t True Love. This is a hard pill for some people to swallow, especially with so many connections starting online. However, that’s the whole point; the connections start online. What follows are typically in-person meetings and connections at some point.

    It doesn’t matter how much the person compliments you, bears their soul, or insists that you’re the only person they love and that understands them. At a certain point, you need to meet. If a person claims to love you despite never meeting you and hems and haws about meeting you, let it be a sign to move on.

    Got other tips to avoid being fooled while trying to date online? Share them below!

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Online Dating: 3 Most Common Mistakes

    Have you tried online dating yet? If not, now is the time. Online dating is more popular than ever and many people are finding love and companionship thanks to the many online dating websites and services. If you have tried it before and had no luck, it could be because you are making one of the 3 most common online dating mistakes.

    Not Taking It Seriously
    While online dating is meant to be fun and enjoyable, you cannot look at it as a form of entertainment and expect to have any luck with it. Remember, you are talking to real people who are looking for the same thing as you. Be respectful to other members and treat your online relationships and conversations the same way you would treat them if they were happening in person. Have fun but be yourself.

    Boring Profile
    If you are wondering why nobody is messaging you or interested in you, it could be because you have a boring profile. Think of your profile as an advertisement for yourself. Make it appealing and as interesting as possible. That doesn’t mean lie about yourself or create a fake profile that paints you as something you aren’t. Be creative and choose a good username and profile photo to start with and make sure you add details about your job, friends, hobbies, likes and dislikes. What do you want the world to know about you? What makes you different and special?

    Letting Your Guard Down
    Finding the balance between too much and not enough information is one of the biggest challenges for people who try online dating. It’s okay to give out information about yourself, but make sure you are not risking your safety. Also avoid talking about your past too much. It’s okay to bring up an ex or explain why a past relationship didn’t work out, but don’t dwell on it or seem bitter as a result of it. Leave the past in the past and only give out information about yourself that you are comfortable with a stranger knowing.

    If you are guilty of making one of these 3 most common online dating mistakes, it’s not too late to try again. Create a new profile, snap a new photo and get out there and meet someone knew.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons