
Tag: Obama

  • Ann Coulter Calls Obama “Retard”, Called Out By Special Olympics Athlete

    When Ann Coulter has something to say, chances are she’s going to anger a lot of people. The use of social media allows her to do that very quickly, and when she tweeted some very controversial posts after the most recent Presidential debate, she caught the attention of someone who was able to see past her affinity for ruffling feathers and pen a letter which was so well thought-out and devastating in its honesty that it is now garnering national attention.

    30-year old John Franklin Stephens, a Special Olympics athlete, had this to say in an open-letter response:

    Dear Ann Coulter,

    Come on Ms. Coulter, you aren’t dumb and you aren’t shallow. So why are you continually using a word like the R-word as an insult?

    I’m a 30 year old man with Down syndrome who has struggled with the public’s perception that an intellectual disability means that I am dumb and shallow. I am not either of those things, but I do process information more slowly than the rest of you. In fact it has taken me all day to figure out how to respond to your use of the R-word last night.

    I thought first of asking whether you meant to describe the President as someone who was bullied as a child by people like you, but rose above it to find a way to succeed in life as many of my fellow Special Olympians have.

    Then I wondered if you meant to describe him as someone who has to struggle to be thoughtful about everything he says, as everyone else races from one snarkey sound bite to the next.

    Finally, I wondered if you meant to degrade him as someone who is likely to receive bad health care, live in low grade housing with very little income and still manages to see life as a wonderful gift.

    Because, Ms. Coulter, that is who we are – and much, much more.

    After I saw your tweet, I realized you just wanted to belittle the President by linking him to people like me. You assumed that people would understand and accept that being linked to someone like me is an insult and you assumed you could get away with it and still appear on TV.

    I have to wonder if you considered other hateful words but recoiled from the backlash.

    Well, Ms. Coulter, you, and society, need to learn that being compared to people like me should be considered a badge of honor.

    No one overcomes more than we do and still loves life so much.

    Come join us someday at Special Olympics. See if you can walk away with your heart unchanged.

    A friend you haven’t made yet, John Franklin Stephens
    Global Messenger
    Special Olympics Virginia

  • Presidential Polls: Gallup Gives Romney The Lead

    It seems the most recent Presidential Debate didn’t hurt Mitt Romney in the eyes of the nation, according to yesterday’s Gallup poll.

    Republicans were angry with the debate’s moderator, Candy Crowley, for seemingly favoring the president by allowing him more time to speak and then daring to interject when Romney falsely accused him of never calling the attacks on the American Consulate in Libya a “terrorist act”. Fearing that the outcome would be a slide in Romney’s favorable numbers from the first debate, his supporters took to various social media outlets to voice their displeasure.

    However, Gallup polls are showing that Romney has a lead over Obama at 52% to 45%. Interestingly, a different Gallup poll shows that Obama has a 50% approval rating when it comes to job approval.

    But as Nate Silver of The New York Times points out, Gallup hasn’t been consistent in its predictions and is often way off the mark. A snapshot of the nation’s voting preferences doesn’t necessarily mean much when it comes to actual numbers, and Obama, according to other polling sites, still holds his lead in important states like Wisconsin, Nevada, and Ohio.

    “On average since Oct. 1, the Gallup national tracking poll has accounted for 12 percent of the information that the model uses to calculate the trend line,” says Silver. “The other daily tracking polls, collectively, have accounted for 24 percent of the data, and the occasionally published national polls for 19 percent. Finally, the state polls account for about 45 percent of the data used to calculate the trend-line adjustment. Thus, even though the Gallup national tracking poll is more influential than any other individual poll series in the FiveThirtyEight trend-line calculation, it still accounts for only about 12 percent of it. It can very easily be outweighed by the other polls if they are in disagreement with it.”

    Images: New York Times

  • Candy Crowley Takes Heat For Fact-Checking

    Candy Crowley, the second female moderator in the presidential debates, is taking some fire for becoming “an active part of the debate”, as alleged by New Hampshire governor John Sununu. Her comment to Governor Romney during the tense back-and-forth over the Libya attacks–in which she asserted that President Obama did, in fact, call it an act of terror the next day rather than two weeks later, as Romney insisted–has garnered disdain from the Republicans, who seem to think she was choosing sides.

    “Both the moderator and the president were dead wrong on the Libya question,” Sununu said. “Candy was wrong. Candy had no business doing that … I think Candy Crowley decided she wanted to be an active part of the debate.”

    However, Crowley was simply fact-checking, and did actually acknowledge to Romney that it did take fourteen days for some of the facts to come to light about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, which killed four people. Crowley says she was just doing her job, however.

    “I was trying to move the conversation along. They got stuck on this,” she said. And on the topic of the Republicans who take issue with the way she moderated, she said, “I’m sorry they’re upset, but tomorrow they’ll be upset about something else, as will the Democrats.”

    Indeed, both Romney and Obama barreled over one another several times during the debate, especially during heated topics. They both went over their given time limits and both talked over Crowley, who refused to be ignored. Often, she had to gently but firmly push them into the next topic or onto the next question from town hall audience members, reminding them several times that there was still a lot to be discussed. She says that she was unaware of a memo stating that “the moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates” and says she was simply trying to move things along. Interjecting a fact-check was her way of putting an end to an escalating argument which was going nowhere.

    The subject of Libya caused things to get especially tense on the floor. Obama said he “took offense” at Romney’s accusations that he hadn’t done everything in his power to keep the safety of his employees a top priority, especially considering he was close to those who lost their lives and mourned with their families after news of the attacks broke. However, Crowley says she didn’t feel the tension.

    “There was a territorial imperative thing going on,” Crowley says. “But I didn’t feel the tension that everyone else seemed to feel.”

    Image: Jim Young

  • Al Gore Blames Altitude For Obama’s Debate Skills

    Al Gore has said some things which have been lampooned over the years, but his speculation on why Mitt Romney seemed to dominate the debate last night has garnered more critics than usual.

    “I’m going to say something controversial here,” Gore said. “Obama arrived in Denver at 2 pm today, just a few hours before the debate started. Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5,000 feet and you only have a few hours to adjust, I don’t know.”

    Of course, people have been having a field day with it, and Twitter is all aflutter.

  • The Man Who Hugged Obama Has His Yelp Page Turned Into A Political Turf War

    One of the funnier stories from last week featured President Obama visiting a local pizza shop in Fort Pierce, Florida called Big Apple Pizza. The owner, Scott Van Duzer, gave the president a mighty bear hug. I thought the Secret Service would swoop in and tackle the guy, but it seems that even they know when a hug is just a hug.

    Anyway, that seemingly innocuous event of a man hugging a person he respects has turned into an all out political turf war on the restaurant’s Yelp page. Anti-Obama people have begun to create Yelp profiles and are flooding the page with one-star reviews claiming that the food is terrible or the sanitation is not up to snuff. It would be more believable if the reviewers were from Florida or it they had more than one review attributed to their profile.

    Yelp was quick to act by removing all of the baseless reviews, but they keep flooding in. It doesn’t look like it’s going to stop either with the restaurant now featuring over 2,000 reviews in the span of just a week. Big Apple Pizza still retains a five star rating that’s been bolstered by those in the pro-Obama camp.

    Obama Bear Hugger Yelp Page

    The worst part about all of this is that this man’s Yelp page has now become the site of the petty political wars that you see on Facebook or Twitter. There is no discussion or compromise. There is only those who think they can change the larger political discourse of America through a social networking site about food. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

    In all honesty, Yelp should just delete all of the reviews after the incident – both conservative and liberal. Reviews from both camps don’t belong as they are politicizing an issue that never deserved to be politicized. Lord help us if Romney is hugged by a small business owner who owns a Yelp page.

    [h/t: The FW]

  • Caroline Kennedy: Obama And JFK Are A Lot Alike

    Caroline Kennedy spoke up on behalf of President Obama on Thursday at the DNC, following up on her support of his campaign four years ago by saying he has something her own father admired: courage.

    Kennedy made it clear that one of the things she appreciates most about Obama is his stance on women’s rights, not just economically, but health-wise. She thinks he has what it takes to make the tough decisions which might not win him favor in the short-term, but which will ensure a long-term plan to ensure that what was begun when John F. Kennedy was in office will be carried out, not reversed.

    “He has the quality my father most admired in public life — courage,” she said. “Despite critics who said it wasn’t good politics, President Obama listened to my Uncle Teddy, and staked his presidency on making healthcare accessible to all Americans. As a Catholic woman, I take reproductive health seriously, and today, it is under attack. This year alone, more than a dozen states have passed more than 40 restrictions on women’s access to reproductive healthcare. That’s not the kind of future I want for my daughters or your daughters. Now isn’t the time to roll back the rights we were winning when my father was president.”

    For Kennedy, the upcoming election is just as important as the one her father won, and she implored voters to draw those same comparisons.

    “Over the past four years, we have had a president who has committed himself and his administration to the values that made America great — economic fairness, equal opportunity, and the belief that if each of us gives back to this country we love, all of us work together, there is no challenge we cannot overcome,” Kennedy said. “Those are the ideals my father and my uncles fought for. Those are the ideals I believe in. And this election is about whether we will advance those ideals or let them be swept away.”

  • Betty White Going Up Against Eastwood At DNC?

    Betty White is one of the most beloved actors people of our generation; she’s funny, she’s brash, she’s graced our televisions since before most of us were born, and, at 90-years old, she’s a part of our history, yet she manages to never take anything too seriously. Also, she has friends in high places.

    White hasn’t made it a secret that she favors President Obama, and now Change.org is hosting an online petition to get her to introduce him at the Democratic National Convention. After Clint Eastwood’s speech at the RNC–which didn’t go over so well–the Dems are looking for someone unassuming yet whip-smart, funny yet kind, with a good reputation in the celebrity world. Betty White fits that bill perfectly.

    The petition states:

    Clint Eastwood, the Republican’s “mystery guest” at the RNC, gave a bad name to older Americans everywhere with his absurd and awkward-to-watch introduction of Governor Romney.

    You know what?

    Governor Romney can have Clint Eastwood and his improvisational skills because President Obama has the one and only Betty White!

    Take action today if you want to see a real [old] Hollywood icon get a political introduction right!

    With almost 6,000 signatures, the site just needs about 1,500 more. And as some of you may remember, White was drafted to host “Saturday Night Live” in 2010 because of a petition very similar to this one. The power of the web.

  • Clint Eastwood Gets Snappy Comeback From Obama On Twitter

    Clint Eastwood, that beloved, gravelly-voiced cowboy we all grew up with, got a little weird during his speech at the RNC when he started talking to an empty chair, pretending President Obama was sitting there and even addressing the chair as though it was interjecting during the “conversation”.

    “It may be time for someone else to come along and solve the problem. I think if you just step aside and Mr. Romney can kind of take over. You can maybe still use a plane,” Eastwood said. “What do you want me to tell Romney? I can’t tell him to do that to himself . . . you’re getting as bad as Biden . . . of course we all know Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party. Kind of a grin with a body behind it . . . ”

    Obama, never one to lose his cool at the many insults that get hurled at him, tweeted simply, “This seat’s taken.”

    The tweet wasn’t signed “BO”, which would mean Obama himself composed it, but it’s hilarious to think that perhaps he directed a staffer to sign in for a retort. Meanwhile, a slew of celebrities took to Twitter as well to talk about Eastwood and his odd oration.

    Of course, a lot of people love Eastwood the same as they ever did, so it’s doubtful that his eccentric ruminations will hurt him in any way.

  • President Obama Taking Your Questions On Reddit At 4:30

    President Obama Taking Your Questions On Reddit At 4:30

    President Obama has proven to be a fairly tech savvy guy during his four years in office. He’s taken to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more. One place I never expected to see the President was on Reddit. You can imagine my surprise today when an AMA featuring the President took the top page on Reddit.

    Before you think that this is some kind of joke, President Obama’s official Twitter feed confirms the AMA.

    The tweet was signed with “bo” which means it’s straight from the man himself. It will be interesting to see if he will be personally answering questions on Reddit as well.

    When Obama starts answering questions on Reddit, he’ll have a lot to go through. The thread has already reached over 4,300 comments in 25 minutes. There will surely be more throughout the day. The initial surge was so strong that we had trouble even accessing the thread.

    A quick preview of the questions include stuff that Redditors would be interested in. One of the top questions is how Obama plans to defend Internet freedom if he’s elected to a second term. The GOP already made their stance clear last night, so it will be interesting to see how and if he responds. Another major topic involves the student loan debt problem that many young Redditors are also facing.

    We’ll continue to monitor the AMA throughout the day to see if anything interesting happens. Many politicians have taken to the AMA stage before, but this is the first time that a major political player – the President – has taken to Reddit. It’s looking to already break all kinds of records.

    UPDATE: Here’s the proof that he’s answering questions on Reddit, or so says the Tweet.


    Obama has answered a few questions so far. The most interesting response has been his take on Internet freedom:

    Internet freedom is something I know you all care passionately about; I do too. We will fight hard to make sure that the internet remains the open forum for everybody – from those who are expressing an idea to those to want to start a business. And although there will be occasional disagreements on the details of various legislative proposals, I won’t stray from that principle – and it will be reflected in the platform.

    He also commented on the future of NASA and its dwindling budget:

    Making sure we stay at the forefront of space exploration is a big priority for my administration. The passing of Neil Armstrong this week is a reminder of the inspiration and wonder that our space program has provided in the past; the curiosity probe on mars is a reminder of what remains to be discovered. The key is to make sure that we invest in cutting edge research that can take us to the next level – so even as we continue work with the international space station, we are focused on a potential mission to a asteroid as a prelude to a manned Mars flight.

    He also revealed that Michael Jordan is his favorite basketball player.


    That’s a wrap. Obama finished his first AMA and only answered 10 questions. Granted, he left very lengthy responses for the questions that he did answer. He confirmed that the beer brewed at the White House will soon be available for all. He also referenced his meme in the last response:

    By the way, if you want to know what I think about this whole reddit experience – NOT BAD!

  • Obama Threat Results in Arrest of Washington Man

    A man in Washington state was arrested yesterday after making an making a threat against President Barack Obama in an email. According to an Associated Press (AP) report, the Secret Service spokesperson stated that the man was holding a shotgun when he answered a knock on his door from officers.

    The man, Antono Caluori, lived in an apartment in a suburb of Seattle. He was arrested for making threats against the president and for assault on an officer. Though the nature of the assault has not been disclosed, the AP story recounts that a Secret Service agent believed Calouri was leveling the shotgun against the officers just before he was taken down. No injuries were reported.

    The apartment complex where Caluori lived was evacuated while a bomb squad swept the man’s apartment for explosives, though none were found.

    The AP quotes Calouri’s mother, who also lived in the apartment, as saying the man went to college and was in the military. Calouri is scheduled to appear in federal court at 2 p.m. this afternoon.

    President Obama has been campaigning in Ohio this week, and therefore was not in any immediate danger from Calouri. Still, it appears that the Secret Service found Calouri’s threats to be credible enough to at least warrant a visit to his apartment.

  • Obamacare Gets “Dewey Defeats Truman” Image, Courtesy of CNN

    By now, you’ve probably heard about the Obamacare coverage mishaps, courtesy of CNN and Fox News. Both news outlets briefly reported President Obama’s health care initiative as being struck down by the Supreme Court, something that clearly did not happen. If you’d like to see how people are (over)reacting the news, just hang on Twitter for a little while and follow this particular hashtag.

    You won’t be disappointed by the exchanges, no matter how misguided they are.

    It’s clear the rush to be first in the world of news trumps accuracy, and because each station’s screw-up was so noticeable, it became something of a talking point, at least where CNN is involved. While a slanted report that goes against the Obama administration is to be expected for Fox News, the fact that CNN was so thoroughly mistaken is a major talking point, perhaps all the way to the halls of CNN itself.

    While Fox News is also to blame here, the fallout is being coined as CNN gives Obama his “Dewey Defeats Truman” moment, something that was immortalized by yfrog.com users. So much so, in fact, it lead to the creation of a mock-up of the famous image, but instead of Truman holding up the newspaper, which leads this article, the image has been doctored to feature Obama, an iPad, and CNN’s unfortunate blunder of a headline:


    Needless to say, the image has gone viral:


  • House Will Vote To Repeal Obamacare On July 11th

    The Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, Eric Cantor, has announced that shortly after the Republican led house comes back from its Independence day recess, there will be another vote on the repeal of Obamacare. This comes after the Supreme Court voted to uphold the controversial bill 5-4.

    When asked about the new vote, Canter said: “The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold ObamaCare is a crushing blow to patients throughout the country. ObamaCare has failed to keep the President’s basic promise of allowing those who like their health care to keep it, while increasing costs and reducing access to quality care for patients.”

    The vote will take place on July 11th and, as Eric Cantor put it, “will clear the path for ‘patient-centered reforms that lower costs and increase choice.’” This vote will pass, but will more than likely not make it out of the Senate. If for some reason it does, then there is no way that Obama will sign the repeal to his signature piece of legislation. This vote is mostly seen as a political move in advance of the November elections which will now be all about Obamacare.

  • What Happens When President Obama Visits NYC?

    Did you ever wonder what happens when President Obama visits a major city, somewhere like New York City? The New York Times did, and thanks to their vast resources and their level of access, they’ve created an interesting video of what happens when President Obama visits the Big Apple. In short, cities shut down, even mega-metropoli like New York.

    The New York Times provides more than just a glancing look in their expose, going as far as to interview security officials on how they handle the airspace, as well as various street closures the city has to endure while Obama is in town. It’s an exercise in networking and combining manpower and resources, all to ensure Obama’s safety, while making his trip as easy as possible. Like one of the security officials says, “this is a huge, awesome undertaking.”

    Have a look for yourself:

    As you can see, the logistics involved in ensuring such a visit goes without a hitch are complicated, requiring the cooperation of multiple entities in New York City, including telecommunications and utility providers. Of course, when one of the most powerful people in the world shows up to your town, ensuring his safe and expeditious passage through a sprawling city the size of New York City naturally takes a great deal of effort, something NYT’s video demonstrates quite clearly.

  • CISPA Sponsor Doesn’t Think Obama Will Veto CISPA

    We haven’t heard much from the CISPA/SOPA front, but every now and then, an eager-to-please-the-entertainment-industry representative pops up to remind us that legislation like the widely rejected SOPA and CISPA is still on the minds of some folks in Washington. One such representative, Mike Rogers (R-Michigan), is going as far to say that he doubts President Obama would veto CISPA, even though the White House has been pretty resolute about where it stands concerning current efforts to regulate the Internet.

    It even went as far to directly oppose CISPA in a Statement of Administration Policy.

    That, however, hasn’t stopped Representative Rogers from hoping for an alternative outcome. As pointed out by GeekOSystem (via The Daily Dot), Rogers says as much:

    “[I]f we can get a bill on information-sharing to the president’s desk, he’ll sign it. I do believe that…”

    As far as the motivation for Rogers’ belief, that remains an unknown, although, it’s clear he firmly believes Obama will be on CISPA’s side when everything falls into place, something the Daily Dot’s post indicates as well:

    Once the “dust settles,” Rogers predicted, Obama’s only option to enforce U.S. cybersecurity will be to sign CISPA.

    While trying to gauge Rogers’ motivation for his CISPA confidence, both posts point to the retirement of Howard Schmidt, the White House’s adviser on cybersecurity, as a potential reason for the White House’s apparent change of heart concerning Internet regulation, provided that is truly the case. The uncertainty surrounding the White House’s current position on CISPA has to do with the fact that Schmidt’s successor, Michael Daniel, has not made his postion concerning CISPA public.

    If the White House’s position concerning CISPA and other forms of Internet regulation depends solely on their cybersecurity advisor’s recommendation, then perhaps the cries that the United States government isn’t fit to regulate the Internet are a lot closer to the truth than one might think. One thing’s pretty apparent: if President Obama does allow some haphazard form of Internet regulation pass without a veto, his stock with the free thinkers of the country would diminish even more than it already has.

  • How to Be a Dad – Government Knows Best?

    For those of you that enjoyed your Father’s day weekend, the federal government wants to remind you that being a father isn’t all presents and cookouts. The job is far from over, and the government wants to help you out by giving you “tips” on how to be a better dad in the form of instructional videos and outreach programs.

    Our government has released a website that is to be used as an instructional tool for all the would be fathers out there. The parenting tips can be found at www.fatherhood.gov and are brought to you by the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse. Fathers can go to the site to get involved with outreach programs with other fathers in their community. They can also share stories and thoughts on what it means to be a father on the DadTalk Blog.

    It links to to the videos on the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences’ Psychiatric Research Institute’s Web site that gives helpful hints for being a better father. Most of them are simple tasks to do with your children, like helping them develop healthy eating habits, brushing their teeth, washing hands and going to the library.

    The site is funded with taxpayer money, and launched during the Clinton administration. It is currently being funded by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 and is intended for “the development, promotion, and distribution of a media campaign to encourage the appropriate involvement of parents in the life of any child and specifically the issue of responsible fatherhood, and the development of a national clearinghouse to assist states and communities in efforts to promote and support marriage and responsible fatherhood.”

    These tips could possibly be helpful to people that don’t know how to do these things. But who really doesn’t know how to show a child how to brush their teeth, or how to read a book to them. Which raises the question, is this website at all necessary? It is everyone’s duty to be socially responsible and teach their children how to be a proper person, but does the government really need to get involved in this? Some are going to argue that social initiatives like this will ultimately help Americans move forward as a society, others are going to argue that this is just another way for the government to enter our households.

    One thing is certain, no one has ever said their dad was a good father because the government showed him how.

    [via: cnsnews.com]

  • Obama to Sign Executive Order Easing Broadband Deployment

    The White House has announced today that President Obama will sign an Executive Order tomorrow, requiring government agencies that manage Federal property to consolidate their methods for Leasing Federal land for broadband deployment. The White House states that this order will provide a streamlined, uniform approach the process of building out the country’s broadband infrastructure. The order also requires that Federal assets available for lease be displayed on department websites, along with the leasing requirements. In addition, leases will be required to be tracked via the Federal Infrastructure Projects Dashboard and departments will be directed to organize broadband deployment to coincide with planned construction work.

    “Building a nationwide broadband network will strengthen our economy and put more Americans back to work,” said President Obama. “By connecting every corner of our country to the digital age, we can help our businesses become more competitive, our students become more informed and our citizens become more engaged.”

    The White House also announced today the “US Ignite” initiative, which it hopes will promote development of broadband technologies for both public and commercial benefit. US Ignite will create a partnership between over 150, cities, corporations, non-profits, and research universities to develop ultra-high-speed, “programmable” broadband networks.

    Some of the participants in US Ignite have already announced commitments to the initiative. For example, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is promising to spend $20 million to deploy the ultra-high-speed broadband networks. Also, the NSF, Department of Energy, and the Mozilla Foundation will hold a design competition for apps for these networks. The Department of Defense will deploy ultra-high-speed networks to its bases and academies such as West Point.

  • Donations Via Text Could Change Game For Obama

    In recent years, voting has become more and more popular amongst young people, due in part to campaigns by MTV like “Rock The Vote” and influential stars urging today’s youth to go make a difference; in the past, an overwhelming number of young people in the states were found to be liberal, meaning their votes have been extremely important for the Dems.

    Some think that the addition of campaign donations being accepted via text message could also be a game changer for Obama, who is running a close race with Mitt Romney. In general, young people are more apt to use such a text-based service, and their support means a lot to the president who has famously become a pop-culture hero after his appearance on “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon”. His support for young people in the never-ending battle against student loan giants has also earned him favor with college-age voters.

    Although the race between Obama and Romney is heating up and Obama is coming under fire from his opponent’s supporters for a new ad bashing Romney’s term as governor of Massachusetts, both candidates agree that the integration of text donations will be a good thing for their respective campaigns.

    “Campaign finance policy debates are marked by strong differences of opinion,” Obama counsel Robert Bauer wrote in a letter to the FEC. “But agreement seems widespread on the created uses of emerging technology.”

  • Sarah Jessica Parker Says We Need Obama

    Sarah Jessica Parker Says We Need Obama

    Forever stylish actress Sarah Jessica Parker supports our president, and she wants everyone to know it. In fact, she’s having him over for dinner later this month, and some lucky campaign donors will get to share the table with them.

    Parker, along with Vogue editor Anna Wintour, will be hosting a fundraiser for Obama’s campaign on June 14th at her home, and anyone who donates at least $3.00 will be entered to win a ticket to the event. Parker made a video to briefly explain why she supports the president and his lady, which aired on MTV during their Movie Awards this past weekend.

    “As a woman, a mother, and an entrepreneur, I need to believe our country can be a place where everyone has a fair shot at success. This November’s election will determine whether we get to keep moving forward, or if we’re forced to go back to policies that ask people like my middle-class family in Ohio to carry the burden – while people like me, who don’t need tax breaks, get extra help,” she says.

    Parker also credits Obama with ending the war in Iraq, creating millions of jobs, and making it possible for us to marry anyone we want. Her video has had more than 56,000 views so far.

    I can’t wait to have dinner with Obama so Anna Wintour and Sarah Jessica Parker can criticize my outfit.
    9 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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    I’d love to meet Sarah Jessica Parker…oh and the Obama’s! Lol #Sweepstakes
    5 days ago via Plume for Android · powered by @socialditto
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    Obama was to put an end to our national Sarah Jessica Parker nightmare and now he’s fundraising with her? We don’t negotiate w/ terriblists
    4 days ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto
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    @BarackObama: A night in NYC hosted by Sarah Jessica Parker—the President and First Lady will…” waste taxpayer money to fly there. #obama
    4 days ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto
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  • Facebook Threat To Obama Brings Guilty Plea

    Back in February, Miami area college student Joaquin Amador Serrapio Jr. had this to say on his Facebook page: “If anyones going to UM to see Obama today, get ur phones out and record. Cause at any moment im gonna put a bullet through his head and u don’t wanna miss that! Youtube!” Today he pled guilty to single count of threatening to kill or harm the president in U.S. District court.

    He posted another message a few days earlier that said: “”Who wants to help me assassinate Obummer while hes at UM this week?” So obviously this guy isn’t too bright. The Secret Service was tipped off by someone who was concerned and they went and searched his home. While there they found 2 non-lethal pellet guns and an iPad showing evidence of the threatening posts. Facebook can be accessed on any device so I think they just wanted a new iPad.

    Serrapio’s lawyer said that the college student didn’t actually intend to hurt the president but instead, “He wanted to get a reaction from political supporters of President Obama.” Brilliant, I know.

    Obama has had a lot of death threat over the last 4 years, but apparently the Secret Service thought that this one warranted this kid getting arrested. He faces up to 5 years in prison, but his lawyer expects him to get less.

  • Secretary Of Energy Uses Facebook To Review Avengers

    Steven Chu is the Secretary of Energy for the United States, he is also a Nobel Prize winner for Physics. Now he can add movie reviewer to his resume. Today he went on Facebook to talk about the movie that has made over 1 billion dollars so far.

    I’m going to give everyone here a big SPOILER ALERT, because a lot of his statements about the movie might give away a little of the plot. SO if you haven’t seen the movie yet, move along…nothing to see here. If you have seen the movie, then read on!

    Apparently when Nobel prize winner Secretary Chu is too busy for the “the Avengers”, so he talked to his “buzzing” staff about the movie. What he got from his staff was the Tesseract and how it would have real world implications to have a perpetual energy source. He also loved that the Avengers kicked ass while having 2 scientists on the team. The rest of his post is pro green energy, bad traditional energy. As an Obama appointee, what else would you expect as this has been a driving point in his administration.

    Here is the entirety of the post from his Facebook page:

    Steven Chu

    I can rarely find the time to make it to the movies, but my staff is buzzing about The Avengers, which focuses on a new, limitless clean energy source called “The Tesseract.” In the film, there is evidently an intergalactic struggle to claim this new resource – one we can only win by relying on heroes like Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, and the Incredible Hulk. Naturally, the group includes a couple scientists!While the “Tesseract” may be fictional, the real-life global competition over clean energy is growing increasingly intense, as countries around the world sense a huge economic opportunity AND the opportunity for cleaner air, water, and a healthier planet. This is now a $260 billion global market, a sum that would impress even Tony Stark. According to the International Energy Agency, last year — for the first time — more money was invested worldwide in clean, renewable power plants than in fossil fuel power plants.Given how big the opportunity is, and how fast it is growing, it is no surprise that 80 countries have adopted policies or incentives to capture a share of the clean energy market. The good news is that we have an advantage every bit as powerful as the Incredible Hulk: Americans’ talent for entrepreneurship and innovation is unrivalled by any other country in the world. We have world-leading scientific facilities that would make Bruce Banner green with envy, and the investments we’re making today in groundbreaking new technologies can help American businesses stay ahead of the curve.Ultimately, however, the clean energy prize is still up for grabs and countries like China are competing aggressively. It’s not enough for us to simply invent the technologies of the future, we need to actually build and deploy them here as well. As President Obama noted recently, one step Congress should take immediately is to renew the expiring tax credits for clean energy – a step that will create jobs and help American companies compete. When it comes to clean energy, our motto should be: “Invented in America, Made in America, Sold Around the World.”(image)

  • Obama Gay Marriage Support Sees Urban Backlash

    The Presidential election season is upon us and things are going to start to get nasty. Now that we know, for sure, who the two candidates are going to be, they will start to solidify their beliefs and try to demonize the other guy. Last week, President Barack Obama came out in support of gay marriage. While this was a flip flop from his previous stance, it pretty much reflects the party line. But he may have hurt himself more than helping himself in this instance. After the announcement of his support, there has been some complaints from his urban base. Here is a recording of a morning radio show on hip hop station Hot 97 in New York City:

    As you can see from this selectively edited video, people who listen to this station are angry. Some don’t think that it is right for gay people to get married, some do not agree with gay people at all. It was summed up perfectly when the hosts asked a caller identified as Anthony: “Anthony, how do you feel about Obama? You’re not feeling him, huh?” Anthony’s response is what many African Americans seem in general to feel, and while the overall support numbers for minorities and gay marriage are gaining, they are still mainly against it. He said “No, because I’m totally against that same-sex marriage, man. I’m 27, I grew up in the days where a female’s supposed to marry a female, I mean a male supposed to marry a female.”

    Proposition 8 was on the ballot in California in 2008. It was a measure that, as described in Wikipedia, would add a new provision, Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, to the California Constitution, which provides that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” While it passed by a slim margin of 52.24% who voted yes to 47.76% who voted no, the biggest eye opener for the Democratic party and liberals in general is that 70% of African Americans voted yes on prop 8.

    So it seems as though Obama has a bigger hole to pull himself out of now, because a New York Times/CBS News poll found Sixty-seven percent said they thought Obama’s announcement was made “mostly for political reasons,” while 24 percent said it was “mostly because he thinks it is right.” Also found in the poll was that 70 percent of Independents attribute the president’s move to politics, along with nearly half of Democrats. A caller on Hot 97 had pretty much the same sentiment saying: “I’m not going to vote for Obama because I feel like… he knew he was losing votes and he needed to get people’s attention. And that’s what he did. Why did he want to do this now?””