
Tag: old

  • Mark Zuckerberg Turns 30, His Self-Proclaimed Cutoff Age for Youthful Intelligence

    Mark Zuckerberg Turns 30, His Self-Proclaimed Cutoff Age for Youthful Intelligence

    Back in early 2007, when he was just 22 years old and running a company of about 20 million registered users, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told a crowd at the Y Combinator Startup School event at Stanford that “young people are just smarter.”

    “Why are most chess masters under 30? I don’t know,” he said. “Young people just have simpler lives. We may not own a car. We may not have family…I only own a mattress…Simplicity in life allows you to focus on what’s important.”

    “I want to stress the importance of being young and technical. If you want to found a successful company, you should only hire young people with technical expertise,” he said.

    Now, Zuckerberg has a wife and more than a few mattresses. He also turns 30 today.

    Mark Zuckerberg has just exited his self-proclaimed window for youthful intelligence. “Move fast and break things” has been replaced with “Move fast with stable infrastructure.” Holy hell–Mark Zuckerberg is an old man now.

    Of course, Mark Zuckerberg is not old. He’s young and incredibly intelligent. He runs a company with over a billion users and basically has a billion dollars for every year he’s been alive. It’s just funny when your words come back around and give you a little nip on the ass.

    Especially considering the culture of ageism that exists in Silicon Valley, one that’s forcing people to do some pretty drastic things to get funded noticed.

    In a recent conversation with Farhad Manjoo for the New York Times, Zuckerberg deflects and refocuses when asked about turning 30.

    “…[M]ost people who use Facebook have not been my age through the majority of my time here. But understanding who you serve is always a very important problem, and it only gets harder the more people that you serve. We try to pay a lot of attention to this by a combination of very rigorous quantitative and qualitative feedback. But if you’re serving 1.2 billion people, it’s very hard.

    And I think the age thing is probably not the biggest one I worry about…”

    Zuckerberg worries about his venture internet.org, about the long-term viability of Facebook and creating “stable infrastructure.” He probably worries about a lot of things–but I’m guessing age isn’t one of them. I wonder what 22-year-old Zuck would think of 30-year-old Zuck?

    Image via Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

  • World’s Oldest Man Ever Clocks In At 115 Years

    The world’s oldest man is still alive and kicking today as he celebrates the honor of being a world record holder. The man, Jiroemon Kimura, was born in Japan on April 19, 1897.

    The Telegraph reports that Kimura was officially the oldest man alive on Thursday after he surpassed the previous record holder, a Danish American named Christian Mortensen. Mortensen was 115 years and 252 days old when he died in 1998.

    Kimura may be the world’s oldest man, but he has still has a year to go if he wants to catch up with the fairer sex. Besse Cooper, who held the distinction of being the world’s oldest woman at 116, died earlier this month.

    For extra attention, Kimura could join Facebook to become the oldest user of the site. He would easily best the current holder of that particular title who is 105 years old.

    For now though, Kimura seems content to live with his son’s family in Kyotango. He’s already the proud grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather of numerous children. What more could you ask for?


  • The Current Generation of Gaming Hardware is Way Past Its Prime

    The XBox 360 is old. Really old. (beat) How old, you ask?

    The Xbox 360 is so old; when it first came out, rainbows were in black and white.
    The Xbox 360 is so old; when it first came out, the Dead Sea as just getting sick.
    The Xbox 360 is so old; when it first came out, Mad Magazine was only slightly pissed

    The Vbox 360 is so old… Okay i’ll stop.

    The point is, this current generation of gaming hardware, XBox included, has been around a lot longer than any previous system, including the NES. We were going to check up on Atari but our records don’t go back that far. The Atari is so old… alright, sorry.

    It has already outdated all the other systems, and we don’t even know when a new one is coming out. Everything is in the rumor stage across the board. This helpful infographic from Kotaku will show you just how old the XBox truly is.

    XBox is Old

    Click HERE for a version you can actually read.

  • Age Differences Between MySpace and Facebook Users

    comScore’s recent digital year in review reveals that the MySpace demographic has gotten younger over the last year whereas Facebook’s 24 & under crowd decreased and its 25-34 year segment increased.
    An analysis of demographic composition of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter users revealed important differences that reflect their appeal to various audiences. MySpace saw its user composition shift toward younger audience segments in 2009, with people age 24 and younger now comprising 44.4 percent of the site’s audience, up more than 7 percentage points from the previous year. Facebook’s audience, by contrast, was evenly split between those younger and older than 35 years of age. The most noticeable demographic shift on Facebook during the year occurred with 25-34 year olds, who now account for 23 percent of the audience, up from 18.8 percent last year.