
Tag: mobile e-commerce

  • Walmart Recognizes Mobile as the Future of E-Commerce

    As the popularity of smartphones and tablet computers continues to increase, more and more customers are taking advantage of mobile devices to access online shopping and promotions.

    Last year alone, U.S. consumers spend almost $200 billion online.

    Walmart is no exception to the increasing mobile shopping trend. In fact, Walmart is going out of their way to make e-commerce and the physical retail marketplace a seamless transition.

    As their CEO, Joel Anderson puts it, “What we have to do is provide anytime, anywhere access. The customer is demanding that”.

    Walmart CEO, Joel Anderson, comments on the future of retail:

    “I can’t overstate how mobile is changing how we interact with our consumers,”

    “We have to embrace these changes,”

    And adding value to the online shopping experience is something Walmart has been excelling at. At the beginning of June they announced a new sampler program aimed at bringing consumers gourmet and exotic snacks. The service, called Goodies, gives consumers an opportunity to try out treats that are seldom available in stores, Walmart or elsewhere.

    Walmart has also gained popularity in the online streaming video arena with their Vudu platform, and interconnected DVD to digital exchange program.

    They were also one of the first (and still one of the few) to address the online payment issue for customers who don’t use debit and credit cards. Purchasing goods online and paying with cash is as simple as stopping by your local Walmart to pay the balance in your shopping cart. If you don’t think this makes Walmart.com a sure winner in the eyes of countless consumers, you better check again.

    I’m not an advocate for Walmart, but the evidence is very compelling; they are fixated on delivering products and services in a way that makes them the standard by which everyone measures themselves. Mobile is the future of e-commerce and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they beat everyone else to the finish line.