
Tag: mobile Web brower

  • Netflix Update: Fixed Android 4.3 Problems

    If you have anything to do with Nexus HD or Android 4.3  or others systems or devices of the like, you might want to read this. According to one report, an annoying little bug problem appears fixed because Netflix has an update for it now.

    “You might have noticed that the newest version of Android was having troubles at times with the streaming service app. Whatever the issue was, it has been resolved in the newest update that is now available through Google Play.”

    Opera also seems to have jumped onto the proverbial product “bandwagon.”

    For the layman (or woman), Opera is a smartphone mobile Web browser suited to work as a Personal Digital Assistant or “PDA.” PDAs are also referred to as “Palmtop computers.” The browser often enables portable media to play on such devices. Netflix and effective mobile browsers often walk “hand-in-hand.”

    “Fixing a few bugs, Opera improved the method for clearing cookies and resolved an issue that caused the app to be uninstalled from certain Samsung devices. The update also promises memory leak plugs and overall stability improvements.”

    Not all Android problems are over, however. Auto rotation, battery life, and even “sluggish user interface” difficulties still seem to plaque Android customers even still. Functionality issues, often preempting user to perform hard resets simply after launching the application, have generated much frustration.

    “In addition to the Netflix bug, we’ve been hearing about a number of different problems with Android 4.3, problems that Google has not promised to take a look at. Maybe the most prominent of the bunch are the battery life complaints that we’ve been receiving from old Nexus 7 owners in particular. Several Nexus 7 2012 owners have complained that their device drains abnormally, even when it Airplane Mode.”

    As many customers reportedly received false permanent notifications, Android’s 4.3 TuneIn Radio updated to Version 5 to remedy this issue, too.