
Tag: Mobile App Analytics

  • Adobe Announces New Mobile App Analytics Offering

    Adobe Announces New Mobile App Analytics Offering

    Adobe announced a new mobile app analytics offering called Adobe Analytics – Mobile Apps, which is obviously aimed at helping marketers and developers measure the effectiveness of apps, and get a better idea of how people are using them on different devices.

    Adobe Analytics – Mobile Apps includes enhanced support for iBeacons, app acquisition analytics, a new mobile SDK that integrates with Adobe Target for A/B testing, Customer Lifetime Value reports, and retention analysis.

    “To under­stand how users are find­ing, down­load­ing, and using apps, app acqui­si­tion ana­lyt­ics allow mar­keters to prop­erly attribute the suc­cess of app acqui­si­tion cam­paigns across paid, earned, and owned media back to all post-download user engage­ment,” explains Adobe’s Jeff Allen in a blog post. “A sin­gle mobile SDK inte­grates with Adobe Tar­get (A/B test­ing), Audi­ence Man­ager (third-party data inte­gra­tions with audi­ence seg­men­ta­tion), and Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ager (devel­op­ment and man­age­ment of app con­tent) to dis­play a broad array of met­rics in real time includ­ing life­cy­cle, device-centric, and location-specific data. For exam­ple, mar­keters can under­stand how fre­quently peo­ple launch the app, which seg­ments are dri­ving the high­est con­ver­sion rates, how app usage dif­fers in-store vs. out-of-store, and much more.”

    “Cus­tomer life­time value reports using cus­tomer attrib­utes based on your app mon­e­ti­za­tion strat­egy, such as prod­uct pur­chases, video views, and ad impres­sions, help mar­keters bet­ter under­stand and tar­get cus­tomers based on their pro­jected life­time value,” adds Allen. “Built-in sup­port for iBea­cons enables mar­keters to tar­get and deliver location-based mes­sages in a vari­ety of settings—from retail stores to large event venues. And, reten­tion analy­sis allows them to under­stand the reten­tion of newly acquired users, seg­ment cus­tomers based on how they use the app, and more.”

    Adobe Analytics – Mobile Apps will be available next month. More details here.

    Adobe says its analytics offering is already used by over 140,000 marketers.

    Image via Adobe

  • Get More Out Google Mobile App Analytics [Android]

    Google has been putting out some educational videos about how to get more out of Google Analytics, and not just those from the recently launched Analytics Academy offering.

    This one is about a half hour long, and features Google engineer Andrew Wales discussing how to get more out of attribution and campaign measurement on Android using Mobile App Analytics.

    It runs through: campaigns and universal analytics, Google Play campaign measurement (how it works, implementation, testing and common issues) and general campaign measurement.

    Google has been making quite a few changes to Analytics. Get a look at some of the new stuff here.

  • Google Opens Mobile App Analytics Up To All

    In June, Google introduced Mobile App Analytics in closed beta. At the time, the company said it would be opening up the beta in waves. I guess the final tidal wave is upon us, as Google announced today that it is now open to everyone in public beta.

    “With ever-expanding mobile application marketplaces (more than 600,000 apps on Google Play at the time of writing) and a shift in focus to mobile (more than 80 percent of marketers are planning to increase emphasis in mobile initiatives in 2013, according to recent research we conducted with ClickZ) measuring mobile is more important now than ever,” JiaJing Wang from the Google Analytics Team says in a blog post.

    Google has also added some new features to the offering. For one, there is a new sign-up flow for all Google Analytics users. Users will see it whenever they set up a new entity on Google Analytics.

    “In just 3 clicks, you’ll be able to set up your app analytics account, download the SDK, and be well on the way to tracking key metrics and finding valuable insights using our features,” says Wang.

    There are new Android and IOS SDKs, which Google says are more powerful, yet “really easy to implement”.

    There is a new App Versions report, which lets you know how quickly users are migrating to the latest version of your app, what the cannibalization effect is among your different versions, and how many users would be affected if you deprecated an early version.

    App Versions report

    There is also a new version of “Custom Variables” called “Custom Dimensions,” which let you create your own dimensions by which to segment hits in each standard or custom Google Analytics report, and leverage your business/customer data as custom dimension values. This feature will actually be rolled out over the next few weeks.

    “Other improvements include: more accurate & up-to-date mobile device library, armv7s ( iOS6) support, support for social interaction tracking, a more accurate Google Play conversion report and more,” says Wang.

    From the sound of it, Google has plenty more features up its sleeve for launch in the near future.