
Tag: northstar

  • Coronavirus: FCC Grants Verizon Temporary Spectrum

    Coronavirus: FCC Grants Verizon Temporary Spectrum

    In an effort to help keep up with increased demand and strain on their network, the FCC has temporarily granted Verizon additional spectrum.

    As increasing numbers of companies send workers home, individuals are relying on their wireless connections more than ever, both for telecommuting and everyday life. To help wireless companies keep up with demand, the FCC has already granted additional spectrum to T-Mobile and U.S. Cellular.

    “Wireless services are a vital part of connectivity, and this has never been truer than during this crisis, when so many people are turning to telework, remote learning, and telehealth options,” said Chairman Pai. “I want to thank Northstar and SNR for their willingness to allow this use of the spectrum for which they hold licenses. I’m also grateful to Verizon for seeking out ways to meet increased consumer demand. And I want to give a special thanks to our partners at the Department of Defense and NTIA for their efforts in working with us to ensure that this emergency authority could be granted quickly.”

    This is likely not the last time the FCC will need to help carriers deal with the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Rapper Explains Why He Severed His Penis

    Rapper Explains Why He Severed His Penis

    Back in April, a Wu-Tang Clan-affiliated rapper named Christ Bearer, a.k.a Andre Johnson, severed his penis and jumped off a second story balcony in North Hollywood while high on PCP. Now Johnson has explained his motivation behind his self-mutilation, and revealed that he was in control of his actions at the time of the incident.

    “Yes, I was using drugs that night, but I was in complete control,” Johnson told E! “I cut it off because that was the root of all my problems. My solution to the problem was the realization that sex is for mortals, and I am a god. Those kinds of activities got me into trouble, and I came here to be a god.”

    Christ Bearer is a member of the rap outfit Northstar, and claims he’s been silent on the matter of his penis so far because “People perceived me as crazy, so I never wanted to speak wholeheartedly on the matter.” Interestingly, Johnson told TMZ on video early in July that his penis was reattached and works, and that he wants to appear in a porno.

    Johnson went on to reveal to E! that doctors were unable to reattach anything. Scientifically, there is a 50% chance that Johnson has a penis.

    Here is Christ Bearer’s video for The God:

    Johnson said he was grateful to still be alive when he awoke in a hospital bed, and began visiting with a psychologist after being discharged. Johnson claims that he’s been deemed mentally okay, and commented, “I didn’t want to kill myself. That was just my response to the demons. They were doing their best to get to me, but being alive solidified my thoughts. … I’m alive, penis or no penis.”

    Phencyclidine, or PCP, is a diassociative drug with effects that include severe changes in body image, loss of ego boundaries, paranoia, depersonalization, hallucinations, euphoria, suicidal impulses and aggressive behavior.

    Image via Youtube