
Tag: Ninjas

  • New Energy Gel Promises “Ninja-Like” Focus

    We’ve all heard the claims before, seen the commercials. Coffee ramps you up, but gives you jitters and then drops you off a cliff, but our product will give you energy for hours! And you’ll see more clearly, work harder, and rise to superhero status! Yeah, right.

    The makers of the GungHo energy shot don’t promise miracles, but they do promise “ninja-like” focus. From the product’s website:

    “GungHo is not just the world’s only energy shot with Ninja-like focus. It’s also a standard of excellence, born from a relentless pursuit of awesomeness. Here, we believe in values—values that begin with both authenticity and simplicity, and end with… well, value.”

    This is typical of the silly marketing pitch that can be found all over the site. Their ad, which they have posted to YouTube, is particularly wild:

    The site claims GungHo is the only energy drink product that is proven to improve focus and concentration. However, it also claims to increase or improve “brain energy”, whatever that is.

    By far the funniest marketing ploy by GungHo is the set of videos featuring the “semi-pro Call of Duty team, Downfall” reading marketing text into webcams:

    So what do you think about GungHo, or energy drinks in general? Are you going to order some GungHo to wow your friends with magical ninja powers?