
Tag: movie calendar

  • German Nursing Home Makes Best Calendar Ever

    A retirement home in Essen, Germany decided to make a calendar featuring some residents, but these aren’t your average calendar photos. Rather than the pretty-but-expected shots of residents walking through gardens or decorating a Christmas tree, the photos are takes on famous films, and the result is spectacular.

    “It was really exciting to sit on such a vehicle,” said 90-year-old Kurt Neuhaus, who posed on a motorcycle for the “Easy Rider” shot. “Ideally, I would set off.”

    Among the films represented are “Rocky”, “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”, “Titanic”, “Mary Poppins”, and “James Bond”. Looking at these, you can tell the subjects–whose ages range from 75 to 98–had a ton of fun. Every nursing home should do this.

    Hat-tip to Gawker / reddit

    Images via Imgur