
Tag: mailbox

  • Dropbox’s Popular Mailbox App is Officially Dead

    Dropbox’s Popular Mailbox App is Officially Dead

    In December, Dropbox announced that it would shut down Carousel and Mailbox on March 31st and February 26 respectively. Well, that second date is here, and it’s officially time to bid Mailbox farewell.

    Many are sad to see it go, though Dropbox notes that some key features and ideas from both are being built into the main Dropbox app. The post in December said:

    In 2013, we acquired Mailbox because we believed in the way it was making mobile email better. In 2014, we launched Carousel to create a new way to experience and share photos. With both, we aspired to extend the simplicity of Dropbox to other parts of our users’ lives.

    Building new products is about learning as much as it’s about making. It’s also about tough choices. Over the past few months, we’ve increased our team’s focus on collaboration and simplifying the way people work together. In light of that, we’ve made the difficult decision to shut down Carousel and Mailbox.

    You can get all your Mailbox questions answered on this FAQ page.

    Image via Dropbox

  • Dropbox Shuts Down Carousel And Mailbox

    Dropbox Shuts Down Carousel And Mailbox

    Dropbox announced on Monday that it is shutting down its Carousel and Mailbox products on March 31st and February 26th respectively.

    From the sound of it, key features and ideas from these products will be utilized in the Dropbox app. A post on the company blog says:

    In 2013, we acquired Mailbox because we believed in the way it was making mobile email better. In 2014, we launched Carousel to create a new way to experience and share photos. With both, we aspired to extend the simplicity of Dropbox to other parts of our users’ lives.

    Building new products is about learning as much as it’s about making. It’s also about tough choices. Over the past few months, we’ve increased our team’s focus on collaboration and simplifying the way people work together. In light of that, we’ve made the difficult decision to shut down Carousel and Mailbox.

    Dropbox says it will aid in making the transitions from both Carousel and Mailbox as painless as possible. You can find relevant information for Carousel here and for Mailbox here.

    Image via Dropbox

  • Mailbox Theft Brings Federal Action, 27 People Charged

    Snail mail isn’t as popular as it once was, especially with the prevalence and ease of email, but it is still a useful, important part of many a person’s life. After all, how else would you be able to get your Amazon packages, or send tacky Christmas cards? A group of folks with bad intentions in the California area didn’t have their eyes on those goodies, though; when they took to robbing mailboxes, they were on the search for prescription medications, credit card information, and checks.

    Mail theft had been a problem in the Central Valley area of California for a majority of the 2013 year, and federal action has finally managed to put a stop to it. Postal investigators, coupled with police officers, targeted large groups of mail thieves, who would rob mailboxes in bulk. Sacramento, Fresno and Bakersfield were hit particularly hard during the crime ring’s reign.

    The thieves targeted multiple-slot boxes and post office lobbies, swiping goods from many people in one swoop. They also broke into postal trucks, mostly in order to acquire postal keys that they then counterfeited. They were after checks, credit card information, and other personal identification. All together, the thieves were able to rack up about $400,000 in total losses.

    U.S. Attorney Ben Wagner proposed that the astounding amount of mail theft in the area was due to the large population of drug users, as well as the history of methamphetamine abuse in the area. Saying that addicts will often resort to theft to fuel their drug habit, Wagner pointed out that the large, multi-slot boxes that were repeatedly targeted were “tempting targets if you’re a mail thief.”

    Gregory Campbell Jr., deputy chief postal inspector for Western Field Operations, agreed with Wagner, saying, “Where there’s meth, there’s mail [theft], and there is a correlation between those who are on substance abuse and going out to do things to accommodate their habit. And it just so happens that mail theft is one of those things.”

    27 people had charges brought against them in total. Six of these people are being charged in the Kern and Sacramento counties of California, while the other 21 are facing federal charges. Nine of those 21 have been sentenced to 4 years in prison, each, and the others can expect similar results, since the maximum penalty for mail theft is 5 years.

    Image via YouTube.