
Tag: lost planet

  • ‘Lost Planet 3’ Released, Nobody Seems to Care

    Though the current console generation is finally coming to an end, stale current-generation titles are still falling victim to the fatigue. The latest casualty seems to be Lost Planet 3.

    The original Lost Planet: Extreme Condition received mixed reviews in 2006, but was one of the first games to demonstrate the technical leaps that could be achieved with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Lost Planet 2 reviews were middling as well, and now the series seems to have overstayed its welcome with Lost Planet 3. Reviews for the game cite poor level design and boring gameplay as factors in the game’s relatively low review scores.

    Even Capcom doesn’t seem excited for Lost Planet 3. The publisher promoted the title sparsely, preferring to focus on Monster Hunter and Dead Rising 3. Even today, on Lost Planet 3‘s launch day, Capcom could spare only five sentences for the game in a blog post- and one of those sentences was a promise to provide multiplayer sessions and activities for a Lost Planet 3 community that probably won’t exist.

    The Capcom blog post did contain a launch trailer, which actually makes the game look pretty exciting. Enjoy the video, but beware purchasing the game before it hits bargain bins this holiday season.

  • New Lost Planet 3 Trailer Gets Inside Jim’s Head

    Though the game seems destined to be quickly forgotten this fall amidst the excitement over Grand Theft Auto V and various next-generation console launch titles, Lost Planet 3 is still on-track for a late summer release. The title will be out for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on August 27.

    Capcom today released a new trailer for Lost Planet 3. The video highlights main character Jim and his inner monologue about what it takes to survive along in a harsh environment. A few of the monsters Jim will face are featured, as well as a glimpse of the character’s backstory:

    Gamers who pre-order Lost Planet 3 will get access to some extra DLC “RIG” upgrades and five extra characters for the game’s multiplayer mode, including Hunk from the Resident Evil games. A preview of the game’s multiplayer modes can be seen here, and an older (but pretty long) gameplay video can be found here.

  • More Lost Planet 3 Multiplayer Footage Released

    Last week, Capcom release a multiplayer trailer for the upcoming Lost Planet 3. Today, Capcom has released an even longer look at the multiplayer of Lost Planet 3. In the new video, Lost Planet 3 Producer Andrew Szymanski talks about what players can expect with each of the new multiplayer modes added to the game.

    Both the trailer and this new video have revealed two new Lost Planet multiplayer modes – Scenario and Akrid Survival.

    Scenario puts a team up against offensive or defensive challenges that they can face in either third-person or first-person modes. Akrid Survival puts two teams up against several waves of Akrid before pitting them against each other.

  • Here’s Your First Look At The Multiplayer In Lost Planet 3

    At the beginning of this generation, Capcom was incredibly aggressive with new IPs like Dead Rising and Lost Planet. The former seems to have slowly died out, but the latter will be getting a new installment later this year.

    Capcom revealed today that Lost Planet 3 will have four multiplayer modes that challenge players to go toe-to-toe with each other or the giant bug-like Akrid that roam the icy wastes of the planet. Two of the modes – Scenario Mode and Akrid Survival – were detailed today:

    Scenario Mode sets each team with a series of either offensive or defensive challenges and mixes them up with the extreme and unpredictable conditions of E.D.N. III. Players can compete in both third-person on-foot action and in first-person combat using Vital Suits, a futuristic staple of the LP series.

    Akrid Survival sees two teams of three players compete independently of each other in a series of encounters against waves of hostile Akrid before the teams go head to head in a final PvP elimination round.

    It looks decent so far, but developer Spark Unlimited’s past endeavors do not inspire confidence. Remember, these are the guys behind Legendary and Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. I highly recommend them if you’re looking for something worse than Duke Nukem Forever.

    Lost Planet 3 launches August 27 on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

  • Lost Planet 3 Walkthrough Trailer Unveiled

    Now that Resident Evil 6 has launched to middling reviews, Capcom can switch its marketing efforts over to promoting its next big blockbuster sequel, Lost Planet 3. A bit of the tone for the game was glimpsed from the teaser trailer that Capcom released when the title was announced back in April, but no gameplay footage was shown at the time.

    Today, Capcom has made up for that by releasing a nearly 10-minute gameplay walkthrough with developer commentary. The footage is taken from New York Comic Con, which began today.

    In the trailer, seen below, the game’s protagonist, Jim, makes his way through an akrid nest to get to a damaged communications station. After repairing the satellite dish, Jim gets familiar with more of the local wildlife while trying out the new Rig vehicle, which the developer states is the largest vehicle the series has ever had. Fans of the previous games will notice that some of the akrid types seen in the video are new to the Lost Planet franchise.

  • The Discovery of Our Solar System’s Rogue Planet

    Scientists believe the solar system as we know it was once just a cloud of dust surrounding a newborn star. Gravity caused those dust particle to form into pebbles, then boulders, then eventually coalescing into the planets we know today. Over the course of 100 million years, the eight planets we know today went from nothing more than space dust to the massive (sort of) celestial object we know today.

    That is the tale that astronomers believe today. All except for one, and those that have now joined in believing his new theory. According to Discover, Astronomer David Nesvorny of the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado contends that there may have been a ninth planet at some point during our solar system’s history. (And he doesn’t mean Pluto, which is now classified as a dwarf planet) Nesvorny thinks that there was once a gas giant that flew off the gravitational handle, so to speak, billions of years ago.

    Nesvorny came up with this theory while experimenting with models of our solar system’s history. He discovered that in these early models, the four gas giants that we know today, were constantly jostling for position. In our early solar system, these gaseous planets would have been much closer together, and the gravitational pull of Juptier would have thrown one of the others into space.

    So he proposed that a fifth gaseous giant existed around this time. When he ran the test models again, low and behold, the system worked. Jupiter knocked out the introduced planet and spared Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, giving us the model we have today.

    The simulations also revealed that when this scenario is played out, it also shifted the orbits of the remaining planets. Jupiter moved closer to the sun, while Uranus and Neptune moved even farther away from there original positions — reflecting the current position of these planets today.

    It could also explain what scientists call the Late Heavy Bombardment — a period in our solar system’s history when small objects on the edge of the solar system were flung toward Earth and the inner planets.

    According to Discover, Nesvorny’s study was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters right around the time that other scientists discovered that the Milky Way may contain hundreds of billions of “lost” planets floating through interstellar space. This fifth gas giant could be one of them.
