
Tag: monica lewinsky scandal

  • Monica Lewinsky Speaks Candidly About Bill Clinton Affair and Joins Twitter, Amassing 35K Followers in 8 Hours

    Monica Lewinsky, the woman best known for an infamous affair with President Bill Clinton, spoke candidly Monday about the aftermath of the scandal.

    Lewinsky, 41, spoke about the affair with Clinton at the Forbes Under 30 Summit in Philadelphia, including the blow the scandal caused to her self-esteem.

    “Frankly, I came close to disintegrating. No, it’s not too strong a word. I wish it were, but it isn’t,” said Lewinsky, tearfully. “A relentless mantra in my head: I want to die.”

    She recalled how her life turned upside-down after news of the affair broke.

    “Overnight, I went from being a completely private figure, to a publicly humiliated one. I was ‘patient zero’ – the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the Internet.”

    According to Lewinsky, who now works on behalf of victims of online humiliation and harassment, she had to construct a separate mental reality to cope with the public display of her private life.

    “During this period, I gradually came to realize that there were two Monica Lewinskys … There was me, and there was public Monica Lewinsky,” she said. “A somewhat curious character, constructed by political factions and the media. Constructed with a little fact, and a lot of fiction. My friends didn’t know that Monica. My family didn’t know that Monica. And this Monica, the real Monica standing here today, didn’t know her either.”

    Lewinsky — who joined Twitter on Monday and amassed more than 35,000 followers in the first eight hours — first broke her decade-long silence about the affair in May, when she wrote an article in Vanity Fair, in which she said, “It’s time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress.”

    She detailed the days leading up to and following the scandal, and expressed some self-forgiving over her mistakes.

    “I fell in love with my boss,” she confessed. “In a 22-year-old sort of way, it happens. But my boss was the president of the United States. That probably happens less often.”

  • Monica Lewinsky Needs To Go Away

    Why is anyone talking or caring about Monica Lewinsky right now?

    The fact that Hillary Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, may announce plans to try for the White House once more is not a good enough reason for a political relic to be garnering this much attention.

    In 2008, hardly anyone cared about the scandal from the 1990s. Of course racial vs sexism in politics was what all the media outlets were gabbing about.

    Who had time for the former mistress with so much other ammo was right there for news pundits?

    Now is a bizarre time to break one’s silence.

    Did she need everyone’s undivided attention with Barack not the star, but on his way out of Washington D.C.? Did a Beyonce lyric drive the infamous “other woman” out into the public eye?

    Again….who cares and why?

    Following the George W. Bush presidency, what happened with her and the former president is hardly noteworthy in a post 9/11 and post gay marriage political world. A lot can change in a couple of decades, and the scandal barely qualifies as “old news” worth rehashing.

    It’s also important to note that this is someone who will never be relevant in politics or any other field for any other reason than sleeping with a former president. This is her fate and her lot in life. That will be her footnote in the halls of history.

    It may seem unfair that the Clintons remained married and the husband’s legacy is intact. Meanwhile Lewinsky can’t even give her full name no doubt without being asked if she’s THAT Monica Lewinsky.

    However, let’s look at this logically for a moment.

    The generation that was born at the height of the scandal likely do not remember or care about most of the parties involved. Hillary Clinton is known for her own political career to these voting youngsters far more so than as a wronged political wife.

    She will move forward based on her political accomplishments. If Clinton is hindered, it will be because those political views and accomplishments are polarizing. Yes, sexism may play a role.

    None of the relevant players today have anything to do with a Throwback-Thursday of a scandal. At least not anymore.

    Now that Monica Lewinsky has set the record straight (albeit at a time no one needed or asked for such a thing), perhaps she can do what she should have done nearly twenty years ago: Change her name, dye her hair, leave the country and dare to get into a line of work that won’t bring her anywhere near the White House.

    Image via YouTube

  • Monica Lewinsky Scandal Still Haunting The Clintons

    It seems like the Clintons just can’t get away from Monica Lewinsky. Although the affair between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky allegedly occurred many years ago, Monica could cause some trouble for Hillary Clinton if she decides to run for president.

    While most people will always remember the Monica Lewinsky scandal and Bill Clinton’s impeachment based on alleged acts of perjury and obstruction of justice related to the scandal, would anyone really hold that against Hillary?

    It appears that Rand Paul may try to use the scandal to his advantage. The Democrats have claimed that the Republicans are waging a ‘war on women,” but Paul claims that this isn’t the case and that the Democrats are the ones who have a history of using women.

    “One of the workplace laws and rules that I think are good is that bosses shouldn’t prey on young interns in their office. And I think really the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this,” Paul said.

    “Someone who takes advantage of a young girl in their office? I mean, really. And then they have the gall to stand up and say, ‘Republicans are having a war on women’? So, yes, I think it’s a factor. No, it’s not Hillary’s fault,” he continued.

    Although it is likely that the Lewinsky scandal will be used against Hillary Clinton, it may not hurt her chances of winning. Since the scandal occurred so long ago, most new voters and younger voters are not likely to remember it.

    As Paul said himself, it is not Hillary’s fault that Bill and Monica chose to have an affair or that her husband chose to lie about it.

    Do you think the Lewinsky scandal will be used against Hillary in the presidential election and do you think it will hurt her chances of winning?

    Image via Wikimedia Commons.